wic cp? Can't spot it in the manual, but look in:
On Sun, 29 Jul 2018, 07:01 Karim Gillani, wrote:
> This commands places the file in the /boot directory but then a script
> used within rootfs can't see it.
> install -
Add it to your wic file - assuming that's how you're building your image.
If it's not, obviously it's not going to help you!
On Sun, 29 Jul 2018, 17:12 Karim Gillani, wrote:
> Thank you. Can I use that command in my image .bb file?
> so something like this?
> replace:
> install -m 0644 ${WORK
This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.
This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers
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until newer upstream version w
I am writing the recipe for the socketcand package. It looks so far very simple:
PR = "r0"
RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev += "${PN}-staticdev"
SRCREV = "df7fb4ff8a4439d7737fe2df3540e1ab7465721a"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/dschanoeh/socketcand.git;protocol=http"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit autot