Ke, Liping wrote:
> Hi, Jessica
> After discussed with Lianhao, seems there're two requirements
> 1) Lianhao expect that we can use the capability of git clone
>functionality provided by egit. Egit is strong and implemented its
>own git, support all sorts of ops, so we need not use n
Hi, Jessica
After discussed with Lianhao, seems there're two requirements
1) Lianhao expect that we can use the capability of git clone functionality
provided by egit. Egit is strong and implemented its own git, support all
sorts of ops,
so we need not use native git; of course there's no
Thanks for the thorough analysis of EGIT, as you pointed it mainly for team
setup which is not what we want. Can you download the source and see how it
interact with git and probably we can borrow some ideas to achieve some
simple git tasks, e.g. commit changes etc.
Hi, Jessica
I have tried the existing egit plugin. It is a true powerful plugin, but I am
afraid it can't be communicating well with poky-meta-project plugin.
Below is some details
1. EGIT support all sorts of protocols, including ftp, ssh, git, http, so we
can easily pull/push the
Hi Beth and Jessica,
Here is a summary of how I set up the IPK repo for ADT installer on my local
machine. Currently, there are 10 combinations (based on the following 2
variables in conf/local.conf) needs to be built for setting up the ADT
installer repo.
MACHINE: qemux86, qemuarm, qemuppc, q
Let's wait on all this. I'm running into a few issues with the AB that I want
to fix that are unrelated to the upgrade and would rather do one big patchset
that did the upgrade and fixed some of the issues I'm trying to fix.
I'll keep everyone posted. That said, we should probably discuss
On 01/05/2011 08:30 AM, Flanagan, Elizabeth wrote:
3) BuildBot 0.8.2 unfortunately suffers from buildbot bug #1697 on
my system, making it not very useful (as you can't view any of the
build logs through the web interface). It's fixed in 0.8.3. More
> 1) If you git clone poky-autobuilder into your home directory the install
> script falls over because it tries to create that same named directory by
> default.
> Of course you can override this path or clone it somewhere else but it would
> be nice if it could work out of the box.
On Tuesday 04 January 2011 00:58:43 Beth Flanagan wrote:
> Some minor fixes to the Autobuilder. I've reverted to Buildbot 0.8.2 for the
> time being, as well as fixed some issues with poky-autobuild-generate-
> sources-tarball.
> There is also a nasty issue when you have easy_install installed o