Hi Anuj,
thanks for the reply. First I need to say that it was insightful from your
side to use virtual/grub-bootconf
and this made things much easier. I only had to add `BBCLASSEXTEND =
"native"` in the grub-efi in
order to get `grub-editconf` for the host and create environment files on
the fly.
Hi Dimitris
On Tue, 2018-11-06 at 16:12 +0100, Dimitris Tassopoulos wrote:
> In this case the bootimg-efi.py script creates the extra partition, a
> different grub.cfg and also
> edits the /etc/fstab and mounts this partition over /boot and
> therefore virtual/grub-bootconf
> becomes unused.
Hi all.
I'm working on bug #8729 and I'm trying to implement the multi-boot
functionality for grub.
I've partially done and I've created a virtual/grub-bootconf that can be
used like that:
PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_virtual/grub-bootconf = "grub-multibootconf"
That's working ok and installs the proper