On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 10:59 PM Onur Eser wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have talked to my BSP provider and they have solved the conflict files
> issue with an update. Now I am able to create and boot a Yocto Image with
> Meta-Qt5 recipes and 'dev_pkgs' in it. But still cannot create a toolchain.
On 13.07.19 13:53, JH wrote:
Hi Moritz,
Thanks for your explanation, I know the copy from your script is for
an example, Did you get the zImage-initramfs? I'll double check to
follow your and Zoran documents.
Yes I have a working initramfs now. As I said the main problem for me
was that I
as far as I know, there is no mechanism to add custom bootargs and/or
bootcmd to uboot via Yocto (correct me if I'm wrong). I usually patch the
upstream uboot to achieve this task.
Best regards,
Il giorno lun 8 lug 2019 alle ore 22:43 JH ha
> Hi,
> Which Yocto files and