I am trying to boot Xen on TX2. But I got a problem with loading domain0
kernel. Hope somebody could help me.
I compiled the Xen 4.9.1 on Jetson TX2. The domain0 kernel version is 4.4.38. I
made some modifications to the device tree provided by the TX2. Then I can boot
xen hypervisor, but
From: Wang, Baoqian
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 7:53 PM
To: Andrii Anisov
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Boot Xen on Jetson TX2
I also dumped domain0 info, it shows :
VCPU information and callbacks for domain 0:
(XEN) VCPU0: CPU0 [has=F] poll=0