[web2py] localize messges in gluon/tools.py

2011-02-03 Thread kawate
The messages initialized in this module is not passed to T. Thus such as the message 'Registration needs verification' can not be translated. Please visit and register and login before mail address verification at 'https://masel-style.appspot.com/questions/client/person', where every thing is in J

[web2py] Auth message internationalizaton

2011-02-04 Thread kawate
My last question has been solved. I dont remember the original message, but the problem is how to tranlate the message "Registration needs vefificaiton" initialized at Auth. Simply put the line T = self.environment.T and parenthese the phrases in this function. Thank you

[web2py] Re: Fresh Wizard install and plugin wiki not working...

2011-02-21 Thread kawate
Hello all The discussions on plugin wiki is very useful for me. It is very natural that some privilage is needed. I had tranlateded in Japanese to post to the web2py Japan site. Thank you all. On 1月27日, 午後2:46, Jason Brower wrote: > Thanks for the heads up.  I had to create the group and add m

[web2py] auth_event, unknown userid

2011-03-08 Thread kawate
Hello all I found an unknown user id in auth_event. Does anybody has same experience? system is running on GAE with janrain.

[web2py] Re: Japan

2011-03-12 Thread kawate
Thank you for your concerns. Over 10thousand people is missing in Sanriku area and earthquake is still returning. On 3月13日, 午前12:24, "Sebastian E. Ovide" wrote: > +1 > > > > > > > > > > On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Ovidio Marinho wrote: > > Terrible , +1 > > > 2011/3/11 Massimo Di Pierro >

[web2py] referencing request, session from module folder

2011-03-21 Thread kawate
hello ; i put my module in application/modules folder. i assumed that session, request is global, but referencing session and request cause undefined name error. currently i pass these as parameters, so far it works as i expected. But teach me how to make global environment available to my module

[web2py] Re: getting fields created by SQLFORM but which are not in the form

2011-03-27 Thread kawate
sorry if i misunderstand your question, this can be your help. http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#SQLFORM-and-insert/update/delete says SQLFORM creates a new db record when the form is accepted. Assuming 1. form=SQLFORM(db.test) , then the id of the last-created record will be accessible i

[web2py] PluginMModal in plugin_wiki page

2011-03-29 Thread kawate
Hell: Please advise me to show PluginMModal window in plugin_wiki page. Best Regards:

[web2py] Re: PluginMModal in plugin_wiki page

2011-03-30 Thread kawate
       height=40)}}``:template`` >             {{=a}} >             {{=a.link('[name for this link]')}} > > Hope it helps, > Mart :) > > On Mar 30, 9:28 am, danto wrote: > > > > > 2011/3/29 kawate > > > > Hell: > > > > Please advise me to show PluginMModal window in plugin_wiki page. > > > > Best Regards: > > > Web2py is better than that. You shoud try asking "Heaven" or "Fellowship" > > regards

[web2py] rendering database contents in layout

2011-04-01 Thread kawate
hello everybody, i like to display database records in sidebar of every page. i define the function that fetch the records and return as dictionary. then i put the function in default.py and return the result of the function every view function, it works fine. such as, def some_function():

[web2py] Re: rendering database contents in layout

2011-04-01 Thread kawate
ault/chapter/13#Components), either with or > without using Ajax. For example: > > {{=LOAD(f='some_function', ajax=False)}} > > Anthony > > > > > > > > On Friday, April 1, 2011 11:25:29 PM UTC-4, kawate wrote: > > hello  everybody, > > &g

[web2py] GAE internal error unknown

2011-04-04 Thread kawate
Version 1.94.6 (2011-03-27 18:20:38) My application works fine on local GAE(dev_appserver.py). But it does not on GAE(.appspot.com) It says Internal error Ticked issued:unknown In GAE Data Viewer does not have any ticket entry. This is same on version 1.94.4. Somewhere i made mistake, but how

[web2py] Re: GAE internal error unknown

2011-04-05 Thread kawate
ashboard, and one of the menu > choices on the left would be the Logs. Click on that, and the first > entry should be the latest. You'll definitely see an error message > there. > > Regards, > Arbie > > On Apr 5, 12:00 pm, kawate wrote: > > > > > > >

[web2py] z index of plugin mmodal and youtube

2011-04-05 Thread kawate
Hello every body: I have youtube video over the mmodal window in a plugin wiki page. How to change plugin_wiki elements. Is there hidden parameter in widget? It is nice to control the z index of page element. Thank you in advance.

[web2py] utf-8 plugin_wiki menu

2011-04-07 Thread kawate
hello all I am creating the application with plugin_wiki. It is very powerfull. But it will be more powerful if meta-menu accepts the utf-8 code. Normally the menu item is displayed in the native language. So i tried some. home page:home is OK ホーム page:home is NG .ホーム page:home is OK if start

[web2py] plugin_wiki syntaxed, but works fine

2011-05-05 Thread kawate
this is just a report. The following construct is syntaxed, but works fine. `` name: create table: comment message: 書き込みました next: {{=request.url}}?title={{=request.vars['title']}} hidden_fields: posted_at,title default_fields:title={{=request.vars['title']}} ``:widget

[web2py] Re: Paypal on Appengine

2011-05-28 Thread kawate
I posted the issue at paypal: https://www.x.com/thread/52494?tstart=0 On 5月29日, 午前7:02, howesc wrote: > i tried to get my implementation (slice 106) to work on app engine, but > could not find a way to properly sign the requests using the pycrypto > library that GAE provides.  you get a gold sta

[web2py] Re: How do we handle concurrent db update?

2011-05-31 Thread kawate
This is not a theoretical but a very actual and serious problem. Think about a bank account, you might be in a deadly embrace. Web2py is not a only user that access database. So the problem is not solved in web2py. If i were you, i would write a raw sql statement. On 6月1日, 午前1:25, pbreit wrote:

[web2py] Google Application Engine return Hello world

2015-06-29 Thread kawate
Deploying test application ends well but only returns 'Hello world!' from server(local host and google). I expect well known welcome page. I tried deployment both thru web2py.py and gae launcher, results are same. I did not change any but on app.yaml application ID as attached. Thank you in advanc

[web2py] Re: Google Application Engine return Hello world

2015-06-29 Thread kawate
test application is just as downloaded from web2py website. On Monday, June 29, 2015 at 4:08:19 PM UTC+9, kawate wrote: > > Deploying test application ends well but only returns 'Hello world!' from > server(local host and google). I expect well known welcome page. > I trie

[web2py] Re: Google Application Engine return Hello world

2015-06-30 Thread kawate
:08:19 PM UTC+9, kawate wrote: > > Deploying test application ends well but only returns 'Hello world!' from > server(local host and google). I expect well known welcome page. > I tried deployment both thru web2py.py and gae launcher, results are same. > I did not c

[web2py] wsgi.py import error on GAE

2015-06-30 Thread kawate
For this several years, i have run the web2py application on GAE, but i should move to high replication database. Data size is small and a few modification is needed i try to deploy the application with new applicaition ID. I tried two version. gaehandler.py and gaehandler.wsgispp on local host

[web2py] Re: Google Application Engine return Hello world

2015-06-30 Thread kawate
Yes I did and test is done on local host On Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 2:29:50 AM UTC+9, Sébastien wrote: > > Did you copy "gaehandler.py" in the root folder? > > I would first debug the app in the local Google SDK before deploying it. > > On Tuesday, 30 June 2015

[web2py] Re: Google Application Engine return Hello world

2015-07-02 Thread kawate
to update the web2py document as GAE modified the UI and services. >> >> On Wednesday, 1 July 2015 12:07:20 UTC+5:30, kawate wrote: >>> >>> Yes I did and test is done on local host >>> >>> On Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 2:29:50 AM UTC+9, Sébastien wrote: &g

[web2py] Re: referencing request, session from module folder

2011-03-21 Thread yutaka kawate
thank you but i am very sorry, i did typing miss. actually, i did so. it looks that system try to pickle response variable. i am trying environment['response'] = None 2011/3/22 Floyd > try use self in login(...) method: > def login(self,) > request = self.environment['request'] >

[web2py] Re: referencing request, session from module folder

2011-03-21 Thread yutaka kawate
it = request.now session.who = self def logoff(self,session): self.class_mate = None self.id = None self.leader = None self.name = None self.displayname = None self.class_code = None session.who = None 2011/3/22 yutaka kawate &

[web2py] GAE deployment. appcfg not in the package

2016-10-11 Thread yutaka kawate
Where i can get appcfg.py? web2py souce code does not contain this file, used to be in the package -- Resources: - http://web2py.com - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation) - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code) - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues) --- You r