Re: [WiX-users] WiX temporary files?

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Arnson
Georgi Shopov wrote: > I've figured how to invoke the InstallShield.. even in silent mode! > The command line though includes file that should be carried with the MSI > package for the sole purpose of uninstalling InstallShield; > Can anybody tell me if there is WiX/MSI standard mechanism of packi

Re: [WiX-users] Installing files from a pre-generated CAB file

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Arnson
Jose Sanchez Saldana (Excell Data Corporation) wrote: Suppose I have a cab file called FILES.CAB, which I've generated previously. Is there any way (other than running a custom action to extract it) to install the files within this CAB using WIX? Thanks. There's nothing like that in WiX.

Re: [WiX-users] MSI's and unknown publisher

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Arnson
Peterson, Joel wrote: Wait, are you saying it's possible to add that entry? I was under the impression that the way Windows Installer caches MSIs, it can no longer authenticate the digital signature of the file as it has been changed. Correct, installed packages have their signatures inva

Re: [WiX-users] Service not installed after major upgrade

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Arnson
Chris Lindal wrote: I have a msi with version 3.32.116 that installs Service A and Service B. My other installer is versioned 3.51.668 that installs Service C. When I do a major upgrade from using these installers, Services A and B are installed and removed but Service C is not created. Intere

Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Arnson
Harini Gurusamy wrote: Can we put well known user SIDs in the user attribute. Its throwing an error as of now ( OR) is there an other way to specify the SID values WiX translates from well-known names to the well-known SIDs. See src\ca\wixca\dll\secureobj.cpp f

Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute

2008-04-02 Thread Bob Arnson
Harini Gurusamy wrote: Is WIX V3.0 released version or beta package Beta, still in development. -- sig://boB - Check out the new Marketplace. It's the best place to buy or sell ser

[WiX-users] WiX temporary files?

2008-04-02 Thread Georgi Shopov
Hi, I've figured how to invoke the InstallShield.. even in silent mode! The command line though includes file that should be carried with the MSI package for the sole purpose of uninstalling InstallShield; Can anybody tell me if there is WiX/MSI standard mechanism of packing files that shall not

Re: [WiX-users] WiX to generate MSI that will uninstall IstallShield

2008-04-02 Thread Christopher Painter
Whatever you choose, you want to do it before Costing or otherwise you can get into some funky component rule problems. I've not had to address this sort of problem since my enterprise repackaging days but generally I'd write a stand alone `forced uninstall` utility that I would chain ( or ins

Re: [WiX-users] Problem upgrading from per user to system-wide

2008-04-02 Thread Christopher Painter
Upgrades ( including Major ) can't migrate an installed application from per-user to all-users. You have to first uninstall the app for each user who might have installed it and then reinstall the application as all user.This servicing ugliness is the reason for MSI Tao Rule # 30. http:/

[WiX-users] Problem upgrading from per user to system-wide

2008-04-02 Thread Chad Blomquist
In my initial realease of a product, the installer left the ALLUSERS property undefined. As a result, the software seems to be installed per-user instead of for all users on the system. When I correct this and set the ALLUSERS property to 1, the upgrade fails to remove the old version. If, in th

[WiX-users] WiX to generate MSI that will uninstall IstallShield

2008-04-02 Thread Georgi Shopov
Hi, Can anybody tell me what will be the appropriate way of uninstalling previous versions not made with MSI - InstallShield in particular? Right now I am experimenting of adding CustomAction that will execute the UninstallString put into the registry from InstallShield installation; I pull th

[WiX-users] Installing files from a pre-generated CAB file

2008-04-02 Thread Jose Sanchez Saldana (Excell Data Corporation)
Suppose I have a cab file called FILES.CAB, which I've generated previously. Is there any way (other than running a custom action to extract it) to install the files within this CAB using WIX? Thanks. - Check out the new Sour

Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute

2008-04-02 Thread Wheeler, Blaine (DSHS/DCS)
I use the well known user "Authenticated Users" in one of our products and it seems to work fine. But we are in XP and I haven't had a chance to see if it will work in Vista. (Sorry for accidentally including the link in my last post) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On B

Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute

2008-04-02 Thread Wheeler, Blaine (DSHS/DCS)
I use the well known user "Authenticated Users" in one of our products and it seems to work fine. But we are in XP and I haven't had a chance to see if it will work in Vista From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Be

Re: [WiX-users] InstanceTransforms with wix 3

2008-04-02 Thread Jordan Fitzgibbon
Torch is used to create transforms (.mst files) by diffing two MSIs but not used for instance transforms. If you want to create an MSI with instance transforms, you can do this in your product authoring with the and elements. See wix.chm for more details. Example:

[WiX-users] Service not installed after major upgrade

2008-04-02 Thread Chris Lindal
I have a msi with version 3.32.116 that installs Service A and Service B. My other installer is versioned 3.51.668 that installs Service C. When I do a major upgrade from using these installers, Services A and B are installed and removed but Service C is not created. Interestingly if I do a major

Re: [WiX-users] MSI's and unknown publisher

2008-04-02 Thread Peterson, Joel
Wait, are you saying it's possible to add that entry? I was under the impression that the way Windows Installer caches MSIs, it can no longer authenticate the digital signature of the file as it has been changed. Joel Peterson From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of B

Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute

2008-04-02 Thread Harini Gurusamy
Can we put well known user SIDs in the user attribute. Its throwing an error as of now ( OR) is there an other way to specify the SID values Thanks Harini From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 9:58 PM To: Harini Gurusamy Cc: wix-users

Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute

2008-04-02 Thread Harini Gurusamy
Is WIX V3.0 released version or beta package From: Bob Arnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 9:58 PM To: Harini Gurusamy Cc: Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix Permission attribute Harini Gurusamy wrote: Is there an equivalent of " Extended" att

[WiX-users] Language neutral installer

2008-04-02 Thread RAYMENT Tim
Dear All, I'm trying to copy the Installshield model of having a base msi and then language specific mst files for each language (including English). I know how to generate localised msi in each language, but I'm not sure how to create the language neutral base msi. Thanks in advance for a

[WiX-users] CA only during Repair

2008-04-02 Thread Anidil
How do i change the following CA to run only as part of the repair? . Installed When i uninstall after repair,MSI throws a files in use dialog for the service running, and the uninstall fail and get rolled back Any clue on what's going wrong here? -- View this message in


2008-04-02 Thread MR.BROWN LEO

[WiX-users] InstanceTransforms with wix 3

2008-04-02 Thread Gregor Colnik
I need to create a msi installation that has to be run (installed) more than once (multiple instances of installation) on same computer, and i read this should be done with instanceTransforms somehow. But i can't find anywhere how to use this in wix. I know i'm somehow supposed to use torch to cre

[WiX-users] It cannot get louder than thi

2008-04-02 Thread acun hager
True meaning of showing wealth We had a pair of matching timepieces to represent our eternal love. - Check out the new Marketplace. It's the best place to buy or sell services for jus