On Wednesday 27 May 2015 21:36:41 Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 27 May 2015 at 18:55, mar.krzeminski wrote:
> > I have machine and in this machine I have two images. One of this images
> > is image for kernel initramfs.
> > In this image I want to change init manager to busybox mdev, while ine the
> >
On Saturday 23 May 2015 11:12:22 yocto yocto wrote:
> after looking at the config.log that I sent you I realized that all "unsafe
> for cross-compilation" message occur because the recipe tries to link
> against my local installation of postgresql-server-dev-9.3 and libpq-dev
> lying in /usr/lib. C
On Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Matthew Karas wrote:
> I have an ovpn file I'd like my system to start up with. I was able
> to install the openvpn file into /etc/openvpn using a bbappends file -
> but the system doesn't start openvpn like the openvpn docs describes.
> How do I set up openvpn to l
We are pleased to announce the third point release for Yocto Project
"daisy" 1.6.3.
This release contains 39 patches including 10 patches for known CVEs.
This release is available for download at:
We are pleased to announce the second point release for Yocto Project
"dizzy" 1.7.2.
This release contains 130 patches including 13 patches for known CVEs.
This release is available for download at: