Hm I still get the following error in a release build.
Unexpected error during the game
vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 255) >= this->size() (which is 131)
will install a debug build now
Your team W
While running an Ai only local multiplayer with 4 amazon tribes I get a crash
with not very much information logged. Currently I don't know where this is
coming from.
Your team Widelands Developers is sub
Review: Approve test
tested all the features of this branch with my data branch.
if this is good to go code wise we should think about a merge strategy.
I believe we can let this go in. as it doesn't change the game and then
concentrate on the data and graphics. Otherwise we can merge this into
hessenfarmer has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/emp_4_fixes into
Commit message:
fixes issues described in
Requested reviews:
Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
For more details, see:
Review: Needs Fixing playtest
I confirmed the critical behaviour (not having the build menu with buildcaps
already have a flg build) is not in trunk so this needs fixing
Your team Widelands Developers is
I just tested it with my first loadable(playable?) amazons data dir. However I
didn't get a building menu when clicking on buildcap that already had a flg
built. I got a view only menu instead.
Your team
Review: Approve
travis failure is not related to code.
@bunnybot merge force
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transient failure on travis
@bunnybot merge force
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Review: Approve playtest
ok installed the appveyor x64 release build and did some playtest worked fine
so far
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Technically I already approved this but I believe a C++ experet should do the
final Code review. GunChleoc would be probably best to do this as she did the
first round
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hessenfarmer has proposed merging
lp:~stephan-lutz/widelands/bug_1831499_empire3_fixes into lp:widelands.
Commit message:
fixes in the 3rd empire scenario
Requested reviews:
Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
Bug #1831499 in widelands: "empire 3 needs improvements &quo
Review: Approve
hi, I finally found some time to test this and I believe it to be an
improvement over the previous code. So I would like to see it in the game.
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Review: Approve
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@bunnybot merge force
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@bunnybot merge force
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lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/reed-compatibility into lp:widelands.
@bunnybot merge
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Sorry overlooked you already did the merge. Seems as if Bunnybot is down again.
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Review: Approve
seems to be ok for me
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The appveyor builds failed you need to merge trunk first.
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lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/ai_flag_warehouse_distance into lp:wide
Review: Approve
Looks good to me.
However we should probably split the Lore entries. Now it could be read as the
Barbarians have a fishbreeder
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It was definitely wanted by more then one player.
I like it too. Especially if it shows good or bad coverage.
I think the basic tutorial should bhe the place to explain this as early as
possible, cause it will be already there.
Definitions look good from my side so far.
one additional question / demand?
Would it be possible to distinguish between wanted overlaps (e.g. forester and
lumberjack shown in greenish colour) and unwanted overlaps (e.g. farm and
forester shown in red shadows)
Review: Approve
Wow 3 times the inputqueues faiklure in one build seems to be a new record.
@bunnybot merge force
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regarding these objectives a 1 second delay does not matter at all. for me even
2 or 3 seconds would be hardly recognizable by the player. so we could even go
up with the sleep if necessary.
Your team Wideland
Review: Approve code review
shall be good to go from my side
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Looks good so far except that the woodcutters will stand around 4 seconds now
until the log appears. that might look weird. so we should either keep the idle
time like it is (which means we add the additional time to the working time) or
we introduce a short work cycle of 4 secs instead of idlin
@bunnybot merge
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_fixes_may_19 into lp:widelands.
thanks for the review tested all other builds. so we are safe with this.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_fixes_may_19 into lp
travis error is the inputqueues again
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_fixes_may_19 into lp:widelands.
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_fixes_may_19 into
lp:widelands has been updated.
Description changed to:
downgrading gcc to 8.3 for x64 and 7.4 for x86
using only glew
For more details, see:
that looks better no objections to change the woodcutters etc in the same way
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it should work now. only tested x64 release though. other builds need top be
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it does compile but it does not run. ir crashes when the replay writer starts
with a [sync] reset
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
hessenfarmer has proposed merging
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_fixes_may_19 into lp:widelands.
Commit message:
appveyor fixes
Requested reviews:
Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
Bug #1830626 in widelands: "glbinding stopped working in x64 builds on
Review: Disapprove
this branch seems to be broken on git. so I abndon it
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I have the feeling we should keep some sleeping time in the buildings as this
is the least performance consuming state. Furthermore it doesn't look
convenient to me that the workers are always leaving their homes in a hassle,
after successfully perfomring their task. So I would love to give them
sorry was busy yesterday with real life.
Code looks good. but should be tested.
one small nit in the diff
Diff comments:
> === modified file
> 'data/tribes/buildings/trainingsites/barbarians/battlearena/init.lua'
> --- data/tribes/buildings/trainingsites/barbarians/battlearena/init.lua
1. We have mor problems than just opengl.
2. I am trying to solve them, however I screwed up the branch a bit.
3. For this it seems that on Git strange things happened (files got lost).
4. Appveyor couldn't build due to missing files.
5. My local builds terminate with a dll failure.
We need to t
Review: Approve code review
thanks a lot for doing all this bloody work.
Looks good now.
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
still wrong order for frisian aqua farm and claypit. Consume neeeds to be after
the callworker command otherwisw we will waste ressources unnecesseraliy
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
some small comments see inline
Diff comments:
> === modified file
> 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/init.lua'
> ---
> data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/woodcutters_house/init.lua
> 2018-07-08 16:10:50 +
> +++
> data/tribes/buildi
On a second thought this sounds very reasonable.
especially the unifying aspect is a position I alkready took in the forum
discussion so if you want to unify them all I would have no objection. But we
should playtest the changes before merging in this case.
Unless you find others for which the criteria apply, but we could change that
anytime in a new branch as well.
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Barbarians mines are not affected I think.
Basically the change of order is definitely necessary for all buildings with
multiple outputs and different inputs needed for the outputs (best example
atlantean or frisian toolsmithy).
It can be adopted (which I prefer) for buildings with multiple out
Oops found some other buildings which need to be adopted to this scheme then
atlanteans crystal mine
empire marble mine, marble mine deep
frisians tailors shop, aqua farm, recycling center and eventually reindeer farm
Review: Approve review
looks good to me. However there might be some complaints about having the sound
as some people (we all know) do find this annoying. However I like it.
Your team Widelands Developers i
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_opengl into
lp:widelands has been updated.
Description changed to:
using glew for x64 builds as well now to get appveyor running again.
For more details, see:
hessenfarmer has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_opengl
into lp:widelands.
Commit message:
Stick to glew for the moment being as glbinding is causing a lot of problem
Requested reviews:
Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
For more details, see:
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/appveyor_opengl into
lp:widelands has been updated.
Commit message changed to:
using glew for Appveyor CI
For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developers
Review: Approve
checked if all instances are caught.
LGTM ;-)
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transient failure on travis
@bunnybot merge force
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@bunnybot merge
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Have done some playtesting 4 AI players on full moon.
found no obvious anomalies.
@bunnybot merge
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Review: Approve
I have tested them. results look good. also the values with the new logics
unmasked the need for some more basic buildings. bug is created.
@bunnybot merge
Your team Widelands Develope
ok you are right especially for the AI cause the AI might want to build another
idle building then.
However we should perhaps have different rating for failed and skipped. If you
like we could deliver only half of the duration time to the update fuctionality
in case we skipped so it will fall mo
Ok thanks unfortunately I found another thin to discuss.
How do we handle skipped programs? Currently we handle them as if they have
failed. But we shouldn't handle them at all. Neither positive nor negative.
by the way I now see another option.
- this change plus exposing the new crude Statistics to the UI ;-)
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
Review: Approve
Got the concept. I think we should have this after you perhaps might fix the
small nits from the below diff comments
Diff comments:
> === modified file 'src/logic/map_objects/tribes/'
> --- src/logic/map_objects/tribes/productionsite.cc2019-05-18 11:58:43
Hm I made a excel now. reported a bug to upload it and linked it to this
branch. It seems your formula is delivering weird results. I don't know why or
if I made a mistake. I think I don't have understood this in total but at least
the old crude_statistics wasn't that far from UI but more volati
UI stats are calcualted over the last 20 real attempts. Skipped does not count
as attempt. It is build like a shifting register with 20 positions containing
true or false. it is falling faster for most buildings due to the fail time is
shorter than working time. if fail time is really short it f
I have tested it now and found no anomalies (just tested with release build)
so from my side this could go in, although I would keep the first bug open.
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skips take 10 seconds if second time skipped this is hardcoded in
fails do not need any time (except some milliseconds) for e.g. atlantean
If we use UI stats we will not go to 100% suddenly cause we take the last 20
task into account. so if we have currently failed
do we need another building also is task based from my perspective not time
if we fail every 3rd attempt we don't need another building as we can't provide
enough inputs for the current one. Fails are rather short now for a lot of
buildings, as we have updated the working programs of th
Correct. I think the question is what is the relevant Information. I believe
the information necessary for management is how good is a building satisfying
its intended task. For me in this case it is more relevant the relation between
success and failure rather than the relation active to not ac
Just had a second look. Now we do count a skipped program as a fail which
hasn't be the case in the previous version.
>From what I can see in the old version the algorithm was:
if failed --> scale the old stats to 80% (resulting in asymptotically falling
values if fail everytime)
if skipped
Review: Approve
Forget my last comment. I had the wrong conception of bo.outputs
So for me Code looks good will test this tonight.
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
I think the deduction of Recruitment of second carrier will not work this way
as Outputs of recruitment sites contains the worker so it isn't empty. see
inline comment as well
Diff comments:
> === modified file 'src/ai/'
> --- src/ai/ 2019-05-17 11:45:39 +
> There is a difference between hard-coding values like "preciousness = 5" and
> automatically deducing building types that get a completely different
> treatment and algorithm by the AI anyway.
Agreed on the difference. But not deducing the types and having flags instead
gives us more flexibil
see inline comments
Diff comments:
> === modified file 'src/logic/map_objects/tribes/'
> --- src/logic/map_objects/tribes/productionsite.cc2019-05-18 11:58:43
> +
> +++ src/logic/map_objects/tribes/productionsite.cc2019-05-19 20:55:45
> +
> @@ -954,24 +955,28 @@
One thing I would like to have is a definition of normal AI limit to be able to
have the limit values currently hardcoded in lua.
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
Hmm. I thought we are aiming at having more of the definition stuf in lua so we
can change things without the need to recompile. I have the feeling that part
of this branch is going in opposite direction. Fo the design of a new tribe I
think I would like to have some flags in lua better than det
As soon as a worker is produced by a building he needs a preciousness (if we
think of schools for example). If it is created in the warehouses he does not
need a preciousness.
Maybe we have a problem now with the frisian reindeer farm, as it will now be
identified as a recruitment site. this
The failed assert came definitly from my changes. I did not compile and test
them in debug, cause my machine is so slow. Sorry about that.
The problem is we were handling the recruitment as a producing building so it
needed preciousness while in another part we handled it like a non producing
For my understanding it is not only that but we should discuss this in the bug
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
@ GunChleoc:
I forgot to mention that I am pretty sure no matter what precautions we might
take a new tribe would lead us to have some changes in Ai as well, as me and my
crystal bowl can't foresee every issue that might arise. ;-)
In fact I was led to the current improvements only by the need of
I will do so, however the 2 buildings (barracks, second carrier) are so
special, we would need a lot of code to come to the same results (1 barracks, 2
carrier). We also have a lot of other hardcoded stuff regarding these two. But
basically the AI just needs to ensure it builds a bar
Review: Approve test and review
have tested this - at least for the encyclopedia part. Texts look good.
Although while watching at them I noticed that some words seem to be out of
line (menaing they seem to be slighly above or below the other words. that
looks weird but is unrelated to this bra
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/AI-fixes into lp:widelands
has been updated.
Commit message changed to:
This fixes improves some behavior in AI performance
Ai is now able to adopt to scenarios to certain extend
For more details, see:
@bunnybot merge
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Post to
removed the lua stuff should be good to go now
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Can't do this as this is your branch and not part of widelands-dev.
BTW there might be other superseded branches as well which only you can change
in status.
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Hi Toni,
as PArt of the cleanup before move Task I think we should abandon this branch
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Any reason why this hasn't been merged yet?
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Ok I will remove the fri03 stuff and merge it then. will be tonight though
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I had the same thought but went the easy route for the moment being. Currently
we only have 2 buildings recruiting "workers": the barracks and the second
carrier recruiter. Both of them are limited for AI (barracks to 1, second
carrier to 2 hardcoded) For these reasons I doubt if any
uilding = BuildingNecessity::kNotNeeded;
> + // TODO(Hessenfarmer): Add the buildings if they are
> allowed again
> + // This line removes buildings from basic econmy if
> they are not allowed for the player
> + // this should onl
@bunnybot merge force
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oops I missed to fix the typo which GunChleoc found will be done in final polish
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/AI-fixes into lp:widelands
has been updated.
Description changed to:
Following things changed:
1. barbarian barracks no longer part of basic economy
2. AI expands towards low guarded enemy territory
3. AI builds more economy buildings based on ne
Review: Resubmit
Finally I got the AI to properly build second carrier recruiters depending on
size of road network. The issue was that we need to fake a preciousness for
this building (similar to barracks). Did some other changes as well to prevent
the Ai from dismantling too many productionsi
Travis failure is transient (once again a download of a resource failed)
@bunnybot merge
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Review: Approve review
Code LGTM.
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I still can't get the Ai to build a second carrier producer.
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@ Nordfriese:
If you want to test this further let us know, if you are finished we could
merge this.
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@ Nordfriese:
fixed the codecheck warnings.
We should try to forbid useless buildings like the tavern and see what's the
Regarding warehouses the problem was not the number but the distribution. as
the script delivers only to one warehouse a time, this is putting the road
network under s
Sorry found another bug which fits in here. Can be solved in seperate branch
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
Code looks good so far. one nit in a diff. will download compile and test now.
Diff comments:
> === modified file 'data/tribes/wares/fire_tongs/helptexts.lua'
> --- data/tribes/wares/fire_tongs/helptexts.lua2017-07-07 16:51:39
> +
> +++ data/tribes/wares/fire_tongs/helptexts.lua
Just saw that there are 2 issues on transifex for the first frisian scenario
which would fit in here as well.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of
@Tibor: of course I made sure the numbers are not used elsewhere. Shall I add
more comments to explain my changes?
@GunChleoc: will fix the typo ofcourse. I never did any thing in the scenario
but watching the AI's doing their job. If you do so you would see significant
progress. And you can se
The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/AI-fixes into lp:widelands
has been updated.
Description changed to:
Following things changed:
1. barbarian barracks no longer part of basic economy
2. AI expands to low guarded enemy territory
3. AI builds more economy buildings based on neededn
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