Hm on second thought - the beekeeper -> fields rule might be actually covered
by rule 4, so that would be an argument in favor of the rule-based approach,
because we already found a bug in this branch ;)
Your tea
Refusing to merge, since Travis is not green. Use @bunnybot merge force for
merging anyways.
Travis build 5152. State: errored. Details:
Your team W
> Hm on second thought - the beekeeper -> fields rule might be actually covered
> by rule 4
The farm plants only barley_field_tiny, but the flowering attrib belongs to
barley_field_medium. We would have to check not only whether they plant&collect
the same attrib, but also whether one plants so
regarding these objectives a 1 second delay does not matter at all. for me even
2 or 3 seconds would be hardly recognizable by the player. so we could even go
up with the sleep if necessary.
Your team Wideland
Review: Approve
Wow 3 times the inputqueues faiklure in one build seems to be a new record.
@bunnybot merge force
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
Definitions look good from my side so far.
one additional question / demand?
Would it be possible to distinguish between wanted overlaps (e.g. forester and
lumberjack shown in greenish colour) and unwanted overlaps (e.g. farm and
forester shown in red shadows)
Good idea, will implement that :)
> On the other side: Is it worth the work for a feature
> - which is hard to explain
I can just add an explanation in a tutorial. Would the economy tut or bar01 be
the better place for it?
> - which was wanted by a single player
I would not have implemented i
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1831583-fri02 into
lp:widelands has been updated.
Status: Needs review => Merged
For more details, see:
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It was definitely wanted by more then one player.
I like it too. Especially if it shows good or bad coverage.
I think the basic tutorial should bhe the place to explain this as early as
possible, cause it will be already there.
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 5154. State: errored. Details:
Appveyor build 4936. State: success. Details:
Review: Approve
Looks good to me.
However we should probably split the Lore entries. Now it could be read as the
Barbarians have a fishbreeder
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
Review: Approve
I have changed "Barbarians" to "Barbarian units", that should to it for the
apostrophically challenged. Thanks for the review!
@bunnybot merge
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribe
OK, Lua entries it is.
And I am in favor of this feature too - it will come in handy, especially for
less-experienced players.
I think we could have an explanation in the basic control tutorial, after the
quarries have been placed and before messages get introduced. Don't do this in
trunk or i
I have added a second if statement for the test variable to simulate the effect
of the goto and break out of the outer loop. Thanks for the review!
@bunybot merge
Your team Widelands Developers is requested t
Thanks for the reviews. The strings are fixed now. I also "added" the requested
/ban command (actually, it will simply be forwarded to the metaserver).
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to re
ok, ok :-)
Sorry for the noise. Will be quiet now.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/workarea-fixes into lp:widelands.
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 5157. State: errored. Details:
Appveyor build 4939. State: failed. Details:
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 5159. State: passed. Details:
Appveyor build 4941. State: failed. Details:
Refusing to merge, since Travis is not green. Use @bunnybot merge force for
merging anyways.
Travis build 5158. State: errored. Details:
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 5158. State: errored. Details:
Appveyor build 4940. State: success. Details:
Don't worry, kaputtnik, we can't always agree on everything and your opinion is
just as valid as everybody else's
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
2 comments for code readability
Diff comments:
> === modified file 'src/logic/map_objects/tribes/'
> --- src/logic/map_objects/tribes/tribes.cc2019-05-29 06:24:42 +
> +++ src/logic/map_objects/tribes/tribes.cc2019-06-05 14:12:33 +
> @@ -335,6 +335,21 @@
Sorry for the comment spam tested and working nicely. I am also happy with
the colors and borders :)
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/workarea-fixes into
lp:widelands has been updated.
Commit message changed to:
- Highlight the buildings the overlapping workareas belong to
- Fix behaviour of the W hotkey
- Show productionsite overlaps only for certain building types
of intere
inputqueues again
@bunnybot merge force
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
GunChleoc has proposed merging
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1825486-inputqueue-test into lp:widelands.
Requested reviews:
Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
Bug #1825486 in widelands: "input_queues test will often stall"
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/changelog-post-build-20 into
lp:widelands has been updated.
Status: Needs review => Merged
For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developers is
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