On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:09:01AM -0700, Guy Harris wrote:
> Making the field FT_UINT32 - or FT_UINT64 if it's likely to have
> values > 2^32-1, or FT_INT32 if it's signed, or FT_INT64 if it's
> signed and likely to have values > 2^31-1 or < -2^31 - and using
> proto_tree_add_uint() after fetc
On Jul 14, 2009, at 10:59 AM, arno wrote:
> The problem is that many parts of the protocol do not always consist
> of
> the same amount of bytes. Therefore the bytes have to be decoded that
> way (java code):
> int decode(bytestream stream){
>int b = stream.readByte();
>int t = b;
Hey Guys,
I`m writing a plugin to dissect a protocol the company I`m working for
uses and i have one problem, that no readme or developer guide could
solve yet.
The problem is that many parts of the protocol do not always consist of
the same amount of bytes. Therefore the bytes have to be deco