I tried plug-ins across versions.
Only copy msvcr71.dll (msvc2003) or msvc80.dll(mcvs2005) at the wireshark
installed directory,
then compiled plug-ins can be loaded.
Sent via:Wireshark-dev mailing list
I tried. but received :
mt: unknown option -- n
usage: mt [-V] [-f device] operation [count]
This is at MSVC2005.
And I can use "nmake -f makefile.nmake packaging", generate installing
2008/12/2 Martin Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Rajith,
> this command should be entered in the af
Such errors below are caused by the variables defining in the middle of the
function instead of in front.
packet-adh.c(84) : warning C4101: 'upper_tvb' : unreferenced local variable
packet-adhctl.c(90) : error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object'
file g
Yes. There is no .sln at all.
I wonder why you must find the .sln...
2008/10/14 Tobias Wärre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That is because there isn't any solution file. The build is done via
> command line, but you can build from visual studio using the nmake tools
> also using a batch-file that calls t
> I check the mailing list, and find there are some old mails discussing the
> same problem I encounter.
The wiki tips page has a couple of useful sections on debugging and setting
up browse info for MSVC.http://wiki.wireshark.
AS Development Tips says:
If you are just wanting to debug Wireshark then the Win32 binaries should
already include the debug symbols by default. You can look at the file
config.nmake and ensure that the debug switch is enabled...
# Linker flags
# /DEBUG generate debug info