may be a little far fetched (then again maybe not...),
but any help or reality check o this would be greaty appreciated.
Thanks for you time in reading this post,
mart :)
ence for me, is easy
to see. I am very certain that many, many people, such as myself who
keep the reference handy, will benefit greatly, from your efforts for
this 3rd ed.
I can't wait to get paperback edition and try to port some of my
scripted prototypes/ideas to the web!
Bravo et merci!!
... My plan, aside from my
crazy ideas for web apps, is to focus on the kids and try to bring
them good exposure this world (because that's what we are leaving them
anyways, right?)
again, thank you very much for the PDFs and bringing web2py to our
On Aug 14, 5:42 am, mdipierro
HA! yes, I see it!!! :) Fabulous! THANK YOU!
Now, a little look into eventListeners and handlers and things are
well on their way!
Thanks for the reply!
Mart :)
On Aug 14, 4:36 am, mdipierro wrote:
> This is not a problem. Say you have
> def index():
> return dict()
Hope it helps,
Mart :)
On Aug 15, 9:58 am, DenesL wrote:
> Hi firedragon852,
> On Aug 14, 9:02 pm, firedragon852 wrote:
> > I am doing development under windows so I am running the bina
uld setup some sort of socket server (always alive and listening).
How does web2py do the equivalent? meaning will an app stay "alive" as
would would any dedicated socket server, or should I simply write one
up quickly close to where the DBs live?
Thanks and any suggestions would be appreciated,
Mart :)
Maybe store a pickled dictionary? so then when you select and load the
object, you can reference its values...
Just a thought,
Mart :)
On Aug 17, 3:55 pm, apaterno wrote:
> Hi, I'm new at web2py, and I made a few applications, so, Its time to
> go for a little more complicated wo
[web2py] storing a Python list
Wed, 17 Feb 2010 07:47:16 -0800
not sure either yet on the web2py detailed implementation (i.e the use
of text_factory?), but looking forward to taking that in.
hope it helps,
On Aug 17, 6:48 pm, apaterno wrote:
> Yes,
not want to use LiveCycle data services
(with flex) for this (although it does do some good things), and even
though the results I got with what I used were a little ok (or most
probably, the problematic parts had something to do with the guy
writing the code :) ), generating PDF with good tooling will
sounds good :) i will think about a few things and get to you later
Mart :)
On Aug 22, 12:12 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I propose the people most competent and interested in this subject
> form a team to work on it.
> Call for help, setup a mailing list and an IRC channel.
This is sounding like fun! My experience is mostly with Adobe (10
years) working with cross-continent & distributed dev efforts. So,
getting the chance to work with the great folks from web2py on a
"contribution model" (for the lack of a better term) sounds real
exciting to me! :)
et to get that going... a simple sign up?) and play
with a few ideas. So, where do we go from here, meaning how do we get
a group of interested people to join in?
I am open for discussion with anyone interested.
Mart :)
On Aug 22, 1:11 pm, mart wrote:
> This is sounding like
d applying this to specific
release plans).
I realize this was lengthy for this forum and do apologies.I do think
that a foundation should be settled before any other plan (again, that
me and my work habits – doesn't necessarily mean the only way to do
Just my 2 cents,
let me know if a
es would be a challenge? Maybe not? (I'm thinking the
contributing community vs web2py leads/leader)... but that just may be
Mart :)
On Aug 24, 6:52 pm, Michele Comitini
> Actually I would like to ask if bug tracking is used on web2py?
> Code is available from either (
ent)... This would be
a great opportunity to ask of your web2py super stars to come up with
an app that intagrates all of those items (either as one app, or as
multiples with good data sharing capabilities). There are good (and
free openSource bug tracking systems out there - but may be a li
things (which you know... broke the app,or
made it do silly things, etc...). Can someone help? :) I'm sure I am
missing something really silly but, I'm not seeing it :(
Mart :)
(perhaps optimal in this case?)
Mart :)
On Aug 25, 1:10 pm, Michele Comitini
> Point 2) is nice for all of us because you (Massimo) are very quick,
> but how much does take off of your web2py time?
> Would not be better to open the ticket before testing and eventually
> close it as &
yes, in any bug tracking system, "work on bug" data is provided by
assigned dev user (status/fix description/fix available in build X/
Mart :)
On Aug 25, 1:23 pm, Alexandre Andrade
> Since we can se the web2py tickets as bugs (of our apps), its be nice to
What a great thing! Now we just need to define requirements... Someone
should lead this to avoid problems... (N cooks in one kitchen where N
should = 1) Michele is it? :)
Mart :)
On Aug 25, 1:52 pm, Michele Comitini
> *plugin_wiki* could be used as a basis for this eventual bugtra
> html = my_call_to_magic_stuff_that_makes_html()
> return html
> or if you want to embed it in a layout:
> def get_spiffy_html():
> html = my_call_to_magic_stuff_that_makes_html()
> return dict(thecode = XML(html))
> does something like that
On Aug 26, 12:14 am, Richard wrote:
> next thread consider setting the subject to something that describes
> the problem!
> On Aug 26, 10:59 am, mart wrote:
> > sweet! thanks :) I will give it go and let you know :)
> > On Aug 25, 5:07 pm, howes
y would like to be forms)... I still think you can do a
better job with with web2py, and something to be expanded on.
A little on the pathetic side, but lets keep in mind, it was done for
testing purposes ;)
Mart :)
On Aug 25, 2:07 pm, Michele Comitin
and pass best info to you?
open a web2py ticket from the admin! Very innovative! Lots of
possibilities there! :).
Also, do let me know if you would like to look at (or have thoughts
on) branching strategies as a means to allow testing phases while
continuing with on going development.
erate same amount of traffic?
Mart :)
On Aug 26, 4:56 pm, Michele Comitini
> some thoughts...
> Firstly it is important that tickets reach their fate (closed, wont
> fix, cant fix, not a bug, whatever ) soon, otherwise
> it would be worst than people writing for bugs alr
bilities with variety and ease, leveraging that should be do-able?
Also, i assume it should also be possible to query Google DB for user
authentication, if not user validation is done through
Mart :)
On Aug 26, 7:23 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> This is reasonable but how to check?
REF: issue/bug loging:
useful for auto-send-error-to-server for error collecting ? (issue
tracking for validation on IS_BUG). Anyways, looks exciting, think
I'll play with this module for a while... Thanks for sharing!
Mart :)
On Aug 26, 11:26 pm, Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:
> Yes, once I
f. Di Pierro's
initial ask as the areas of focus). Any takers?
@ Michele: still interested in heading the efforts ? ;)
Mart :)
On Aug 28, 5:34 am, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> That way
> 1) Encourage users more into web2py group
> 2) Users can just jump into conversation and work
where we can wrap it up and make less of a pain
to use (i did this recently with Perforce where users' habits needed
to be directed a little). Or maybe you think of something more
pressing from comments in the thread?
Mart :)
On Aug 29, 1:53 am, mdipierro wrote:
> I'll take a patch to
elieve should be expected because of the unsupported python version
(although 1.83 worked fine)
3. then I downloaded for mac os, ran it and got same error
as qqsaqq
I can boot up my linux box if looking for immediate results?
Mart :)
On Aug 29, 2:02 am, qqsaqq wrote:
> If I run t
So, I just downloaded the src from,
just in case there are changes since last night. I am on mac os 10.6.4
and this is what I get (copied from terminal):
macmart:web2py_184 mart$ python
Warning: web2py requires Python 2.4, 2.5
Working great now! Thanks for that :)
On Aug 29, 1:06 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 9:46 AM, mart wrote:
> > So, I just downloaded the src
> > from,
> > just in case there a
hey Jonathan,
renamed logging.conf to logging_x.conf, modified, and re-ran
web2py. Worked great for me! :)
Mart :)
On Aug 29, 1:42 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 10:26 AM, mart wrote:
> > Working great now! Thanks for that :)
Any time :)
On Aug 29, 4:40 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 11:12 AM, mart wrote:
> > hey Jonathan,
> > renamed logging.conf to logging_x.conf, modified, and re-ran
> > web2py. Worked great for me! :)
> Thanks, I ap
Just downloaded src from same location. All is working great :)
however... i am still weeing the warning 'No handlers could be found
for logger "web2py"'
Mart :)
On Aug 29, 6:34 pm, mart wrote:
> Any time :)
> On Aug 29, 4:40 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
logger = logging.getLogger("web2py")
and no logging.conf exists.
I noticed that os.environ is being used to set cwd, so I checked the
output, which gives me this:
macmart:web2py_2_184 mart$ python
Python 2.7 (r27:82508, Jul 3 2010, 21:12:11)
this had been my experience, what ever I diod with my daughter, there
was some real to see after... (like that fingerboard pdf template app)
Mart :)
On Aug 29, 8:54 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> If you use or have used web2py for teaching please let me know.
> The deadline for SIGCSE 20
feels like this type of
stay tuned!
Mart :)
On Aug 29, 9:28 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 6:24 PM, mart wrote:
> > hey again...
> > So, I should have looked a little deeper earlier when I saw it working
> > but sti
ed to redirecting to another page)? Also, I would be
interested in finding out more about that for T3 as well...
Any help on this would be appreciated,
Mart :)
On Aug 31, 9:16 am, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> What is your web2py version?
> did you try cloning cube2py?
to store ;) Something to personalize this
type of app in this way would be awesome! :)
alright, going to make popcorn, and watch me a video! :)
Mart :)
On Sep 1, 10:33 am, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> plugin_wiki and cube2py has a list of widgets, there are "load_action" which
> made an ajax c
pe: cha... DAL sort... sort
navObject.1. 2. (3/4 ? =) 3.4
we get: --> retraced browsing path where we stop at any point and
see what we highlighted on that page without re-reading the entire
page for small page that we were interested i
just a quick question: is this related to the 1.84 build issue on Mac
os with python 2.7?
Mart :)
On Aug 31, 9:08 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> One more change to
> I took out the custom logging l
k, thanks for that! :)
On Sep 1, 8:24 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Sep 1, 2010, at 5:14 PM, mart wrote:
> > just a quick question: is this related to the 1.84 build issue on Mac
> > os with python 2.7?
> Not exactly, I don't think. That was
This sounds a lot like sub-forms (ends up being part of the form, but
can be managed separately, even at run time). I worked on Adobe's Form
designer (which is bundled with a full version of Acrobat)... if we we
don't have sub-forms in web2py, I would strongly recommend we create
them :)
vious thread as well as the crazy workload of my
unending day (and just as crazy) job).
but, IMHO, this is a worthy effort and do hope someone makes something
with this idea!
Mart :)
On Sep 3, 6:07 pm, ""
> I completely agree - one of the really nice
Well, since both you you and Massimo pointed me to the plugin_wiki
video, which I watched this morning (i was absolutely amazed by the
plug-in and its obvious potential), I would vote that you spend some
time on that and its unique qualities :)
On Sep 6, 12:21 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> I'll give a
th, maybe even color?, etc.)of the external app on load.
Thanks a bunch,
Mart :)
t with previous thread on web2py testing, source-control and but
Mart :)
So, seems the tables are still there (along woith the data :) )... but
web2py will not have anything to do them... Anybody have a trick to
convince the server to look at them again? I don't see any other
errors except that such and such a table (keyword) does not exist...
thanks again,
There is good news (maybe small news, but good news none the less):
Just installed from trunk, and this error went away ('No handlers
could be found for logger "web2py"'). This was on mac & python 2.7 :)
On Sep 11, 5:25 pm, mdmcginn wrote:
> For what it
couldn't find anything earlier posts... so basically, just looking to
see of there is a way to make the contents of quotes (forms for db
query/update, etc.) within plugin_wiki pages disappear while not used/
needed ?
again, any help would be great :)
Mart :)
hi (and apologies of re-post - had net issues),
I was looking for a way to hide either some widgets when not needed
(update, select, etc.) and possibly some content held between quotes,
but without having to re-load when a user wants to use them... Any
ideas any body?
thanks a bunch,
Mart :)
ki? Pehaps a 'widget builder' widget?
Thanks again,
Mart :)
On Sep 14, 7:25 am, mdipierro wrote:
> No. But you can do use web2py template in quotes
> ``
> {{if condition:}}
> {{=plugin_wiki.widget(name,**attributes)}}
> {{pass}}
> ``:template
> On Sep 13, 8:5
Mart :)
On Sep 14, 10:56 am, mdipierro wrote:
> It is a widget
> {{=plugin_wiki.widget_builder()}}
> On Sep 14, 8:51 am, mart wrote:
> > yes, that will do the trick!, thanks for that :) also,
Oh, and by appending the :widget at the end I get the an error telling
ther is a problem with the List
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mart/web/web2py_184/applications/nmc_rm_Portal/models/", line 580, in render_widget
args = dict((ite
hat works :) However, I was hoping for that 'flash' like window to
come up like like when using the widget_builder... Is there a way to
get that?
Thanks (3 times now) ;)
On Sep 14, 5:24 pm, mart wrote:
> Oh, and by appending the :widget at the end I get the an error telling
type on the second line (PLugin_wiki instead of
PLugin_wi) Can you spot anything?
Thanks again (X4 today),
Mart :)
On Sep 15, 12:02 am, mdipierro wrote:
> No pass but this:
> {{=plugin_wiki.widget('update',table='adminCategory',record_id=id,message='a
Had a couple of issues with Massimo's pre-release of 1.84, but has
since been fixed. I'm on Mac os X (10.6) & Ubuntu 10 and all is well
Mart :)
On Sep 15, 5:08 pm, Vasile Ermicioi wrote:
> yes, I use it already for a few months and everything works fine, both
hey, that's right! it was you who fixed the 2.7 issue on os x!
so, thank YOU! :)
On Sep 15, 7:00 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Sep 15, 2010, at 3:55 PM, mart wrote:
> > Had a couple of issues with Massimo's pre-release of 1.84, but has
> > since
ed to share the wealth), then
shortly after, feeling proud that it took only about 1 year to be
approved by ISO... now, well, maybe a little less chuckling ;)... I
predict great stuff for both pyfpdf and web2py!
Merci et bravo!!
Mart :)
On Sep 16, 1:11 am, b vivek wrote:
> This looks cool..
m, where the
event would, again, provoke a widget_build window to appear (where we
could set basic/available properties, link to tables, etc...) then
isn't our app just about setup (at least a good part of the way)?
just a thought :)
On Sep 17, 9:54 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Before w
corner, at the
rate that he is coming out with this great stuff!!!
truly impressive!
Mart :)
On Sep 18, 11:44 am, weheh wrote:
> cool
> On Sep 18, 11:33 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > I think you need to upgrade manually (unzip new web2py over old
> > web2py).
> &
Just checking to see if maybe the plugin location has changed?
anyways, the link doesn't bring down the the plug-in.
Mart :)
must have been something with my net connection... working well this
morning thoug. What I was coming down for me last night, was about
5k in size... now back up to a respectable 668k :)
thanks, sorry for the false alarm,
On Sep 19, 10:40 am, mdipierro wrote:
> No. always been here:h
resources, I'm not saying that any of this
is worth saving, but... I guess, I'm asking if you would recommend
upgrading apps to the new version, or would you recommend it for new
Mart :)
On Sep 25, 7:37 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> No.
> The m
, something like what an install application often does?
anyways, just thinking...
thanks again,
Mart :)
On Sep 26, 1:29 am, mdipierro wrote:
> I always recommend upgrading to the latest because so far I only fixed
> bugs and added feature but I make no promise that the plug-in will
> stay
before? Is there a text editor that can be embedded
within web2py and how would I go about invoking it "on the fly" while
remaining within the web2py space? Or even better, would be embedding
a terminal (emulator?).
Mart :)
How do we fix the grid's container size so that it doesn't get cut
Mart :)
attribute 'spritp'
so easy enough, made the change locally and no more error .
if fields:
fields=['%s.%s' % (table,f.strip()) for f in
Mart :)
LOL:) what version are we using? are we on 3.8?
On Sep 26, 5:07 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I'd like to know that too. ;-)
> On Sep 26, 2:45 pm, mart wrote:
> > hi,
> > How do we fix the grid's container size so that it doesn't get cut
> > off?
> > Thanks,
> > Mart :)
ry "Massimo-
centric" (which is great ;) ) but, how would I go about making the
setting more "mart-centric" where I could over write some chapter
headings and its content, and delete some (since I don't have 13 items
to write about yet ;) )
Nay help, would be great! :)
Mart :)
from gluon.serializers import json
import cgi
tablename = request.vars.tablename or error() <--
columns = (request.vars.column
itneresting... when you check a section's history, the db will point
to the section above it, which is why we get linked to the following
section instead of viewing the the edited section...
On Sep 26, 6:00 pm, mart wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to use the web2py book (the applicati
. Or you can use
the following link.
Mart :)
On Sep 26, 7:06 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> working on that... just committe to trunk
> gluon/contrib/
> gluon/contrib/ (via latex)
> On Sep 26, 5:00 pm,
Interesting... but I need it to be part of the app and not the browser
(specially if browser specific)...I have a few other ideas
Mart :)
On Sep 26, 6:14 pm, Oleg wrote:
> On Sep 26, 11:06 pm, mdipierro wrote:
all, row, deletable=True) =
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
response.flash = 'form accepted'
elif form.errors:
response.flash = 'form has errors'
return dict(form=form)
Any help, would REALLY be appreciated! :)
Mart :)
How do I make so it doesn't create a new record every time I want to
update a user's status?
the comments
So all is good, except, that choosing a user from the drop and making
the changes to the fields seems to 'create' users as opposed to
updating existing ones... Makes sense?
Thanks for you help this! :)
On Sep 27, 11:56 am, Richard Vézina
> Wo
Alright :) it may be "not good looking" right now, but I'll gladly
post my novice web2py code :) Which parts would be useful?
Mart :)
On Sep 27, 12:10 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> This
> row = db.p4users_all(request.args(0))
> form = SQLFORM(db.p4use
if not 'tao' in user or not 'error:' in user:
if strP4_user in non_active_list:
p4UserStatus = 1
#if request.controller == 'p4' and r
You are very correct, my row is None (and I should have checked this
before sending all those lines of sad looking code ;) )
Mart :)
On Sep 27, 12:53 pm, mart wrote:
> here I go (hope there is enough room here...), and yes, I know it
> looks sad ;):
;s row ID before I submit and force it to work on that row
instead of creating a new one?
Mart :)
On Sep 27, 12:59 pm, mart wrote:
> You are very correct, my row is None (and I should have checked this
> before sending all those lines of sad looking code ;) )
> row:
> None
so, if I do print the form, I do get a full detail (which should be a
good thing). but, if I look at the indivifual items, I get nothing
Now, I am stumped :(
On Sep 27, 1:58 pm, mart wrote:
> so, I'm looking.
Any time! :) that's one thing i do very, very well!! I can copy and
paste a link with my eyes closed! ;)
On Sep 27, 2:33 pm, Stef Mientki wrote:
> thanks Mart,
> I'll take a look.
> cheers,
> Stef
> On 27-09-2010 02:01, mart wrote:
> > Just downlo
html5... I have now clue of the time constraints, but can think of one
in particular ?
Anyways, for me, "WOW!" just about sums it up :)
Mart :)
On Sep 27, 3:39 pm, bally boy wrote:
> This new flash definitely looks cool Martin!
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Martin.M
appreciated... if not no worry, i do appreciate the
help so far :) If all else fails I can always write up a quick flex
app with the data stored within an XML file, just because I need to
get this out the door (although I am curious about this).
Thanks again,
Mart :)
On Sep 27, 10:00 pm
Ok, 'm really liking this! a few questions:
1) I'm not catching on where we get pdflatex... is it a plugin? where
do we get it?
2) Is this a feature that can be add to an up for users? meanin
something like "upload your document - then download your pdf (or
email generated pdf")? should be doab
sue, here's how I use reportlab to
generate the pdf templates (but now, I want to use the web2py builtin
libs) - I know, not too too pretty, but works :)
Mart :)
@author: mart
import os, sys, string
from pyFret.reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
'rules': {'and': {'include':
{'attribute': 'os',
'match': 'symbian'},
yeah, ok... does not look very nice in this format, but, if we forgo
the sample below, the rest is still a valid question, thanks again :)
On Oct 4, 1:50 pm, mart wrote:
> Sorry, bad typing day
> I need to display some dictionaries, these are generated according to
> DATA pro
al windows?
Mart :)
On Oct 4, 2:36 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> did you try
> {{=BEAUTIFY(yourobject)}}
> On Oct 4, 1:04 pm, Gary Herron wrote:
> > On 10/04/2010 10:50 AM, mart wrote:
> > > Sorry, bad typing day
> > > I need to display some
oller or view) you do:
> {{=myfunction(args)}}
> More on BEAUTIFY is found
> here:
> Bruno.
> 2010/10/4 mart
> > Hi :)
> > so I tried {{=BEAUTIFY(a_s
ename): File "C:\web2py\gluon\",
line 319, in plugin_installos.unlink(upfile)TypeError: must be
string, not file
I usually try not to, but I am installing on windows...
Should I download from another page?
Mart :)
Sorry, my bad... fund the right link in the book (i think the other is
the daily build output?). Anyways, sorry for the alarm, will install
from link ...
Mart :)
On Oct 4, 7:05 pm, mart wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> I think I had an outdated plugin_wiki (tried to use the new "links&qu
web (but cautiously and safely! ;))
via web2py, which keeps daddy on his toes, (or at least trying)...
so, googleVoice + nltk (+ web2py "learning about web2py app
development for kids") = win/win & win
The moral: web2py can be made to enable.. as well :)
Mart :)
which one... googleVoice + + +? , or HTML 5 ? or both?
Mart :)
On Oct 6, 12:23 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I like this idea... where do we start?
> On Oct 6, 9:42 am, mart wrote:
> > I think someone mentioned something about that openSource Natural
> > Language Tool
age all the related data/documents/filesets (like a project
management area where we could all collaborate...)
Stay tuned!
Mart :)
On Oct 6, 3:17 pm, slestak wrote:
> Festival is another toolkit that may be of use.
WOW! i didn't relalize just how much documentation they have! they are
intensely serious!
For now, here a great place to start (for the NLTK part) - i watched
this video
you tube:
eye opening hour! :)
On Oct 6, 8:16 pm, mart wrote:
> I think
On Oct 7, 1:55 am, mdipierro wrote:
Looks awesome! Love the build notes at the bottom!
On Oct 9, 6:34 pm, Wobmofo wrote:
> I think the logo needs more work. It should pass the one color test
> (
> the-one-color-test/)
> And what bothers also is that I read Wweb
wners)... If this is not the
case, then sorry for budding in ;)
On Oct 8, 2:41 pm, Mariano Reingart wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 2:03 AM, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> > On Oct 7, 2010, at 9:18 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> >> Can you check if it is fixed in trun
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