[Yahoo-eng-team] [Blueprint xenapi-text-console-support] XenAPI text console support

2012-10-10 Thread Mate Lakat
Blueprint changed by Mate Lakat: Whiteboard changed: Ewan Mellor was working on this. XenServer 6.0 now includes the required changes to support for this feature. xe console-list - curl -o - --user root:xenroot --insecure

[Yahoo-eng-team] [Blueprint xenapi-text-console-support] XenAPI text console support

2012-10-10 Thread Mate Lakat
Blueprint changed by Mate Lakat: Whiteboard changed: Ewan Mellor was working on this. XenServer 6.0 now includes the required changes to support for this feature. + + xe console-list + curl -o - --user root:xenroot --insecure