[web2py] Re: new web2py site in Poland!

2010-07-07 Thread ra3don
Awesome work, I always enjoy seeing a production site using web2py. On a side note - Google translate did a pretty good job translating it for me - in case anyone else was interested in seeing the site in an english form. On Jul 7, 6:06 pm, Kuba Kucharski wrote: > cultural clubs, coffe places, m

[web2py] Beginner Question

2010-07-07 Thread ra3don
I apologize for a seemingly simple question, but what exactly does '% (title)s' do? I ran across it in the book in the wiki section, the whole line reads. db.document.page_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'page.id', '%(title)s') Thanks in advance, ra3don.

[web2py] Thanks!!

2010-07-08 Thread ra3don
Thanks so much for the friendly and fast response, it is greatly appreciated, i will take a look at the provided resources, thanks again.

[web2py] Re: web2py Reference Manual -- a call to arms

2010-07-09 Thread ra3don
I like this idea alot, it would be a valuable resource for a beginner (like me). I think its important that it be wiki-style so that we can all come in and add our example useages to the statements, helpers, etc. (like weheh mentioned) so we get a feel for how to use it if we're stuck. On Jul 9, 2

[web2py] Re: Beginner Question

2010-07-10 Thread ra3don
Thanks for the help guys, i'll look at the provided resources. I think i made the mistake of not learning enough python before starting web2py :( On Jul 9, 2:16 pm, weheh wrote: > I think it's time > ...http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/e2e19e698d... > > > > > IS_IN_DB()

[web2py] Re: web2py Reference Manual -- a call to arms

2010-07-11 Thread ra3don
One other thing we might consider, as Kenneth said 5 million monthly page views, we could cut that by providing a download version of the reference manual, so that us that frequent it aren't racking up on the page views. On Jul 11, 8:39 am, Kenneth wrote: > I´m intrested in helping setting up a r

[web2py] Re: web2py Reference Manual -- a call to arms

2010-07-12 Thread ra3don
One quick question. What would be the difference between this and say, the epydoc http://web2py.com/examples/static/epydoc/index.html, other than this having wiki capabilities. Am i missing something obvious? On Jul 12, 2:48 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote: > On Jul 12, 2010, at 12:33 PM, mdipierro wr

[web2py] Re: web2py Reference Manual -- a call to arms

2010-07-13 Thread ra3don
> and because it's a showcase. Any server is good, as long as the url is > something like web2py.com/reference. There is no performance issue > with the current doc. > > @ra3don: Epydocs have very little verbiage and is indecipherable to > the average user, IMHO.

[web2py] Re: Instant Press

2010-08-13 Thread ra3don
Awesome work! Keep it up on this, it's getting better fast! On Aug 13, 8:37 am, "Martin.Mulone" wrote: > Whats new in Instant Press (now in alpha3)?. Now work in GAE with some > issues, that i have to solve. I highly recommend to see the video, its > show the new features. > > http://www.youtube.

[web2py] Re: web2py 3rd edition available in PDF from LULU.com

2010-08-21 Thread ra3don
The 3rd edition was released on my birthday. Woohoo! It just wouldn't be right if i didn't buy it. On Aug 19, 5:04 pm, Christopher Steel wrote: > well worth the money! > > On Aug 19, 8:18 am, mdipierro wrote: > > > > > 3 months of work on the book it also cost money. ;-) > > > On Aug 19, 1:37 am

[web2py] Re: please help us test new web site

2010-10-13 Thread ra3don
"* At least in my browser, the fonts used in the boxinfo class appear a bit unclear (i.e., jagged/blocky rather than smooth). " That was going to be my suggestion as well. On Oct 9, 9:54 pm, Anthony wrote: > First, let me say this is excellent work and much appreciated. Along > with the new scaf

[web2py] Re: web2py 1.89.1 is OUT

2010-11-12 Thread ra3don
This is a fantastic update. web2py has been improving very quickly. Love the new web2py website, love the new admin look! Great work everybody! On Nov 12, 9:22 am, mdipierro wrote: > Please give it a try and report any bug. > > 1.89.1 > - new admin layout (thanks Branko Vukelic) > - new admin se

[web2py] New Admin Design: Suggested Improvement

2010-11-19 Thread ra3don
I really like the new admin design, it looks great. I've really only got one thing thats bugging me about it, the red X's next to everything on the edit page's files is very distracting. I feel its too bold and doesn't fit into the theme. A friend said they look like errors instead of delete butto

[web2py] Re: T-Shirts web2py

2011-01-25 Thread ra3don
I like the idea. Why don't we set up a cafepress account or something where you can order shirts, funding goes towards web2py and link it on the web2py homepage. On Jan 25, 2:19 pm, "contatogilson...@gmail.com" wrote: > Hello guys, > > Below is the link for a model of T-shirts for those who want

[web2py] Quick Admin Suggestion

2011-04-08 Thread ra3don
Is there any way we can have a "View" button added on the Header of the Admin site? The button could take the user to the index in a new tab. I personally would find this very useful because It is sometimes A pain to navigate to a page where you can click and get to the site home page. I find myse

[web2py] Re: Quick Admin Suggestion

2011-04-09 Thread ra3don
controller, and clicking on any of those takes you to the associated > URL. Are you looking for something else? > > > > > > > > On Friday, April 8, 2011 8:55:07 PM UTC-4, ra3don wrote: > > Is there any way we can have a "View" button added on the Header of >

[web2py] Re: A quiz-like app

2011-04-15 Thread ra3don
I'm collaborating with Drise on this project. This is driving me up the wall. I took at the survey app (Thanks Bruno and Massimo!) Here's what i've got: def take(): quiz = db().select(db.quiz.ALL).first() questions=db(db.question.quiz_id==quiz.id).select() answer_value=0 for quest

[web2py] Best way to sync development and production sites.

2011-05-27 Thread ra3don
I'm looking for some advice on keeping my development version and production version in sync. My development setup uses Mercurial for version control. Whats a good way to push changes to the server when i'm ready to deploy?

[web2py] Re: Best way to sync development and production sites.

2011-05-27 Thread ra3don
Great, that is what I will try. I just wasn't sure what the best way to go about that was. I saw your fabric script. Looked excellent, just a little complex for my needs. I may use it in the future. Thanks! On May 27, 3:30 pm, pbreit wrote: > There are a couple approaches to consider. What I do

[web2py] Re: Best way to sync development and production sites.

2011-05-27 Thread ra3don
Awesome, that's exactly the kind of solution I was looking for. That will work perfectly. Thanks! On May 27, 4:24 pm, pbreit wrote: > For doing updates, this is all you need: > > from fabric.api import * > > def prod(): >     env.hosts = [''] >     env.user = 'user' >     env.password = '

[web2py] Re: GAE and MySQL

2011-05-29 Thread ra3don
I think this should be possible. You would just have to do: mysql://username:password@IP_OF_MYSQL_SERVER/DB_NAME I'd also imagine you would have to allow remote users in your MySQL database. If i'm not mistaken, the default is to allow only local users in, you will have to try your luck. If you

[web2py] Re: GAE and MySQL

2011-05-30 Thread ra3don
"any suggestion for a free hosting to fully use web2py??? " Have you looked at Amazon EC2 any? You get a year free of a Micro computing instance. That would be a good 'free' hosting alternative. You'll have to set up your server on your own. Plenty of good advice in the web2py book though. On May

[web2py] Deploying with default web2py server?

2011-05-30 Thread ra3don
I apologize if this has already been answered somewhere. Are there any disadvantages to deploying using the default server that comes with web2py?

[web2py] Re: Deploying with default web2py server?

2011-05-30 Thread ra3don
86<http://www.cherokee-project.com/download/> > > On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 8:58 PM, ra3don wrote: > > I apologize if this has already been answered somewhere. > > > Are there any disadvantages to deploying using the default server that > > comes with web2py? > > -- > Sebastian E. Ovide

[web2py] Re: Project: pydev extension for web2py in Eclipse

2011-06-09 Thread ra3don
Glad to see the work is coming along. I really appreciate the effort on this. Would be great to see this bundled with Pydev. On Jun 9, 4:11 pm, Álvaro J. Iradier wrote: > Yes, I checked that project, but these way would require not adding > anything at the headers, and it also parses the models f

[web2py] Thoughts on Node.js

2011-06-13 Thread ra3don
I assume most of you have heard about Node.js by now. If not, http://nodejs.org/ What are everyone's thoughts/feelings about Node.js?