[WiX-users] Cofigure a FTP site in IIS

2007-10-04 Thread ersm6
Someone please suggest me how to configure FTP site in IIS. Thanks, Surya _ Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy! http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create&wx_url=/fr

[WiX-users] website with p3p - repost

2007-10-01 Thread ersm6
I'm currently using wix 2.0.4701.0 and writing wxs file for a website that implements "Platform for Privacy Performance" and for this, I need to add custom header name/ value pair in IIS. It seems like is the proper element for this but got an error: The WebSite element contains an unexpected

[WiX-users] website with p3p

2007-10-01 Thread ersm6
Hi List, I'm currently using wix 2.0.4701.0 and was wondering how to write wix file for a website that implements p3p. Thanks, Surya _ Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy! http:

[WiX-users] (no subject)

2007-09-25 Thread ersm6
I've written wix to install windows service that requires username/password. Currently I'm using public property to pass username/password and ServiceInstall, ServiceControl for installing. It works, but the problem is password has to be supplied in cleartext. How can I supply password without

[WiX-users] Installation location in V3

2007-09-13 Thread ersm6
Hi, How can I make installed files go into other than predetermined locations. In V2, I used to write Public property With this property, V3 gave me the following warning, warning LGHT1076 : ICE48: Directory 'SETUPDIR' appears to be hardcoded in the property table to a local drive.

[WiX-users] wix v3 website

2007-09-06 Thread ersm6
Hi, I'm new to v3 and trying to build a msi with websites. candle gives no error. The light command being used is: light -out iplatform.msi iplatform.wixobj -ext wixiisextension.dll "-cultures:en-us" Error I got is the following: error LGHT0103: The system cannot find the file 'C:\Documents

[WiX-users] service installation

2007-09-05 Thread ersm6
I have written wxs file for a windows service that requires username/password during installation. It installs but the problem is, after installing I cannot start the service. It gives me an error saying " Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure" .But if I right click the

[WiX-users] Error - Failed to read IIsWebs table

2007-08-27 Thread ersm6
Hi List, I need to install two websites. wxs file is included below. If header attribute is not in WeAddress element, later website overwrirtes the former one. And, if header is included, it gives error during installation, "Failed to read IIsWebs table. ( -2147024774)". But if I delete Defa

[WiX-users] modify hosts file

2007-08-17 Thread ersm6
Hi list, I need to append a line in hosts file (like through wxs file. Someone please suggest me ( or some useful links) how it can be done. Thanks. _ With Windows Live Hotmail, you can personalize

[WiX-users] Creating sub directory

2007-08-16 Thread ersm6
Hi everyone, Below is my fragment wxs file and I want to create bin folder there, but it's not working, instead files are being installed in parent directory. What am I missing there or what is the proper way to do this? http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi";>

[WiX-users] Reading command line parameter

2007-08-15 Thread ersm6
Hello everybody, I'm new to Wix and I was wondering how can I structure my wxs file so that users can supply destination folder as paramenter to msexec and the msi get installed in that directory. Thanks in advance. Steve _ Mak

[WiX-users] (no subject)

2007-08-14 Thread ersm6
Someone please suggest me how can I install the application in any directory, say e:\myFolder, (other than in directories predefined names provided by installer environment.) Thanks in advance. _ Make every IM count. Download