On 03/18/2011 06:43 AM, Joshua Lock wrote:
From: Joshua Lock
x86 and core2 are added to this variable by the tune-atom.inc file
Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock
Pulling into meta-intel bernard and master, thanks,
meta-emenlow/conf/machine/emenlow.conf |1 -
1 files changed, 0 inserti
Able to connect to the git repository and check out 5.0 alpha release.
Had to solve an issue with ncurses recipe which had wrong patch set number.
Build successful - profile "minimal".
Could bring up the target through QEMU and browse filesystem.
No real showstoppers found.
From: Joshua Lock
x86 and core2 are added to this variable by the tune-atom.inc file
Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock
meta-emenlow/conf/machine/emenlow.conf |1 -
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meta-emenlow/conf/machine/emenlow.conf
From: Joshua Lock
These duplicates cause problems at least at rootfs creation
Pull URL: git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib.git
Branch: josh/bernard-emen
Joshua Lock
Joshua Lock (1):
Hi, Jessica
We have a first round completed test cycle against RC3 for the sdk side.
And we have updated your test temple and
Upload it on https://oldwiki.pokylinux.org/share/SDK_docs/Test
For the bugs we have found and fixed/verified, we might skip it and did not list
it on the docs.
And all