Review: Resubmit
Uhm, why dont we get another build?
I foundd soum compile warnigns about the new JSON Objects not having virtual
but that is some other story.
Your team Widelands Developers is subscr
I think I had an eureka moment. get_valuable_fields() is in a coroutine and
gets calculated in the background. The sleep time can be adjusted, but I think
50ms is a good value. I tested 25ms which cut the time in half but the game was
a little choppy.
Continuous integration builds have changed state:
Travis build 4482. State: passed. Details:
Appveyor build 4270. State: success. Details:
I think I found the sweet-spot. It is a radius of 6 for medium and big
buildings. Let me explain: Before hessenfarmer introduced the max_caps we had
to calculate up to 12 fields to make sure the immovable was accessible. This
isn't the case any more. Here are some maps I tested with different
You're welcome. The question though, should we really evaluate big fields? We
currently stop after 10 fields, because I think 12 is too far away and adds
fields that are only accessible under extreme circumstances.
we are getting better, at least my machine (Core2Duo T7500 6GB) is able to
calculate oasis triangle with about 14000 valuable fields. Problem is it still
took 20+ seconds.
I don't know the table beahviour in lua exactly, but if we could exclude/remove
duplicates it would make sense to simply eva
confirmed this is killing old machines on oasis triangle.
How about just checking the map for fields with maximum buildcaps small,
medium, big, port, and mine. this isn't exakt as well but far less consuming.
Forgot to mention: Tested a release build.
Here the output for map Glacier Lake:
Starting get_valuable_fields:
get_valuable_fields took: 6410ms
6 seconds sitting in front of a black screen ;)
This branch does not work for me on my poor laptop (Celeron 900 with 3,8Gb
Memory). E.g. trying to load map Oasis Triangle will last forever while memory
usage increases until no memory is available anymore. I have put a print
statement at the beginning and the end of the function get_valuable_f
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