On Sat, 23 Feb 2019 at 22:18, Philip Prindeville
> I’ve worked on a lot of embedded projects involving cross-building (like
> AstLinux and OpenWrt), but I’m new to Yocto so please bear with the noob
> questions.
> I’d like to build packages (mostly RPM’s, plus a Linux kernel or three) o
Hi Hongxu,
> -Original Message-
> From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org]
> On Behalf Of Stephen Lawrence
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2019 8:52 AM
> To: Hongxu Jia ; richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org;
> mhalst...@linuxfoundation.org; ross.bur...@intel
Thank you for the clarification.
In do_install(), I used rpm2cpio.sh to extract the rpm and then copied the
rpm contents in the right place.
$rpm2cpio.sh *.rpm | cpio -idmv
I hope this is the right way to handle RPM packages.
RPM has a post-installation script that I need to handle. T
Hello All,
This is the full report for 2.7 M2 RC2:
=== Summary
All planned tests were executed.
Total Test Executed - 3624
Passed Test - 3607
Failed Test - 9
There were zero high milestone defect. Team had found 2 new defects in
Toaster[1] and BSP[2].
3 existing i
corrected bug summary:
[2] Bug 13178 - [2.7_m2_rc2][compliance test][LSB Test] "Failed to load module
Core_test.pm, samba_test.pm", LSB Test has failed"
Thanks & Regards,
Sangeeta Jain
From: Jain, Sangeeta
Sent: Monday, 25 February, 201
The final corrected report is as follows:
This is the full report for 2.7 M2 RC2:
=== Summary
All planned tests were executed.
Total Test Executed - 3624
Passed Test - 3607
Failed Test - 9
There were zero high milestone defect. Team had found 2 new defects in