Re: [yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 00/16] Upgrade to GTK+3

2016-05-02 Thread Jussi Kukkonen
On 28 April 2016 at 16:02, Jussi Kukkonen wrote: > Code still uses some deprecated API, but nothing that I expect to be > removed in the next GTK+ releases. I'll have a another go at fixing these deprecation warnings and will let you know : feel free to review the other patches though. Jussi --

[yocto] [matchbox-desktop-2][PATCH 00/16] Upgrade to GTK+3

2016-04-28 Thread Jussi Kukkonen
This branch was started 4(!) years ago to update matchbox-desktop to GTK+3, most of it is Ross' handiwork. For my part, the TakuTable removal started because it had some small but annoying layout bugs and FlowBox seems to do everything we need without those problems (and with less code). Code sti