[WiX-users] Список документов для предъявл ения в посольство

2008-04-28 Thread Центр Тайм
Здравствуйте! Вы просили сообщить о том какие документы требуются для предъявления в посольство Посылаю Вам ссылку с наиболее подробной информацией http://www.usembassy.ru/consular/consularr.php?record_id=reqvdocs#af если быть краткими то сообщим, необходимо: 1) 2шт фото (цвет) 5х5 достаточно

[WiX-users] Билеты на премьеру в Большом т еатре

2008-04-28 Thread Афиша Москвы

[WiX-users] public property registry search assignment not working during uninstall passes

2008-04-28 Thread Robert O'Brien
During install I set the following registry key value in order to be able to access that property value again during uninstall passes. I'm using the following public property registry search assignment in order to retrieve that value during uninstall passes so that commands w

Re: [WiX-users] using properties in string element

2008-04-28 Thread Scott Sam
I'm trying to get our installers ready to be rebranded by partners/resellers. So I need a way to replace our company name with someone else's easily. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and is intended solely for the address

Re: [WiX-users] using properties in string element

2008-04-28 Thread Scott Sam
I'm using it in the feature title and description attributes. The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [WiX-users] adding a component on a minor upgrade

2008-04-28 Thread Bob Arnson
Frédéric Viollet wrote: > The problem is that, according to the MSDN, REINSTALL=ALL only > reinstalls the previously installed features. So I am not able to add > new features on a minor upgrade. > You need to install new features using the ADDLOCAL property. > However, contrary to what I th

Re: [WiX-users] using properties in string element

2008-04-28 Thread Bob Arnson
Scott Sam wrote: I define a property called APPNAME and set it with a value of "test". Then in my wxl file I have the following string element: [APPNAME] Client When I run the installer, the text shows up as "[APPNAME] Client". Loc strings are substituted literally at bind time s

Re: [WiX-users] Virtual directory creation problems on Windows Server 2008 64-bit

2008-04-28 Thread Bob Arnson
Manish Kumar wrote: > On the UAC enabled OSes (Vista and 2008), I get the "Admin Consent Form" > asking for elevation. After I allow the installer to run, the install > finishes successfully on the 32-bit OSes but fails with "Error 26002. Failed > to read IIsWebs table." on 64-bit Windows Server

[WiX-users] using properties in string element

2008-04-28 Thread Scott Sam
I define a property called APPNAME and set it with a value of "test". Then in my wxl file I have the following string element: [APPNAME] Client When I run the installer, the text shows up as "[APPNAME] Client". I'm using wix v3 with votive. The wxl is part of a project that creates a wixl

[WiX-users] Using CustomAction

2008-04-28 Thread Henning Eiben
Hi List, I created a rather simple wix-project to create a MSI installer for my project. I wrote a simple webpart for sharepoint (which actually doesn't really matter at this point ...), which I would like to register using 'stsadm'. OK, so I put my webpart (packaged as a WSP-file) as a binary

[WiX-users] Устали искать офис?

2008-04-28 Thread Агентство Недвижимости
   СДАЮ  ОФИСЫ   723-08-04   КОМИССИЯ     Расположение Площадь Кв.м   Описание   Цена м2/год         Парк

[WiX-users] Билеты на Премьеры

2008-04-28 Thread Афиша Москвы
ВСЯ ТЕАТРАЛЬНАЯ МОСКВА БИЛЕТЫ - (495) 2 2 9 3 5 0 0 LADIES NIGHT. Мужская комедия для женщин - 28.04 12, 19.05 В. ЯРЕМЕНКО, Г. КУЦЕНКО, М. БАШАРОВ, Э. КЮРДЗИДИС ...Самый аншлаговый спектакль столицы... 1900-Й - НОВАЯ ПРЕМЬЕРА - В ГЛАВНОЙ РОЛИ

[WiX-users] Билеты на Премьеры

2008-04-28 Thread Афиша Москвы
ВСЯ ТЕАТРАЛЬНАЯ МОСКВА БИЛЕТЫ - (495) 2 2 9 3 5 0 0 LADIES NIGHT. Мужская комедия для женщин - 28.04 12, 19.05 В. ЯРЕМЕНКО, Г. КУЦЕНКО, М. БАШАРОВ, Э. КЮРДЗИДИС ...Самый аншлаговый спектакль столицы... 1900-Й - НОВАЯ ПРЕМЬЕРА - В ГЛАВНОЙ РОЛИ

[WiX-users] (no subject)

2008-04-28 Thread 钟文辉
诚致:公司负责人(经理/财务)您们好! 祝贺您们在2008年里:有鼠不尽的快乐!鼠不尽的收获!鼠不尽的钞票!   鼠不尽的幸福!鼠不尽的美满生活!愿: 您们阖家欢乐!幸福安康! 本公司是由三十多家公司联合的企业;符合申领“增值专用发票”, “欧盟出口许可证”,“欧盟产地证”,“商品检验合格证书”申领标准; 可以低价代办以上一系列手续;还可以长期提供:出口报关单,核销单; 普通商品销售,运输,建筑安装,广告,服务行业,海关交款书,增值税专 用等发票。有意者请来电联系,如果对你造成不便或打搅时,请原谅!谢谢合作!

Re: [WiX-users] adding a component on a minor upgrade

2008-04-28 Thread Frédéric Viollet
Hi Lincoln, I went a little further in my investigations. You were right for the arguments used during the minor upgrade I'm using the Wix bootstrapper (setupbld) to deal with these installation/upgrade issues. And the bootstrapper sets the REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE="vomus" flags for a m