if I could create a
"global" array of strings, then I could use the NID as an index. That
would be easy then. But how could I create such an array globally?
Sorry, I'm new to C and wireshark...
Hope someone could help me or show me some examples?
) I would
like to decrypt the data and pass it to the next dissector to evaluate
the content of the frame further.
Christian Gurk
Electronics Working Group / Research & Development
Max-Planck-Insitute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
+49-6131-305387 / chr
Reinhard Speyerer schrieb:
> Christian Gurk wrote:
>> So I wrote the test dissector and it showes up in the Enable Protocols
>> List (and of course, I activate it). But when I try to use it with
>> "Decode as", this menu item is grayed out, so I can'
> end
> -- local packet_table = DissectorTable.get("packet")
> -- packet_table:add(packet.USER15,mpic_proto)
Meybe someone could help me? Thanks in advance
Christian Gurk
Electronics Working Group / Research & Development
Max-Planck-Insitute for Ch