Hi, I updated my web2py, but I had a problem with web2py 1.78.3, I use
legacy databases. When I try to go to my application I got this
Error traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/RESPALDO/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 178, in
exec ccode in environment
part, just a
> > guess.
> > On May 17, 10:12 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > > still the error he is getting makes no sense to me.
> > > On May 17, 8:54 pm, DenesL wrote:
> > > > On May 17, 6:31 pm, drayco wrote:
> > > > &g
Thank's a lot Nico de Groot.
It worked for me too even with mysql.
On 18 mayo, 07:24, Nico de Groot wrote:
> Hi Denes,
> I got the same syntax error (SyntaxError: invalid table "account"
> attribute: sequence_name ) when using a legacy database (by specifying
> the primarykey in 'define_table'
Thank's a lot Nico de Groot.
It worked for me too even with mysql.
On 18 mayo, 07:24, Nico de Groot wrote:
> Hi Denes,
> I got the same syntax error (SyntaxError: invalid table "account"
> attribute: sequence_name ) when using a legacy database (by specifying
> the primarykey in 'define_table'
Thank's a lot Nico de Groot.
It worked for me too even with mysql.
On 18 mayo, 07:24, Nico de Groot wrote:
> Hi Denes,
> I got the same syntax error (SyntaxError: invalid table "account"
> attribute: sequence_name ) when using a legacy database (by specifying
> the primarykey in 'define_table'
Where can I download web2py 1.77.3?
Because my application that's run in webfaction, with MySQL and web2py
1.78.3 needs to restart 4 times at day?
And MySql rollback today, and I obtained a error that's say "server in
process to shutdown"
With web2py 1.77.3 and 1.66.5 I didn't need to do that ac
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/webapps/seccion36/web2py/applications/init/
controllers/default.py", line 134, in
File "gluon/globals.py", line 96, in
self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "gluon/tools.py", line 2036, in f
return action(*a
One of my user told me that He sent in 2 times new registers, and he
didn't obtain answer.
In previous versions of web2py, I never got this error.
On Jun 2, 7:03 pm, drayco wrote:
> Thank's a lot Dr. Massimo
> do you use apache? Yes
> mod_wsgi? Yes
> do you use th
ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/webapps/seccion36/web2py/applications/init/models/
db.py", line 16, in
File "gluon/sql.py", line 933, in __init__
ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/webapps/seccion36/web2py/applications/init/models/
db.py", line 16, in
File "gluon/sql.py", line 933, in __init__
self._execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;
(*) " crashing your mysql
> database? It seems to me the problem is not the web2py version.
> On Jun 2, 7:03 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Thank's a lot Dr. Massimo
> > do you use apache? Yes
> > mod_wsgi? Yes
> > do you use the built-in web
I ran web2py manually one time, and them I ran apache, at this moment,
everything is done with web2py version 1.78.3 even admin with https.
On Jun 3, 1:48 am, drayco wrote:
> Very probability, because i very new in web applications and python
> In the
Today, when I try to download large csv archives, with admin, apache
Well, I added this to httpd.conf
WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=drayco group=drayco \
home=/home/drayco/webapps/seccion36/web2py \
processes=1 maximum-requests=1000
But even with that, apache crashed equal
Hi, web2py users,
I have a application with 6 web services with json in web2py.
I answer topological information every minute.
And my partners told me that the size of the answer is too large. They
told me that we need to use jzip.
The new requirements is that I need to give a jpg image too.
But I
Hi, web2py users,
I have a application with 6 web services with json in web2py.
I answer topological information every minute.
And my partners told me that the size of the answer is too large. They
told me that we need to use jzip.
The new requirements is that I need to give a jpg image too.
But I
Hi everyone.
I have a application in a server production with web2py 1.72.3 and
MySQL, and in this moment, I try to do some modifications in my
localhost, but when I try to use with web2py 1.76.5 I got this error
when I try to enter, Only in auth.
I see that you did some changes in auth tables, we
I have web2py 1.76.5 with red hat 5.5 enterprise linux 5.5 at 64 bits.
I updated web2py and when I try to go to admin i got this error.
What is this mean?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 173, in
exec ccode in e
Apr 7, 12:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> can you open a regular python shell and run
> import os
> print os.path.abspath(os.path.join('applications/admin/','hello'))
> ? looks like a python issue, it cannot determine os.getcwd()
> On Apr 7, 12:23 am, dr
Apr 7, 12:32 am, mdipierro wrote:
> can you open a regular python shell and run
> import os
> print os.path.abspath(os.path.join('applications/admin/','hello'))
> ? looks like a python issue, it cannot determine os.getcwd()
> On Apr 7, 12:23 am, dr
In http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/08#Authentication and
Customizing Auth
# after
# auth = Auth(globals(),db)
Field('first_name', length=128, default=''),
Field('last_name', length=128, default=''),
Field('email', le
ause you have an old version of web2py.
> On Aug 12, 12:19 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Inhttp://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/08#Authenticationand
> > Customizing Auth
> > Example:
> > # after
> > # auth = Auth(globals(),db)
> > db.defi
ause you have an old version of web2py.
> On Aug 12, 12:19 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Inhttp://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/08#Authenticationand
> > Customizing Auth
> > Example:
> > # after
> > # auth = Auth(globals(),db)
> > db.defi
Good night, I ask for your support with this situation
I have a subdomain on WebFaction.
At this time, I can see and work with the admin, welcome and a mysql
database in my application in WebFaction.
However, when I request my subdomain, the initial application (init)
loads blank pages. I think,
Hi, Dr. Massimo:
Can you help me please?
This is my situation:
I have a subdomain in webfaction with https.
I can work with default applications of web2py. Even I can put
data in a mysql database. All of that in with my subdomain in
However, when a I request
tool to check packed and unpacked files.
On 11 sep, 12:24, drayco wrote:
> Hi, Dr. Massimo:
> Can you help me please?
> This is my situation:
> I have a subdomain inwebfactionwith https.
> I can work with default applications of web2py. Even I can put
I have many users with differents roles.
Those users gave their passwords and username to others.
I use auth and it allows to the
people login in to the application with the same user at the same time
with different pc with different ip.
And I don't want that happen.
Please, Can anybody help me?
In virtualbox with IE7 and IE8 with WinXP, it's works.
With two machines with WinXP with IE7 and IE8, it's works.
However, some of my user report me that it didn't not work.
On 6 oct, 22:31, mdipierro wrote:
> Has anybody tried submenus and IE. Do they work? I assumed they did
> not I tried onc
With two machines with Windos Vista and IE6 It didn't work.
On Oct 6, 10:31 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> Has anybody tried submenus and IE. Do they work? I assumed they did
> not I tried once and it did not work for me.
> Massimo
You received thi
Hi, I don't want this error happen. Please, Can you teach me how to
avoid this error with MySQL in WebFaction?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/webapps/app/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 178,
in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/user/webapps/app/web2py
I think, you need more help in this kind of work.
Buenas tardes. Puedo ayudarlos revisando la traducción, por el
momento. A partir del 15 de Diciembre podría contribuir con uno o dos
Sin embargo, no quisiera dejar pasar la oportunidad para comentar que
existen frases que no refieren e
I use MySQL and auth. When i try to login, Web2py 1.72.1 give me this
error. But With Web2py 1.71.1 this dosen't happend.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/RESPALDO/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 184, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/media/RESPALDO/web2py/ap
This is my function
def lee_notas():
if len(request.args): page=int(request.args[0])
else: page=0
Capturista = db(db.capturistas.creadoPor==auth.user.id).select()
> {{=table[nota.field].otherfield if table[nota.field] else
> 'undefined'}}
> Anyway, this code does a lot of DB access. I assume you are running on
> GAE. if not, you should use a join instead.
> On Nov 29, 12:29 pm, drayco wrote:
> > This is
Error traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/main.py", line 478, in wsgibase
serve_controller(request, response, session)
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/main
pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > Never seen this before. which web2py version?
> > Can you try delete everything in the cache folder of your application?
> > On Jan 14, 7:16 pm, drayco wrote:
> > > I follow this:
> > >http://www.web2py.co
me/cache folder? If so,
> could you send me those files to look at.
> On Jan 16, 1:27 am, drayco wrote:
> > Does your app have write access to the applications folder? Yes, It
> > was rw and x.
> > Even I try to run as root and it was still happen
> >
Hi, please, can You give any examples?
On 25 dic 2008, 19:16, mdipierro wrote:
> You cannot.T3does not support web2py templating language.
> On Dec 25, 6:10 pm, "Tito Garrido" wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > Why when I try to use:
> > {{ifself.is_admin:}}
> > Test
> > {{pass}}
> > in a wiki pa
Hi, I try to use t3 and I need to @expose procedure if i want to use
it in a wiki page in a self.create() method.
This is my procedure that i need to use
def programafecha():
ltiple {{}}{{}} as you can in the web2py template
> language.
> Massimo
> On Jan 5, 1:18 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Hi, please, can You give any examples?
> > On 25 dic 2008, 19:16, mdipierro wrote:
> > > You cannot.T3does not support web
ng wiki/two by exposing programfetcha directly. In
> this case you need the decorator @expose and the wiki/one should say
> {{=self.create(db.beneficiarios,next='run/programfetcha')}}
> Massimo
> On Jan 5, 1:29 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Hi, I try to use t3
Thank's a lot.
On 5 ene, 21:04, mdipierro wrote:
> yes, here is another example
> {{=DIV(*[DIV(db.display(db.dog,query=db.dig.id==id)) for id in
> [1,2,3]])}}
> Massimo
> On Jan 5, 7:46 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Ok, I understand.
> > Howev
Hi, can you give a simple example about group memberships and group
based access control in t3?
Or how can i show or not some menu/submenu in t3?
Can i do this whithout group memberships?
You received this message because you are subscribed t
In web2py, i can to connect with mysql.
Can I use the same form in t3, if I want to connect with mysql?
how can i use mysql in t3?
Thank's in advance.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
ge has "menu" unchecked then it never appears in menus.
> You can find example of access control for other functionalities
> inhttp://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/static/t2.pdf
> Massimo
> On Jan 7, 7:54 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Hi, can you give a simple exa
Sorry, i want to say
And in this answer, I would want to suggest something extensions for
"view helpers -> menu"
On Jan 8, 2:33 pm, drayco wrote:
> Hi, thanks. I understand.
> However, I think, i don't explain my idea well.
> I would want to display or no
rn pages.
> Currently there is no mechinsm to enforce access control to the menu
> items, only to the content of those pages.
> I will think about this it may not be too difficult to add this
> mechanism.
> Massimo
> On Jan 8, 3:07 pm, drayco wrote:
> &
Yes, I see that effect in t3 and firefox.
But, if you delete all the content and paste again in a new page, the
problem disapper.
On Feb 11, 3:59 pm, Wes James wrote:
> Anyone else see the itemize list appearing in the middle of the
> browser witht3on firefox?
> -wj
Hi, I using t3 Version 0.4 (2009-01-07 09:01:19) and web2py 1.55.2 in
a website in production enviroment.
In this moment we have 750 users and more of 10,000 registers of
diferent kind data and i am using sqlite. The web site is
The problem is the following: when i u
is it possible that in t3 Version 0.4 (2009-01-07 09:01:19) and web2py
1.55.2 diferent person with the same user can logg in?
And, if it is possible, how can i fix that?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Ok, i wait the new version.
Thank's in advanced.
On Feb 12, 1:25 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> there was a bug in backup/restore that is now fixed in trunk.
> Can you want next Tuesday I post the next version?
> Massimo
> On Feb 12, 12:31 pm, drayco wrote:
> >
and in the same place but with diferrents
machines and in this moment i have a lot of problems with that.
And i don't want that this happend.
What can i do?
On Feb 12, 1:29 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I do not understand. Can you make an example?
> On Feb 12, 12:52 pm, drayco wrot
somebody else is currently
> logged in as you"
> t2.logout(next='login')
> return dict(form=form)
> On Feb 12, 2:00 pm, drayco wrote:
> > I have many users with diferrents kinds of rights and they gave their
> > passwords and user name t
quot; in a the same or
new wiki/page.
This tricks works with t3 Version 0.4 (2009-01-07 09:01:19) and web2py
On 12 feb, 17:42, Wes James wrote:
> This trick works until a log out. If I log back in it goes back to
> where it should be - go figure....
> -wj
> On Thu, F
I tested it and the problem is the same.
Do you have other suggestion?
On 12 feb, 15:37, drayco wrote:
> Thanks in advanced. I will try to fix that this afternoon.
> On 12 feb, 14:33, mdipierro wrote:
> > Yes you can but this is not one line change. Assuming you have a
Yes, I tested with two diferrent and two diferrent IP addresses.
I use share hosting with apache and wsgi in webfaction.
On 12 feb, 23:05, mdipierro wrote:
> Did you test logging from two different machines? Different IP
> addresses?
> Massimo
> On Feb 12, 8:15 pm, dray
if client and client!=request.client: ### if no match, force
> logout
> session.flash="sorry, somebody else is currently logged
> in as you"
> redirect(URL(r=request))
> return dict(form=t2.login())
> On Feb 13, 1:26 am, drayco
guess I need to try this myself before sending it. Sorry I have not
> > done so. I will test it, debug it and get back to you.
> > massimo
> > On Feb 13, 11:27 am, drayco wrote:
> > > Sorry, I tested it again and the problem is the same.
> > >
quest.client when the two users login from different
> IP using the same password within 5 minutes?
> Massimo
> On Feb 13, 6:44 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Hi mdipierro, Thank's for your help.
> > However, the problem is the same.
> > Please,
, can you help me?
On 15 feb, 10:59, drayco wrote:
> I use a share hosting with wgsi and apache2 in webfaction.
> Ok, I will try to do the test.
> Thank's for your help.
> On Feb 15, 8:46 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > That should have worked. Can you tell me
> You can change the 300 in the cache.ram(...,300).
> On Feb 16, 7:05 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Hi massimo, i did other test in the school with 2 machines with 2
> > diferent ip.
> > At first, I felt happy to see that it worked.
> > However, I w
On 12 feb, 13:41, drayco wrote:
> Ok, i wait the new version.
> Thank's in advanced.
> On Feb 12, 1:25 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > there was a bug in backup/restore that is now fixed in trunk.
> > Can you want next Tuesday I post the next version?
I have this code in the model:
Field('unique_id','string', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('active','string', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('creadoEl','datetime', writable=False, readable=False),
I have this in model
#audit field group
audit = db.Table(db,'audit',
Field('unique_id', 'string',default=uuid.uuid4(), writable=False,
Field('active', 'boolean', default=True, writable=False,
readable=False, label='Activo',comment='Desactiva para eliminar este
total =
Ups, my bad
I tested on web2py version 1.89.5 and trunk
On Dec 8, 7:58 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> which web2py version?
> On Dec 8, 6:30 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Hi
> > I have this in model
> > #audit field group
> > audit = db.Table(db,'audi
Ups, my bad
I tested on web2py version 1.89.5 and trunk
On Dec 8, 5:56 pm, drayco wrote:
> Hi
> I have this code in the model:
> db36.define_table('benefs2',
> #Field('id','integer'),
> Field('unique_id','stri
Hi, I updated trunk version, but error still happens
this the track
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/controllers/
Hi, I updated trunk version, but error still happens, but now all my
functions that use crud.(search,read,create) doesn't work
this the track
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environmen
:D wel olny crud.create doesn't work
this is the track
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/controllers/
:D, well only for this function "realizar_venta", because other
crud.create works well
On Dec 8, 10:35 pm, drayco wrote:
> :D wel olny crud.create doesn't work
> this is the track
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/drayco/web
Ok, it's work's now, I reset my instance and all work well
On Dec 8, 10:43 pm, drayco wrote:
> :D, well only for this function "realizar_venta", because other
> crud.create works well
> On Dec 8, 10:35 pm, drayco wrote:
> > :D wel o
+datetime.timedelta(14)), label='Fecha de Entrega'),
(first_name)s %(last_name)s %(end_name)s'))),
(first_name)s %(last_name)s %(end_name)s'))),
Hi, this is the new traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/controllers/
ventas.py", line 1086, in
File "
) a minimalist app to reproduce the
> problem?
> On Dec 9, 9:08 am, drayco wrote:
> > Hi, in web2py 1.89.5 works but in trunk no
> > This is in the controller
> > def realizar_venta():
> > return dict(form=crud.create(db.notas, next=URL(
Field('limitup','double', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('limitdown','double', writable=False, readable=False),
Field("promo", "double", requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='No
puede estar va
#x27;integer' , length = 1 ),
Field('ClaveMediciones', 'integer' , length = 6 ),
migrate = False)
This is the traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/glu
> On Jan 8, 12:57 am, drayco wrote:
> > Hi, this code works with web2py 1.89.5 with mysql
> > but with web2py in trunk and mysql it dosent works.
> > db.define_table("lentes",
> > audit,
> > Field("te
Well, only a litle typo in page 324
However all it's works ok.
On Dec 8 2010, 7:58 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> which web2py version?
> On Dec 8, 6:30 pm, drayco wrote:
I need that some of you guys check this, in my case, Pymysql have some
issues with legacy databases (First, I think this issue is of new dal,
but I'm not sure)
However mysqldb, my application work well
this is my report:
In dal.py
However, the error is still appear
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/iscada/models/cfe
not sure how it could have worked before, but the key (technogradua)
> > > > > in .keys() is not being picked up... dal is simply pointing that out
> > > > > with the exception being thrown. I did notice when I made the switch
> > > > > that a few more of m
Hi, I did my test with trunk version
this is the issue
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/iscada/models/cfedb.py", line
16, in
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/iscada/models/cfedb.py", line
16, in
migrate = False)
File "/home/drayco/web2py/g
Hi, I updated my trunk version
However, The same issue is still
This is the new traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/iscada/
In file wgsihandler.py
# change these parameters as required
What does i miss?
I can try to show in form of input and output a dbset, but i want to modify
prices, because it depends of store
In model
if store.store_id<7:
armazones = db((db.eyewear.observaciones==
elif store.store_id>6:
armazones = db((db.eyewear.observaciones!='2DA
Hi, I want to display the porcentaje of some fields
I put this in the end of model
Field("total", "double", default=0, writable=False),
Field("anticipo", "double", default=0,
requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='No puede estar
las 2 legadas. Suena raro pero eso
necesitan en la escuela en la que trabajo en México.
Gracias de antemano
On Jan 28, 4:15 pm, DenesL wrote:
> Are you sure it worked before?
> As far as I know mysql is not supported for legacy DBs using
> primarykey.
> On Jan 28, 5:04 pm, drayco
Now, I have a problem with one database that it didn't is legacy
database in the same old application
This is the issue
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in
exec ccode in environment
_ALPHANUMERIC(error_message='¡Deben ser
caracteres alfanumericos!'), \
IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'benefs2.rfcWorked',error_message='El RFC ya
existe')], label='Trabajador RFC'),
IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE(0,1e1000,error_message='Debe ser Numero positivo')],
the case in models that may trigger a
> migration and data loss unless you convert the .table files. I will be
> happy to do that for you if needed.
> Massimo
> On Mar 31, 1:03 pm, drayco wrote:
> > Good morning to all, our case i
to the model
And when reviewing the MySQL database we see that the field is
defined as sexoWorked.
Any advice?
On Mar 31, 12:47 pm, drayco wrote:
> Please, we want you to help us confirm
> We have reviewed and benefs2.table SQL.LOG and we observe that the
> field sexoWorke
We put fake_migrate = True at all and we got it define_table
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 189, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/init/models/db.py", lin
Ok, We change to sexoworked and we got this
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 189, in
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/init/models/db.py", line 334,
Hi Dr.Massimo
Following your advice, we changed in the model, all of fields names
that use upper case with lower case, and we use fake_migrate = True
and now we work with web2py 1.94.6
Thank you very much.
On Mar 31, 1:52 pm, drayco wrote:
> Ok, We change to sexoworked and we got t
1.- Put in your model in every table fake_migrate=True
2.- Remove your *name_of_your_table.table
3.- Run web2py and go to admin application database
4.- Remove fake_migrate
Your rebuild your *name_of_your_table.table
On 20 abr, 14:15, Praneeth Bodduluri wrote:
> 1) If you have no other schema c
It's work for me
On 20 abr, 23:46, drayco wrote:
> 1.- Put in your model in every table fake_migrate=True
> 2.- Remove your *name_of_your_table.table
> 3.- Run web2py and go to admin application database
> 4.- Remove fake_migrate
> Your rebuild your *name_of_your_table.
Thank's a lot.
On 27 abr, 16:21, pierreth wrote:
> OK I see,
> This way, Pydev automatically had the missing imports when we are
> coding. Personally, I added the library project by project so the
> feature is working for me too.
> But this does not solve the problem of the missing imports fo
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