Hi , all
The version of YP which I using is 1.6.2. When building the openssl, it
appears the problem as following :
ERROR: Function failed: do_configure (log file is located at
Hi, all
I use the 1.8 YP to build the ccgi, the receip of ccgi as this:
SUMMARY = "Add ccgi lib to rootfs"
HOMEPAGE = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/libccgi/?source=typ_redirect";
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb
Hi, all
I build the custom linux-yocto kernel, it appears the error as bellow :
ERROR: Function failed: do_validate_branches (log file is located at
Hi, nico
Thank you for your help.
I have resolved the problem using IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND in
-Original Message-
From: Nicolas Dechesne [mailto:nicolas.deche...@linaro.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 4:41 PM
To: Wu, Neil [CLIMATE/RS/CN]
Cc: Yocto li
Hi, nico
Thank you for your reply.
But I found that there are others use do_rootfs_append() when searching on the
If I want to remove the directory in do_rootfs() task, how can I to do it ?
-Original Message-
From: Nicolas Dechesne [mailto:nicolas.deche...@linaro.or
Hi, all
I'm building specific rootfs image. Add the do_rootfs_append() task in
SUMMARY = "creaet the customer rootfs"
require ${TOPDIR}/../meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb
IMAGE_INSTALL = "readline-dev linux-libc-headers-dev json-gli
Hi ,all
I try to build my custom image , The problem appears as follows:
ERROR: Trying to resolve runtime dependency eglibc resulted in conflicting
PREFERRED_PROVIDER entries being found.
The providers found were:
Hi ,all
I try to build my custom image , The problem appears as follows:
ERROR: Trying to resolve runtime dependency eglibc resulted in conflicting
PREFERRED_PROVIDER entries being found.
The providers found were:
Hi, Bruce
Thank you very much for your help. My problem have solved. Before, I was
working in "master" branch.
Switch to a new branch, I find the "source" directory ,what included the kernel
source code, in linux-qemuarm-standard-build.
-Original Message-
From: Bruce Ashfield [mai
Hi, Bruce
Thank you for your reply.
In the WORKDIR , it just has "linux-qemuarm-standard-build" and not have the
My WORKDIR directory is
but I don't find the tarball of "linux-1
Hi ,all
The version of poky is 1.7. I build the linux-yocto is successful .
bitbake linux-yocto
But, why I can’t find the source code of linux in ${WORKDIR}.
Best wishes
yocto mailing list
Hi Raj,
Thank you for your reply. I have resolved the problem. Thank you!!
-Original Message-
From: Khem Raj [mailto:raj.k...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 11:26 AM
To: Wu, Neil [CLIMATE/RS/CN]
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] problem of install kernel
Hi all,
First of all , merry Christmas.
I run menuconfig and save the .config as following:
Then I build the linux-yocto and core-image-minimal :
Bitbake linux-yocto
Bitbake core-image-minimal
I expected all the kernel module will insta
Hello Liviu,
Thank you very much for your reply. I got a very useful information from your
At the beginning , I want to add the cross compiler to eclipse project and
not use the default installer directory, but it appears the above problem.
In eclipse project, the setting as these:
Hello ,all
I build the toolchain via bitbake core-image-minimal –c populate_sdk. Then I
install the toolchain.
If I install the toolchain in default directory(default: /opt/poky/1.7.1),
everything is ok.
But, if I not install in the default directory, it will appears the problem
that can’t
Hello Raj,
Thank you for your help. The problem have solved.
From: Khem Raj [mailto:raj.k...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 10:48 AM
To: Wu, Neil [CLIMATE/RS/CN]
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] add files to dirctory in packages-split
On Dec 11, 2014, at 5:59 PM,
Hi Raj,
Thank you very much for your reply. I have try to do like you say.
I’m compiling the glib-2.0, need to add the link file of one library to
glib-2.0 package.
So I add the command like following :
FILES_${PN} += “${libdir}/libgio-2.0.so”
But , it can’t success.
Do you know whether need to
Hi all,
I want to add some files to the specified directory what in packages-split.
How to do it ?
Thank you
yocto mailing list
Hello everyone,
I want to add some command in do_rootfs() task, so I add the information in
core-image-minimal.bb like following :
do_rootfs_append() {
But ,it always appears the error as this :
ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing
Hi all :
It appears the following problem when compiling the nativesdk-automake:
| Can't locate Text/Tabs.pm in @INC (@INC contains: //usr/lib/perl/5.14.3
//usr/lib/perl //usr/lib/perl/5.14.3
Thank you for your reply.
I just move the adt_installer.tar.gz to another pc which don't have yocto
project. Install the adt_installer and execute the
Then compile the hello.c
arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc hello.c -o hello
I don't know whether need to d
Hi all :
I have installed the adt_installer .tar.gz like fllowing:
$ cd ~
$ tar -xjf adt_installer.tar.bz2
$ cd adt-installer
$ ./adt_installer
Because the
Hi, ting:
Thank you very much for your answer. My problem has been solved
If I don't have this ccgi-${PV} package ,although it is empty, yocto will
apper an error when adding the ccgi recipes.
Thank you again for your help.
From: ting@freescale.com [mailto:ting@freescale.
Hi, all
I try to compile libccgi .
At end , I don't why can't create the standard ccgi-${PV} package.
The just create ccgi-dbg-${PV} ccgi-dev-${PV}, do you know why??
The following is my recipes .bb file:
SUMMARY = "Add ccgi lib to rootfs"
HOMEPAGE = "http://sourceforge
This is my .bb file what compile the LuaJIT on arm architecture. I hope it can
help you!
SUMMARY = "Add LuaJIT to rootfs"
HOMEPAGE = "http://luajit.org/index.html";
Hi all,
I creat the recipes of the samba tdb, compile the x86 package
is ok ,but it apper an error when I ‘m compiling the arm package , like the
following :
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION= "1.22.0"
BUILD_SYS = "i686-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING = "Ubuntu-14.04"
* I need to creat a new recipes to add libtdb to rootfs. The
source code of tdb is Makefile-Base Package. Bitbake make will run the makefile
automatically to finish the do_compile. But , I must to
execute one "configure" file of source code in
do_configure task before
I use the yocto-bsp tools to creat a new bsp layer, I found this problem like
following :
Yoctto-bsp creat myx86 quem
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/etcrs/poky/scripts/yocto-bsp", line 150, in
ret = main()
File "/home/etcrs/poky/scripts/yocto-bsp", line 145, in main
Hi Burton :
You are so great! Thank you very much .My problem has resolved.
Although I don't install the busybox, but I find the busybox-static
and ubuntu-standard in my system. Afer remove them , compiling is successful.
Hello ,
I meet one problem like following when I compiling Yocto project 1.6.1.
create_image.ext3 ...
NOTE: Running image creation script for tar:
ERROR: Error: The image creation sc
30 matches
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