I wonder if the M2, M3 and M4 milestones have been reached already?
The release schedule [1] says they were due on Nov 26 2012, Dec 24
2012 and Jan 11 2013 respectively, and even lists bugs against these.
[1] https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_1.4_Schedule
However, I cannot find an
in previous releases it ha always been possible to install a SDK
configured for a i686 machine on both x86 and x86_64 systems.
Since commit c04f5435 "populate_sdk_base.bbclass: use SDK_ARCH instead
of SDKMACHINE" this does not work any more; instead, installation will
abort with "Error: Insta
Hi Wolfgang,
On 01/22/2013 09:16 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Hi,
> in previous releases it ha always been possible to install a SDK
> configured for a i686 machine on both x86 and x86_64 systems.
> Since commit c04f5435 "populate_sdk_base.bbclass: use SDK_ARCH instead
> of SDKMACHINE" this do
Dear Laurentiu,
In message <50fe4900.7020...@intel.com> you wrote:
> > in previous releases it ha always been possible to install a SDK
> > configured for a i686 machine on both x86 and x86_64 systems.
> >
> > Since commit c04f5435 "populate_sdk_base.bbclass: use SDK_ARCH instead
> > of SDKMAC
Hi Jessica,
This patch applies on top of the last patch I sent on Thursday,
"[PATCH] [eclipse-poky][branch:windows-build]Performance fix for Linux
Attached is my local git log.
Please let me know it there are any problems.
-Original Message-
From: Zhang
On 01/22/2013 11:03 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> ==
> 1 ix86ix86works
> 2 ix86x86_64 works
> 3 x86_64 ix86cannot work
> 4 x86_
Hello Wolfgang,
>From a QA point of view, we are approaching the 1.4 M3 milestone. Here is what
>Saul wrote for the latest Full Pass request:
QA Teams:
Please do FULL Pass testing on this as a PRE-M3 Full Pass so we have some idea
of what's going on.
Git Rev: 9eb88ceb39b7d0b8ddc6487e61ce8eda
Dear Laurentiu,
In message <50fe5f87.4060...@intel.com> you wrote:
> > ==
> > 1 ix86ix86works
> > 2 ix86x86_64 works
> > 3 x86_64 ix86
Dear Cornel,
In message
<33115abc4887814e8a92a08fbc93416b08dc5...@irsmsx103.ger.corp.intel.com> you
> From a QA point of view, we are approaching the 1.4 M3 milestone.
> Here is what Saul wrote for the latest Full Pass request:
> "
> QA Teams:
> Please do FULL Pass testing on thi
From: Timo Mueller
Signed-off-by: Timo Mueller
scripts/build.sh | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/scripts/build.sh b/scripts/build.sh
index 54081d5..8d8b4c3 100755
--- a/scripts/build.sh
+++ b/scripts/build.sh
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ mkdir ${BUILD_DIR} || fail
I am not sure if this is the problem you are struggling with.
I am wondering why class module.bbclass behaves completely different
than kernel.bbclacc
copy the "hello-mod_0.1.bb" and "files" folder into my taget layer
"meta-intel/meta-jasperforest/recipe-kernel", then add
Hi all,
Over the past couple of weeks we have been working on some ideas for the
design of Web Hob. We are know searching for volunteers to give us their
opinion about them. It works like this:
- We arrange a 30-minute phone call at any time that suits you and a
screen-sharing session (using Skyp
On Monday 07 January 2013 13:05:37 Kevin Strasser wrote:
> This patch set contains a change which will not work with versions of poky
> prior to commit 51cbb5ae76a22d465e2f6c5ef923ec2682624e3b, and therefor
> should not be applied until after cutting a danny branch.
> The following changes since
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:26 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Cornel,
> In message
> <33115abc4887814e8a92a08fbc93416b08dc5...@irsmsx103.ger.corp.intel.com> you
> wrote:
>> From a QA point of view, we are approaching the 1.4 M3 milestone.
>> Here is what Saul wrote for the latest Full Pass r
Dear Elizabeth,
In message
> >> 1.4 M2 was kind of blurry because it landed during charismas and new
> >> year thus many of us were on vacation.
> >
> > So what exactly is the git commit ID of the 1.4 M2 milestone release?
> > I cannot see any matching tag in the git repository?
On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 3:26 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Cornel,
> In message <
> 33115abc4887814e8a92a08fbc93416b08dc5...@irsmsx103.ger.corp.intel.com>
> you wrote:
> >
> > From a QA point of view, we are approaching the 1.4 M3 milestone.
> > Here is what Saul wrote for the latest Full Pas
On Jan 21, 2013, at 5:16 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 4:35 PM, "Zhang, Jessica" wrote:
>> Hi Patrick,
>> Since you're able to add the dev packages to images, just do bitbake
>> yourimagewithALSA -c populate_sdk, that should generate a SDK contains ALSA.
>> By defaul
Dear John,
In message
you wrote:
> The M2 and M3 milestones were merged. Please see Liu Song's email on Dec
> 27, in part: "Yocto Project CCB has approved our request to merge M2 and M3
> together. So there won't be a M2 release and we will be working toward a M3
> release for M2 and M3 featur
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Eric Bénard wrote:
> Le Fri, 18 Jan 2013 10:25:22 -0500,
> Jon Szymaniak a écrit :
>> I checked the package list on a running system (opkg list | grep -i
>> qt). Here's all the installed Qt packages...no qt4-embedded-examples
>> as far as I see.
>> libqtcoree4
Hi all,
I was recently asked for a high-level roadmap for future releases, and I
couldn't find anything to point to on our website. We have this wiki page, but
it's somewhat out of date:
Do we have anything else at the moment? If not co
On 01/21/2013 06:05 PM, Rifenbark, Scott M wrote:
> Hi,
> I am reposting this to the discussion list and copying Darren Hart.
> Scott
> From: Eddy Lai GMail [mailto:eddy.lai...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 3:36 PM
> To: Rifenbark, Scott M
> Subject: Re: [yocto] YP Linux Kern
On 01/22/2013 12:59 AM, Christian Ege wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure if this is the problem you are struggling with.
> I am wondering why class module.bbclass behaves completely different
> than kernel.bbclacc
>> hi, I follow the kernel development manual "2.5. Incorporating
>> Out-of-Tree Mo
On Jan 15, 2013, at 1:16 PM, "Zhang, Jessica" wrote:
> For your LDFLAGS question in another email thread, the yocto SDK is mainly
> produced for application developer, but seems we are hearing more usage
> request for it to support kernel module build as well. As Eric pointed, can
> you just
On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:11 AM, Darren Hart wrote:
> On 01/15/2013 10:38 AM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
>> I finally found the entries that I was recalling earlier. They are:
>> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=241
>> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1614
>> https://
On 13-01-22 03:28 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:11 AM, Darren Hart wrote:
On 01/15/2013 10:38 AM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
I finally found the entries that I was recalling earlier. They are:
From: Nitin A Kamble
Here is a commit which adds an scc file for emgd-1.16 feature. It
depends on the emgd-1.16 branch in the kernel repo, for which a pull
request is already sent.
This commit keeps the emgd-1.14 driver support in the repo intact.
The following changes since com
From: Nitin A Kamble
Use the newly created emgd-1.16 branch to get the emgd-1.16
kernel driver sources.
Signed-off-by: Nitin A Kamble
.../features/drm-emgd/drm-emgd-1.16.scc|2 ++
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 meta/cfg/kernel-cache/fea
On 13-01-21 06:19 PM, Kamble, Nitin A wrote:
Hi Bruce,
I have created a branch for emgd-1.16 kernel driver for the v3.4
kernel repo over here.
It consists of mainly following 2 commits on top of the s
On 13-01-22 03:38 PM, nitin.a.kam...@intel.com wrote:
From: Nitin A Kamble
Here is a commit which adds an scc file for emgd-1.16 feature. It
depends on the emgd-1.16 branch in the kernel repo, for which a pull
request is already sent.
This commit keeps the emgd-1.14 driver support in the repo
On 13-01-21 06:19 PM, Kamble, Nitin A wrote:
Hi Bruce,
I have created a branch for emgd-1.16 kernel driver for the v3.4
kernel repo over here.
It consists of mainly following 2 commits on top of the s
> -Original Message-
> From: Bruce Ashfield [mailto:bruce.ashfi...@windriver.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:04 PM
> To: Kamble, Nitin A
> Cc: linux-yo...@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/1] meta: add emgd-1.16 driver support
> On 13-01-22 03:38 PM, nitin.a.kam...@inte
On 13-01-22 03:38 PM, nitin.a.kam...@intel.com wrote:
From: Nitin A Kamble
Here is a commit which adds an scc file for emgd-1.16 feature. It
depends on the emgd-1.16 branch in the kernel repo, for which a pull
request is already sent.
This commit keeps the emgd-1.14 driver support in the repo
Am Dienstag, den 22.01.2013, 11:14 +0100 schrieb Darren Hart
On 01/22/2013 12:59 AM, Christian Ege wrote:
I am not sure if this is the problem you are struggling with.
I am wondering why class module.bbclass behaves completely
than kernel.bbclacc
hi, I follow the kernel
Merged to eclipse-poky master.
-Original Message-
From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On
Behalf Of Timo Mueller
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 4:03 AM
To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Cc: Timo Mueller
Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] scripts/bu
On 01/22/2013 01:59 PM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was recently asked for a high-level roadmap for future releases, and I
> couldn't find anything to point to on our website. We have this wiki page,
> but
> it's somewhat out of date:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Proj
Hi all & happy new year
The conference season starts early this year with several open source
conferences worldwide, including FOSDEM in Brussels, linux.conf.au in
Canberra, several regional Linux conferences including SCaLE in southern
California, and of course the Embedded Linux Conference (ELC)
Hi Holger, Florin
I'm building excalibur-image from meta-ivi and I can't login to the system
See: http://pastebin.com/fRUJsaae
Two issues:
systemd-random-seed-load service, here probably I'm missing in my kernel
config to enable
random number support.
the second is about D-Bus
"Failed to liste
The weekly build is available at:
This build is built from master HEAD.
Please begin testing against this rc. Please note that tag and branch
names for this milestone will be named as if it was M3. I will be
tagging tonight and
On Jan 22, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Bruce Ashfield
> On 13-01-22 03:28 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
>> One problem I ran into … When I tried to execute "make scripts," I got a
>> whole bunch of config questions that I *think* should have been answered
>> with a .config file or something. Should I
On 13-01-22 9:26 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
On Jan 22, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Bruce Ashfield
On 13-01-22 03:28 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
One problem I ran into … When I tried to execute "make scripts," I got a whole bunch of
config questions that I *think* should have been answered with a .
On Jan 22, 2013, at 10:43 PM, Bruce Ashfield
> On 13-01-22 9:26 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
>> If I just hold down the "Enter" key, I believe all the defaults are taken,
>> and I eventually *do* get hostprogs that execute, but I don't know if
>> they're appropriate to my kernel. (Again, I'
On 13-01-23 12:14 AM, Patrick Turley wrote:
On Jan 22, 2013, at 10:43 PM, Bruce Ashfield
On 13-01-22 9:26 PM, Patrick Turley wrote:
If I just hold down the "Enter" key, I believe all the defaults are taken, and
I eventually *do* get hostprogs that execute, but I don't know if they're
42 matches
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