Thanks for sharing, this is something I may also encounter.
yocto mailing list
Hi All,
I am using poky-krogoth source and meta-altera layer. I am building kernel
locally using externalsrc. while building external module i am getting
ERROR: Task do_make_scripts in /home/praveenk/source/platform/build/../meta-
skeleton/recipes-kernel/hello-mod/ depends
I'll have to investigate this further. From a completely clean build
do_install_prepend always fails the first time, but simply restarting
the build again causes it to succeed. With do_deploy_prepend it always
succeeds without issue whether its the first or subsequent tries.
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 a
From: Jose Perez Carranza
Currently the tempates has a format as below:
Hence the logic was adapted to follow above structure and also a
commit paramater was added to follow the format of build as follows:
Signed-off-by: Jose Perez Carranza
First of all, I have been working with yocto/oe for some time now and
enjoy and appreciate it very much!
I have a question regarding toaster in a "Production Instance" Setup. I
have tried to set toaster up on Ubuntu 16.04 following the
I integrated the patch,
On 02/21/2017 10:47 AM, wrote:
> From: Jose Perez Carranza
> Currently the tempates has a format as below:
> Hence the logic was adapted to follow above structure and also a
> commit paramate
I can't reproduce the problem you're seeing and I'm interested in
knowing more about how you're building to see if I can reproduce it.
I've done 4 builds: 2 on master, 2 on morty; one of which (for each
master and morty) is poky and one on OE's nodistro. All of them are
able to build this recipe (
Okay, thanks for the review!! I'll create a v3 and post it next week.
I'm away and don't have a board with me to test.
On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Eddie Cai wrote:
> Hi
> 2017-02-19 16:31 GMT+08:00 Jacob Chen :
>> Hi all,
>> Eddie Cai wrote on 2017年02月19日 14:32:
>> Hi Trevor
Great, thanks for the review!
On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 3:17 AM, Jacob Chen wrote:
> Hi Trevor,
> 2017-02-19 13:03 GMT+08:00 Eddie Cai :
>> Hi Trevor
>> 2017-02-19 10:43 GMT+08:00 Trevor Woerner :
>>> Set the default preferred bootloader for firefly-rk3288 to be
>>> u-boot-rockchip
>>> and se
Almost. The file you created a patch against had DEFAULTTUNE which
has been removed so I had to create a new patch that would apply. If
you're happy with this patch (which is very similar to yours) I'll add
your signed-off-by line to it when I commit?
On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Eddie Cai
Hi Trevor
2017-02-22 6:25 GMT+08:00 Trevor Woerner :
> Almost. The file you created a patch against had DEFAULTTUNE which
> has been removed so I had to create a new patch that would apply. If
> you're happy with this patch (which is very similar to yours) I'll add
> your signed-off-by line to
1. I wrote the recipe .bb to install the nano editor, the contents given
1 SUMMARY = "GNU nano- editor"
2 DESCRIPTION = "GNU nano - an enhanced clone for the pico editor"
4 HOMEPAGE = "";
From: Jackie Huang
The selinux PACKAGECONFIG is properly handled in
the recipe in oe-core, no need to inherit the
enable-selinux bbclass.
Signed-off-by: Jackie Huang
recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/recipes-core/systemd/
13 matches
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