>From a first view, my problem is that my embedded Yocto-Linux device takes
too long from the application of power to the time that it is first able to
a) signal the user that the device is waking up and b) respond to events
from I/O (Ethernet and CAN). (40+ seconds prior to shifting to pok
What is your actual problem? You appended the tiny-init recipe and your
changes do or do not get put into the rootfs? If you could post your recipe
then folks can look at it.
As far as boot time is concerned, you need to distinguish boot loader and
kernel boot from user space. It looks as i
I've been beating my head for a few days now, and would love a little
guidance. Acknowledging that there are multiple ways to skin the cat, my
immediate goal is to reduce the boot time, presumably using poky-tiny.
I have poky-tiny building for my hardware under dora.
I have it booting on crownbay