Registration for this collaboration event at the British Library has
opened today and has yet to be promoted to the general public. Sign up
early if you would like to take advantage of full access to the
English and Drama unique collections (some of the archives suggested
have yet to be offici
This sounds very interesting!
On 10 May 2011 17:03, Fae wrote:
> The event runs from 10am-5pm on Saturday 4th June and registration
> will be limited to a maximum of 30. The event has been organized in
> partnership with Wikimedia UK as part of our UK GLAM initiative. Your
> comments for imp
On 10 May 2011 17:03, Fae wrote:
> Registration for this collaboration event at the British Library has
> opened today and has yet to be promoted to the general public. Sign up
> early if you would like to take advantage of full access to the
> English and Drama unique collections (some of the ar
I am really glad to hear about the collaboration, the content on literature
on Wikipedia is decidedly poor. Might I suggest that the articles that we
work on in the third group, not be author pages, but rather individual
works. Some of the most important literary works in the English language are
I would love to see a number of generalist Wikipedians sign up for
this event. An experienced contributor could get a lot from 15 minutes
sitting with a curator talking through a key Wikipedia article on
their laptop screen after seeing the original material. I have
suggested to the curators that t
On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 19:23 +0100, Fae wrote:
> Alex, I agree with your point about individual works and I would
> extend that to popular film articles related to the lives and works of
> these authors as well as associated artworks and other cultural
> spin-offs. The impact of Oscar Wilde or H.