Hy everybody...I was wondering whether there is a way to have the 'follow tcp trace' time annotated?So one can easily see, which answer times a specific conversation has?Wilfried Goesgens
Wireshark-dev mailing list
On Thy, Jan 03, 2008 at 04:23:43PM +0100, Wilfried Goesgens wrote:
> I was wondering whether there is a way to have the 'follow tcp trace'
> time annotated?
At the moment it is not possible to show time annotations in the
'follow tcp stream' window. It just shows you the data that was
Hy everybody...I was wondering whether there is a way to have the 'follow tcp trace' time annotated?So one can easily see, which answer times a specific conversation has? Wilfried Goesgens
Wireshark-dev mailing list