I try let end user create their table on fly , for example, in
I have 2 function
def somepage()
if not db.has_key('sometable'):
redurect(r-request, f='nextpage')
def nextpage()
if not db.has_key('sometable'):
. Look into the source code.
> On Sep 11, 12:32 am, wf321 wrote:
> > I try let end user create their table on fly , for example, in
> > default.py
> > I have 2 function
> > def somepage()
> > if not db.has_key('sometable'):
in web2py is there anything like tempory table and store procedure ?
people not suggest to use tempory table for DAL
but what is the good solution to handle complex query?
For example, there are tables A,B,C,D,E ...
1) result1 = join A,B,C
2) update some rows in result1
3) then base on r
3 matches
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