[WiX-users] Нелегальный но ОЧЕНЬ ВЫСОКИЙ з аработок!

2008-04-20 Thread Hunter Richards
Нелегальный но ОЧЕНЬ ВЫСОКИЙ заработок ! Всю информацию о нелегальном но ОЧЕНЬ ВЫСОКОМ заработке Вы найдете на сайте www.karding-7.ru ICQ 417-274-504 E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 J

[WiX-users] Visite mon profil Netlog

2008-04-20 Thread selam ben ece 0546 332 12 20 telefonum ararmisin 0546 332 12 20 tanisalim
Salut,, J'ai créé un profil sur Netlog ! Je peux y mettre mes photos, mes vidéos, mon blog, les événements auxquels j'assiste et bien plus encore. J'aimerais t'ajouter dans ma liste d'amis pour te le montrer. Pour cela, il suffit de t'inscrire toi aussi sur Netlog et de créer gratuitement ton

Re: [WiX-users]

2008-04-20 Thread Bob Arnson
Robert O'Brien wrote: My bad. I've been using an automation tool for kicking off wix based msi install/uninstall tests and just realized that the msi verbose log setting switch was not turned on.Here is the details of what the WriteRegistryValues custom action processing is saying for th

Re: [WiX-users] Recursive folder deletion

2008-04-20 Thread Ryan O'Neill
I think it is created when the Visual Basic logging mechanism fires up. You can work around it but that is a lot of hassle too. I'm not using isolated storage. The assembly name is just morphed because of code signing (so I can get the code into the GAC for a quicker first run). From: Mike

Re: [WiX-users] Recursive folder deletion

2008-04-20 Thread Mike Dimmick
That folder is the folder you get when you use Isolated Storage in .NET 2.0. I'd have to say that an application installed to the local disk isn't really the target market for that - it's more for code running in restricted security, such as applications run from the network or IE plugins. --

Re: [WiX-users]

2008-04-20 Thread Robert O'Brien
My bad. I've been using an automation tool for kicking off wix based msi install/uninstall tests and just realized that the msi verbose log setting switch was not turned on.Here is the details of what the WriteRegistryValues custom action processing is saying for the wix sources snippet th

[WiX-users] (no subject)

2008-04-20 Thread 钟文辉
各位老总:您们好! 诚祝:您们在2008年里;有鼠不尽的快乐!鼠不尽的收获!鼠不尽的钞票!   鼠不尽的幸福!鼠不尽的美满生活!愿: 您们阖家欢乐!幸福安康! 我公司可以长期提供:出口报关单,核销单,等等一系列手续;代理:出口 报关,商检,境内外运输..等等;还可以代办:出口欧盟许可证,欧盟产地证; 并且还有(广州国际贸易交易会)的摊位可以转让;价格特别优惠;有意者请来邮件 或来电联系。谢谢合作!   电话:0755-81153047。  

Re: [WiX-users] msi errors out looking for iis during installs where feature that does nothing with iis is only one selected

2008-04-20 Thread Robert O'Brien
. . .archives reference to "Conditional Statement Syntax" http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368012.aspx documentation provided the details for the following ConfigureIIs condition that covered both install and uninstall cases. (Not Installed And &Sites=3) Or (Installed And !Sites=3)

Re: [WiX-users] msi errors out looking for iis during installs where feature that does nothing with iis is only one selected

2008-04-20 Thread Robert O'Brien
The ConfiguratIIs custom action override below worked to bypass looking for IIS on install but when I uninstall it errors out looking for it still. Is there a way to write the custom action condition for the Remove case where I check that the "Sites" feature or "Site1" component is installed an

[WiX-users] Наша работа - Ваш успех

2008-04-20 Thread Макар Владимирович
     И кучера, вокруг огней, Вам предложу свои услуги; Ах, ножки, ножки! где вы ныне? Но вообще их разговор Раскланялся, потом на сцену До утра жизнь его готова, Внимательным иль равнодушным! Но вреден север для меня (1). Прошу мою заметить речь: К Talon (4) помчался: он уверен, Адри

Re: [WiX-users]

2008-04-20 Thread Robert O'Brien
I looked at my verbose log file and I could not find any details associated with a "WriteRegistryValues" search other than just the following. Action start 8:55:37: WriteRegistryValues. Action ended 8:55:37: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1. Is there anything else I could be overlooking that

[WiX-users] Hot April calendar girl

2008-04-20 Thread Laila
Get with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and last much longer http://www.eigtjad.com/ - This SF.net email is sponsored by the 2008 JavaOne(SM) Conference Don't miss this year's exciting event. There's still time to save $100. Use

[WiX-users] [4]: Генеральному директору

2008-04-20 Thread dion rom
В пяти-семи минутах ходьбы от легкого метро Тимирязевская на огороженной территории площадью 0,4 га сдается отдельно стоящее 3-х этажное здание (особняк) свободного назначения общей площадью 1435 м. кв. в том числе: - надстройка 150 м.кв. - 3 этаж 366,8 м. кв. - 2 этаж

[WiX-users] База данных таможни

2008-04-20 Thread benji herve
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[WiX-users] Экономия по специальному предл ожению

2008-04-20 Thread Кирилл Степанович
8   (90З)   7 O 7   9 2 9З [EMAIL PROTECTED] ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ реклама по юридическим и физическим адресам Москвы 4,63 миллиона писем или реклама по юридическим адресам Москвы и России 3,95 миллиона писем ВСЕГО 3999 РУБ.* две рассылки ВСЕГО 5500 РУБ.* три рассылки ВСЕГО 6999 РУБ.* при оплате яндекс

[WiX-users] распродажа Клавиатурных Коммун икаторов

2008-04-20 Thread archy anurag
? распродажа Клавиатурных Коммуникаторов windows mobile O 2 xda Zinc ( HTC TYTN ) 3 G GSM 850/900/1800/1900 wm 5/ 520 mhz / qvga 2,8" /128 mb rom / 64 mb ram / Bluetooth / wi - fi / клавиатура/2 камеры цена 11800 руб. i - mate JAQ GSM 900/1800/1900 wm 5/ 200 mhz / qvga 2,8"

[WiX-users] (no subject)

2008-04-20 Thread 钟文辉
各位老总:您们好! 诚祝:您们在2008年里;有鼠不尽的快乐!鼠不尽的收获!鼠不尽的钞票!   鼠不尽的幸福!鼠不尽的美满生活!愿: 您们阖家欢乐!幸福安康! 我公司可以长期提供:出口报关单,核销单,等等一系列手续;代理:出口 报关,商检,境内外运输..等等;还可以代办:出口欧盟许可证,欧盟产地证; 并且还有(广州国际贸易交易会)的摊位可以转让;价格特别优惠;有意者请来邮件 或来电联系。谢谢合作!   电话:0755-81153047。