On 01/03/2018 09:47 AM, Paul Barker wrote:
> Hi all,
> As we've only got one table at FOSDEM this year we're not going to
> have space for as many bits of hardware as usual. I'd still like us to
> show off the project and what people are building with OpenEmbedded &
> Yocto Project though. Given
Hi Paul,
Thanks for putting this together. I've added a slide at the end with
projects I'm aware of that are using OE/Yocto. I'm sure there are plenty
more to be added though.
Best regards,
On 2018-01-03 15:47, Paul Barker wrote:
Hi all,
As we've only got one table at FOSDEM this ye
Hi all,
As we've only got one table at FOSDEM this year we're not going to
have space for as many bits of hardware as usual. I'd still like us to
show off the project and what people are building with OpenEmbedded &
Yocto Project though. Given the limited space I think the best way to
do this woul