Re: [WiX-users] Multilingual Bundles

2014-08-05 Thread Tobias S
Ok I see. For e.g. satellite assemblies ok. But I think at the localized strings e.g. for the main exe related to a) File Extension Registration b) Ugly but sometimes used: CustomAction strings which need localization Here working with "Satelite MSIs" or duplicating the installer logic across sev

[WiX-users] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Gábor Zoltán Tamás
Hi all, We have a solution with a WIX installer project that should install a Windows service and start it right away. Now the issue is that the WIX project outputs MSIs that sometimes fail on some, but not all of our environments. After enabling verbose logging and looking at the log files msiexe

Re: [WiX-users] Virtual Directory not getting converted to Application in IIS.

2014-08-05 Thread Tony Jose Mampilly
Hi All, Anyone have any idea about how to do this? Please someone help me. All helps appreciated. Thank you Regards Tony On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Tony Jose Mampilly wrote: > Hi, > > I created a web setup referring to article at > "*

Re: [WiX-users] Burn/bundle EXE - setting property?

2014-08-05 Thread psimms
Hi Sean, Thank you, that fixed the dummy app, however I had tried that in my actual bundle but it did help me to figure out what was wrong, it was a problem with the registry search / key and it was breaking the variable, apologies all for this, and thank you very much for helping me resolve this

[WiX-users] Uninstall with different Bundle

2014-08-05 Thread Amal VR
Hi, Someone please tell , why I am not able to uninstall my bundled packages using a newly build bundle (version and upgrade code is same) ? ie I have installed the package using a different build and tried to uninstall with a new build and there are no changes made in values. Thanks and Regards

Re: [WiX-users] Unbinder.Unbind error

2014-08-05 Thread Keith.Douglas
Yes, I figured out as much, but the error condition that results is not exactly clear. Is this under any control that could make this a bit cleaner? At first I thought it meant the image of the EXE I was debundling, for example! Keith Douglas Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway,

Re: [WiX-users] Prevent old InstallShield version from installing over WiX

2014-08-05 Thread Phill Hogland
The design of the 'old' install would have to be changed to check for the existence of the the new install, which is probably not feasible. I am not aware of anything that can be done in this situation. It is part of the price that is paid in transitioning from one design to a different design.

Re: [WiX-users] [Released Spam | pourriel affranchi] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Keith.Douglas
I'm not sure if it is applicable in your case, but I seem to remember that when debugging both our service and our installer for it that if you crash the OnStart method or the constructor you'll also get error 1923. So it might be useful to "instrument" your service too and see if you can figure

Re: [WiX-users] Prevent old InstallShield version from installing over WiX

2014-08-05 Thread Hoover, Jacob
Depends on what the old install looked like, as far as it's upgrade table. Did the old install allow for downgrades? If not, did you use the same upgrade code in your WiX install as you had in your install shield installer? -Original Message- From: Mike Schuett [mailto:michael.schu...@

Re: [WiX-users] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Hoover, Jacob
A procmon log would be interesting but huge... Just a guess, but it may be possible that the SCM is locked by another process. On the failing machine, if you uninstall, restart, and then reinstall, does it succeed? -Original Message- From: Gábor Zoltán Tamás [mailto:tamas.gabor.zol...@

[WiX-users] Application pool getting removed when uninstalling an msi.

2014-08-05 Thread Ajaykumar Gajavalli (Wipro Ltd.)
Hi I want a solution for the below scenario. Step1: Website.msi-- It's purpose is to install a website and create an app pool. At runtime the inputs to this msi are targetdir, websitename, APP POOL name. Step2: Webapplication1.msiit's purpose is install a web application ( virtual dire

Re: [WiX-users] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Rob Mensching
Maybe this will help? ___ FireGiant | Dedicated support for the WiX toolset | -Original Message- From: Gábor Zoltán Tam

Re: [WiX-users] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Gábor Zoltán Tamás
Thank you all for your answers. Turns out the issue probably is that service uninstall is not complete. Sometimes the service seems to be stuck in a "marked for deletion" state for minutes after running msiexec, and this interfered with the reinstallation. 2014-08-05 16:55 GMT+02:00 Rob Mensching

Re: [WiX-users] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Gábor Zoltán Tamás
Thank you all for your answers. Turns out the issue probably is that service uninstall is not complete. Sometimes the service seems to be stuck in a "marked for deletion" state for minutes after running msiexec, and this interfered with the reinstallation. --

Re: [WiX-users] Application pool getting removed when uninstalling an msi.

2014-08-05 Thread Carter Young
Are you installing your Application into a separate App Pool? Quoting "Ajaykumar Gajavalli (Wipro Ltd.)" : > Hi > > I want a solution for the below scenario. > > Step1: Website.msi-- It's purpose is to install a website and > create an app pool. At runtime the inputs to this msi are targetd

[WiX-users] Deploying a website with IIS Extension

2014-08-05 Thread Amit Saar
Hi there! Could really use some help on the following, been at it for some time now. I'm extending an existing installer that was built years ago in our product, to deploy a new Asp.Net portal on IIS. I have succeeded in deploying the files using the installer but the component that is supposed

Re: [WiX-users] Deploying a website with IIS Extension

2014-08-05 Thread John Cooper
Yes. If SKIPCONFIGUREIIS is set, no work will be done. It needs to be unset (have no value or be deleted) for any work to be done. -- John Merryweather Cooper Build & Install Engineer - ESA Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.® Shawnee Mission, KS  66227 Office:  913-341-3434 x791011 jocoo...@jackhenr

Re: [WiX-users] Debugging installer

2014-08-05 Thread Phil Wilson
That is a common reason. The underlying issues tend to be: 1. Someone has an open or leaked service handle to the service, and that leaves the service in a disabled state until the handle is closed. If there is code in your install or in a running app that may be doing this, it may be worth lookin

Re: [WiX-users] Deploying a website with IIS Extension [P]

2014-08-05 Thread Steven Ogilvie
Classification: Public Amit, Your component " MIMPAMPortalIISConfig " on util:User; Take out the following: CreateUser="no" FailIfExists="no" RemoveOnUninstall="no" For web app pool add these two properties somewhere...: Then add this to your For Website, put this property somewhere: Add

[WiX-users] ProviderKey equivalent in Wix3.6?

2014-08-05 Thread rj2014
I dont see the ProviderKey in Wix3.6 hence I would like to know if there is another way to get the same functionality in 3.6 Thank you -- View this message in context: Sent from the wi

[WiX-users] Error 2836: The control ChangeButton on the dialog MaintenanceTypeDlg can not take focus

2014-08-05 Thread Taylor, Duane E.
Hello, I was wondering what I need to do to remove this error. I looked online and on this site but haven't found an answer. How do I remove the focus from the ChangeButton? Thanks. I am getting this error in my log file when I run my WiX installer: MSI (c) (40:D0) [15:53:15:156]:

[WiX-users] Unable to execute sql scripts

2014-08-05 Thread garymonk
Hi, I'm new to WIX and I'm having some problems executing SQL scripts. I have looked at a number of posts and none of them have worked. I have also looked for any SQL Server logs that would help and I couldn't find any. The error messages that I'm receiving in the install log are... CreateDatabase

Re: [WiX-users] Unable to execute sql scripts

2014-08-05 Thread John Cooper
There are a lot of ways for a SQL database create to fail. The client side messages won't tell you much. Turn on profiling on the server side and look at the server side logs for clues. Usually, the user lacks the necessary permissions and/or roles to create the database and/or run scripts ag

Re: [WiX-users] Unable to execute sql scripts

2014-08-05 Thread garymonk
Thanks for the reply. The database is on the local machine. I'm not sure how to turn on profiling but I will take a look. One thing I forgot to mention is that the scripts will run in SQL Server Management Console under the same user that is in the user element. I was wondering if the user and dom

Re: [WiX-users] Unable to execute sql scripts

2014-08-05 Thread garymonk
I changed the util:user to use sa as the user and it worked. So the problem is definitely a permissions issue. The problem is that I have to be able to use Windows authentication. When the database is created the flag is set to create the current user as an administrator (ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN=

[WiX-users] When trying to execute a SQL script there are garbage characters

2014-08-05 Thread garymonk
I am trying to execute an SQL script that creates a database and when I do I receive the following errors... Error 26204. Error -2147217900: failed to execute SQL string, error detail: Incorrect syntax near '»'., SQL key: CreateDatabase SQL string: USE [master] The CreateDatabase.sql code is.

Re: [WiX-users] Unable to execute sql scripts

2014-08-05 Thread John Cooper
In my experience, the user for either SQL Authentication or Windows (Integrated) Authentication, must already be defined on the SQL server. In general, SQL Server won't let a party installing a database from an installer "bootstrap" it's own credentials. -- John Merryweather Cooper Build & Inst