On 16.06.2023 15:10, Roger Pau Monne wrote:
> --- a/tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c
> +++ b/tools/libs/guest/xg_cpuid_x86.c
> @@ -331,10 +331,74 @@ int xc_cpu_policy_apply_cpuid(xc_interface *xch,
> xc_cpu_policy_t *policy,
> return 0;
> }
> +int xc_cpu_policy_apply_msr(xc_interface *xch
Like it's done with CPUID, introduce support for passing MSR values to
xc_cpuid_apply_policy(). The chosen format for expressing MSR policy
data matches the current one used for CPUID. Note that existing
callers of xc_cpuid_apply_policy() can pass NULL as the value for the
newly introduced 'msr'