Re: [yocto] Setup repository for ADT installer

2011-01-07 Thread Ke, Liping
Hi, Jessica I also have a question for the repository after I tried another local repo today. 1) one is where to put the qemu .bin and rootfs file. Take Lianhao's machine as an example, he now put many images under: 2) And also where to put all those nat

[yocto] Setup repository for ADT installer

2011-01-05 Thread Lu, Lianhao
Hi Beth and Jessica, Here is a summary of how I set up the IPK repo for ADT installer on my local machine. Currently, there are 10 combinations (based on the following 2 variables in conf/local.conf) needs to be built for setting up the ADT installer repo. MACHINE: qemux86, qemuarm, qemuppc, q