On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Joshua Immanuel wrote:
> Hello Liu,
> On Fri, 2012-11-16 at 11:06 +0800, Liu wrote:
> > I'm writing a recipe and come up with a question.I want to invoke
> > the the workdir of package A in my recipe of package B. I tried to use
> > the variable WORKDIR,but
On 11/15/2012 10:57 AM, William Mills wrote:
Is it possible to get the vdi-files or appliances (which ever it was)
used for the labs? It would save some valuable time when doing labs
beginners here at work.
Best regards
/Fredrik Hugosson
Which labs? For the intro labs, the computers were
On 11/15/2012 03:14 PM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
Thank you.
These are interesting slides. As I was not able to attend the sessions
in Barcelona, I decided to "follow along at home" with the information
posted in this thread.
The slides pdf (ypdd_2012_barcelona_intro_hands_on_lab.pdf) describes
Okay, thanks for the comments.
I also want to highlight the change from "task-core-boot" to
"packagegroup-core-boot" for anyone wanting to try these steps on the
latest (although I'm not sure which string denzil prefers).
yocto mailing list
Hello, just a report
As my vendor never will release patch to a recent kernel and our
applications needs some recent fetures found in a recent kernel. I decided
to make the patchs by myself.
I missed one week reading datasheet, git log, studying the old
implementation made by Mindspeed and so on