So do you want a new patch with LDFLAGS only?
Pierre FICHEUX -/- CTO Smile-ECS, France -\- pierre.fich...@smile.fr
I would love to change the world, but they
Hello, all.
I’m trying to build the eSDK for my platform and I just can’t figure out why
dnf can’t find kernel-devsrc. It’s there, I added it. The “normal SDK” uses
it and builds fine. Just no luck with the eSDK.
Any help out there? Poky is pyro. aarch64 SoC target platform with an x86
Dear Yocto Team Member,
I've been reading :
on this part :
use icecc service provided by your distribution (e.g. in ubuntu set
ICECC_SCHEDULER_HOST in /etc/icecc/icecc.conf and enable START_ICECC in
/etc/default/icecc) ...
What sho
Dear Yocto Team Member,
I tried
#:~/poky/build$ bitbake core-image-minimal
Is my auto make disabled with icecc ?
How to make it enable ? thanks.
Here's the messages:
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
ERROR: automake-native-1.15-r0 do_compile: o
I recently purchased Terasic DE10-Nano Kit board, and I wonder how I can build
Linux image for it.
(Though it comes with binary SD card.)
I can see below, and I tried meta-de10-nano/REDME.md steps (priecisely it is
not yocto?), but I met errors during bitbake.