I used the meta-openamp layer for r5-a53 communication.
but when I simply ran $bitbake openamp-image-minimal, it gave me the following
ERROR: openamp-image-minimal-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: Could not invoke dnf. Command
This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.
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Could you provide a bit more context about your particular use-case and
need to do this?
i.e. Why is deployment of the existing script insufficient?
I know this isn’t addressing your underlying question, but just want to see
if perhaps an alternative solution may be a better one for you.
On Sun,
Hi, I wanted to know which is the best way of converting a bash script into
an executable binary in yocto. One way to do this is to add a recipe for
shc( script compiler) in yocto and then use the shc for compiling it in
another recipe. Is there any other way to achieve this ? Any suggestions
On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 at 21:33, Shantanoo Desai wrote:
> I just have become more comfortable with Yocto for e.g. using devtool and
> basic bitbake commands.
> I am was successfully able to create some python applications for my target
> board via a layer. I would like to use CI / CD eventually f
In stdout reported as,
BEGIN: ptest-dir
END: ptest-dir
In XML reported as,
Signed-off-by: Aníbal Limón
tests/data/reference.xml | 2 ++
tests/utils.c| 20
utils.c | 19 ---