[web2py] Can not send verification email

2010-06-11 Thread pecos1046
I use the email verification option for new user registration. It works fine in test mode on the google-appengine sdk. However when I upload the application to Google and change the smtp server to "gae" it is unable to send the verification email. The Google GAE log show the following warning messa

[web2py] Re: Invalid reset password

2010-06-18 Thread pecos1046
I also get the "Invalid reset password" flash on a request reset password. I have looked at the posts regarding this issue but I can't quite follow the proposed cure. Any help would be appreciated. Peter On Jun 1, 10:36 pm, weheh wrote: > I'm trying to get the retrieve_password functionality wor

[web2py] Re: Can not send verification email

2010-06-18 Thread pecos1046
mdipierro wrote: > > > > > if you use server='gae' you should use login=None > > Not sure if this is the problem anyway. Do you get anyerror? > > > On 11 Giu, 10:12, pecos1046 wrote: > > > > I use theemailverification option for new user regist

[web2py] lost password

2010-10-11 Thread pecos1046
I am still struggling with the option that allows a user to reset a lost password. I have been scouring the web for a solution for weeks but can't get a handle on anything that will point me in the right direction. I know it is a error on my part but I now consider myself at a dead end and any hint

[web2py] Re: lost password

2010-10-12 Thread pecos1046
Massimo - thank you. I tried the lost/reset password option with your latest release and it works as advertised. On Oct 11, 7:56 pm, mdipierro wrote: > This is fixed in trunk but in stable. I will post a new stable version > with the fix shortly. > > On Oct 11, 8:35 pm, peco

[web2py] Components and LOAD function

2010-10-19 Thread pecos1046
I have been using the LOAD function in an application, but by looking at comments from this user group, I get the impression that it is still experimental. Is that correct? Anyway, I enjoy using it and an example on how to pass args and vars to its associated functions will be very helpful.