On 02.08.2023 02:11, Shawn Anastasio wrote:
> OPAL (OpenPower Abstraction Layer) is the interface exposed by firmware
> on PowerNV (bare metal) systems. Import Linux's header definining the
> API and related information.
> From Linux commit 5321d1b1afb9a17302c6cec79f0cbf823eb0d3fc
> Signed-of
OPAL (OpenPower Abstraction Layer) is the interface exposed by firmware
on PowerNV (bare metal) systems. Import Linux's header definining the
API and related information.
>From Linux commit 5321d1b1afb9a17302c6cec79f0cbf823eb0d3fc
Signed-off-by: Shawn Anastasio
Changed in v2:
- Add Linux c