I want to give web2py a try, and so experiment as I follow the online
web2py book.
Chapter 3, section 'Postbacks', code snipet:
if not request.function=='first' and not session.visitor_name:
Does not appear to work as expected. request.function always returns
> request.function has the name of the function called
> i.e. the function part inhttp://ipadr:port/app/controller/function
> If request.function is always 'second' it means you are always
> callinghttp://yourserverip:port/yourapp/default/second
> Hope this helps
I bought the book too, it's great. Just wish comenting & highlighting
were enabled so that I could bookmark, highlight, fix typos ;-) as I
go along -- but there must be a reason for locking this PDF feature?
On 21 août, 15:31, ra3don wrote:
> The 3rd edition was released on my birthda
I'm trying to run web2py, but as I go into 'the real stuff', problems
start to arise.
Just so you know, I'm running python 2.7 on a windows 7 OS, using the
1.83 source code.
a) I get a warning that cron is disabled because there is no file
locking. Starting the app with administrative righ
> 2) shell error "Cannot operate on a closed database.". This is a known
> problem. Do not use the web based shell to interact with the database.
> Use the normall shell
> python web2py.py -S yourapp -N -M
> On Aug 23, 9:18 am, dederocks wrote:
I am trying to generate a field with a default value based on the
record id -- but it doesn't work. For example:
Field('designation', type='string', length=200, required=True,
Field('details', type='string', length=2000),
I wish it were easier to write comments in views.
Right now, if I understand well, you need to add a '#' in each {{}}
sequence, but elements outside {{}} are still displayed.
And multiline comments don't work:
For example, if in a view I have:
Zone Title
{{'''for zone in zones:}}
Excellent - Thanks!
On 5 oct, 10:09, cjrh wrote:
> Zone Title
> {{if 0:}}
> {{for zone in zones:}}
> {{=zone.code}}: {{=B(zone.description)}}
> {{pass}}
> {{pass}}
> Change the zero ("0") to a one ("1") when you want the code back
Me too, +1. It feels light ... like web2py developement :-)?
On 12 oct, 09:15, Jason Brower wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 00:53 -0500, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> > Begin forwarded message:
> > > From: Bruno Rocha
On 12 oct, 16:16, Anthony wrote:
> What is everyone commenting on here -- the original twoSolielogos,
> or something new? I don't see any links or attachments in this thread?
> On Oct 12, 3
Thanks for the fix! works with python 2.7 too :-)!
On 21 oct, 19:43, "mr.freeze" wrote:
> This is very handy. I got an error on step 1 with Python 2.6. I think
> line 62 of wizard.py should be:
> from gluon.contrib.simplejson import loads
> On Oct 21, 7:21 am, mdipierro wrote:
> > app/wizar
Experimenting with the new wizard to accelerate my developement, I
encountered an error when defining a recursive field.
With table location
and fields
id_location location
I get:
File "C:\Users\Andre\Documents\web2py\gluon\sql.py", line 1528, in
Beautiful design -- just a few quirks remaining:
- Indeed, search doesn't work for me either. No feedback (mouse with
an hourglass, for example?), no result.
- Collapse/expand works for the first collapse, but expand is then not
- In the design view, models area, the button graphism for "
I guess this could be solved by implementing the APE (ajax-push)
technology mentionned the other day by Michele:
I'm working on it to see if this can be used to remotely control a
webcam and send back pictures in real time.
BR, André
On 16 nov, 2
Hi Ron,
I have two web2py running, one on ubunto 10.10, and the other on
windows 7. Both look very similar (buttons appear slightly taller on
ubuntu), and I don't see any of the problems you mentionned: controls
wahsed out, lack of color change for buttons selected, none of this
happens on both ve
Same problem for me.
On 25 nov, 06:04, Anthony wrote:
> Is the test supposed to be done without the win32 extensions installed
> (I have them installed)?
> Anyway, I tried the test. Before updating trunk, it behaves as you say
> -- I opened two windows in quick succession -- the first took 10
Hi Massimo,
Here is the error I got this time:
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
Version 1.89.5 (2010-11-21 16:03:13)
Database drivers available: SQLite3, PostgreSQL
Starting hardcron...
Traceback (most recent
I tried the last version in trunk, and the admin application generates
a ticket... and looking at the ticket generates another ticket! (which
is the reason why I cannot provide a traceback).
But the other applications appear to work fine.
On 25 nov, 17:20, mdipierro wrote:
> Perfect! Thanks Mr Fr
Thank you Kenneth!
I must admit the file is difficult to analyze manually -- I'm happy to
send it as an attachement if useful.
On 26 nov, 09:21, Kenneth Lundström
> If you have access to the file system you can find the error ticket in
> the folder /applications/admin/errors
> Kenneth
Fine, here you go (sorry, don't know how to attach files on google
1999/xhtml" xml:la
When shutting down Web2py (trunk version on windows 7, python 2.7), I
get the following error:
starting browser...
Unhandled exception in thread started by >
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Andre\Documents\web2py\gluon\main.py", line 751, in
There's been a weird bug in the built-in editor for some time now:
when you highlight a line, the highlight actually shows up two lines
above the selection. Any way to fix this?
Python 2.7, Windows 7, trunk version.
Thanks & BR, Andre
Thanks for the cue -- indeed, no problem with Chrome for example. I
use FF 3.6.13 on Win7.
On 4 jan, 12:51, mdipierro wrote:
> Which browser? The browser is the issue.
> On Jan 4, 1:49 am, dederocks wrote:
> > Hello,
> > There's been a weird bug in the buil
Sorry for this probably very beginner question -- how & where can you
change the layout for the favicon (e.g. favicon.png in the
application's static folder) that shows up on the top left of the
example application for example? My knowledge in css is limited, but
in any case I can't find in
Thanks! BTW, the favicon (favicon.ico) shows up well in Chrome & IE,
but not with FF!
On 5 jan, 11:53, rochacbruno wrote:
> This is not in base.css this is defined in views/layout.html
> Enviado via iPhone
> Em 05/01/2011, às 08:36, dederocks escreveu:
> >
Since the last trunk update(s? -- less than 24 hours), I get the
following problem:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Andre\Documents\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line
188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "C:/Users/Andre/Documents/web2py/applications/so
Works now -- thank you!
On 6 jan, 14:21, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> ?
> this line should not be in trunk:
> r = self.represent_exceptions(self,obj,fieldtype)
> it is
> r = self.represent_exceptions(obj,fieldtype)
> Massimo
> On Jan 6, 1:23 am, David Marko wrote:
> > I have the same pro
I have a field with the 'list:reference xxx' type. Using it gets the
following error (I think):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Andre\Documents\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line
188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "C:/Users/Andre/Documents/web2py/application
y", line 3885, in
return self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
File "C:\Users\Andre\Documents\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 704, in
raise e
ProgrammingError: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de « ) »
May I ask you how you did it?
This is my model:
Field('mindex','string', compute=lambda r: '%s%s' %
Field('MType', label='Type'),
format='%(MType)s %(Nom)s')
I was actualy missing the 'unique=True' (IS_NOT_IN_DB(...) doesn't
work), and then I'll need to add a 'try.. except' sequence to trap an
attempt to insert a duplicate.
On 11 jan, 10:32, Manuele Pesenti wrote:
> Il 11/01/2011 10:05, dederocks ha scritto:&
I've tried to run the following example, a copy-paste from the book.
What am I doing wrong?
my model:
db.define_table('person', Field('name'))
db.define_table('dog', Field('name'), Field('owner',db.person))
in the shell:
web2py Shell Version 1.91.6 (2011-01-10 20:54:45)
In [1] : db.person.inser
Running the latest trunk on Win7, FF, web2py hangs after starting the
server ('waiting for'), but appears to work otherwise:
e.g. if I specify the url of an application, it works.
Admin works as well.
Hope this helps.
Stopping doesn't work either -- need to kill the app.
On 12 jan, 21:35, dederocks wrote:
> Running the latest trunk on Win7, FF, web2py hangs after starting the
> server ('waiting for'), but appears to work otherwise:
> e.g. if I specify the url of an applic
And restarting the computer didn't solve the issue!
On 12 jan, 21:40, dederocks wrote:
> Stopping doesn't work either -- need to kill the app.
> On 12 jan, 21:35, dederocks wrote:
> > Running the latest trunk on Win7, FF, web2py hangs after starting the
> &
I'm trying to update a 'list:reference' field programaticaly, but this
doesn't work so far.
Say I have this model:
db.define_table('person', Field('name'))
db.define_table('groupe',Field('groupname'), Field('groupusers',
'list:reference person'))
assume I have already entered three persons, with
Hi Kenneth,
Thanks a lot for getting back.
Actualy, to my understanding, the 'list:reference' provides a way to
bypass the third table, and most importantly the joins that don't work
on GAE. A list of records is represented as a string with the ids
separated by '¦'. E.g. in my example, the groupus
It must be one of the updates done within the last six hours, I would
On 12 jan, 23:00, Massimo Di Pierro
> Any way you can tell which revision causes the problem?
> On Jan 12, 2:50 pm, dederocks wrote:
> > And restarting the computer didn't solve the iss
> db.groupe(db.groupe.id==1).update_record(groupusers=[1,2])
> but NOT
> db.groupe(db.groupe.id==1).update(groupusers=[1,2])
> On Jan 12, 3:22 pm, dederocks wrote:
> > I'm trying to update a 'list:reference'
If you have
just to display a button, is it possible to change the button label
Awsome, thank you!
On 13 jan, 01:59, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> FORM(INPUT(_type='submit',_value='Click here'))
> 2011/1/12 dederocks
> > If you have
> > FORM(INPUT(_type='submit'))
> > just to display a button, is it possible to change the button label
> > value?
How do you search for records where a field is empty? I can't find the
operator for this.
Indeed! Thanks for filling my brain holes.
On 13 jan, 12:21, Kenneth Lundström
> == None
> == ''
> If I understood your question.
> Kenneth
> > How do you search for records where a field is empty? I can't find the
> > operator for this.
If I'm not off track, something like:
session.conference_id = form.vars.[fieldx] ?
Or the other way around, but then you need to use SQLFORM.factory, I
guess, and handle yourself the db insertion/update (see example in the
book §7.3, or better this link:
The trunk version does not allow access to the admin interface (ticket
issued). Is it me only?
Thanks for the feedback. My mistake -- access rights were missing. Sorry
for the noise.
Le lundi 16 juillet 2012 09:16:46 UTC+2, dederocks a écrit :
> Hello,
> The trunk version does not allow access to the admin interface (ticket
> issued). Is it me only?
> Andre
How do you translate the following in dal?
delete tableA from tableA where TableA.field1='x'
join TableB on TableB.field2=TableA.field3
WHERE (TableB.field3 = y) ?
if you do db((tableA.field1=='x') & (tableA.field3==TableB.field2) &
(TableB.field3==y)).delete() it doesn't work -- too man
According to ujson documentation, it is on average twice as fast as
simplejson. Would it be an option to replace simplejson in web2py with
I read though that Massimo had to extend simplejson to deal with datetime
values -- I don't know if it's possible to do the same with ujson.
I have setup nginx & uwsgi on lubuntu with the script and it works great
(best server ever!), except for a part of my application that requires
multi threads. I have changed the /etc/uwsgi/web2py.xml to enable threads,
tried to set each worker with 2 threads, set the thread memory stack
AWSOME! Thank you so much for the fix and explanation!
Best regards, Andre
Le jeudi 7 février 2013 10:11:19 UTC+1, Roberto De Ioris a écrit :
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have setup nginx & uwsgi on lubuntu with the script and it works great
> > (best server ever!), except for a part of my applica
Is the test result a significant hint that sqlite & mysql are about the
same, whereas postgresql is about twice as slow?
Le lundi 18 mars 2013 23:53:29 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro a écrit :
> Passes all tests using travis.ci including python 2.5/2.6/2.7
> sqlite/mysql/postgres.
> Thanks to Ma
I'm concerned with the lack of reliability and speed of the recommended
backup / restore functions: db.export_to_csv_file and
They failed in my case, and apparently I'm not alone
Would it
nvent the wheel here.
> If export to csv failed in your case, what exactly was the problem? The
> referenced thread is from 2011 and seems to be case specific... Are you
> saying you have the same exact error?
> Regards,
> Ales
> On Thursday, March 21, 2013
> Regards,
> Ales
> On Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:42:51 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:
>> Indeed, or quite close:
>> https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=1387.
>> And to be accurate, I think the issue has more to do with restore than
e the functions - or am I wrong?
Le jeudi 21 mars 2013 15:42:51 UTC+1, Niphlod a écrit :
> so you'd prefer to have it removed alltogether ?
> On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:37:44 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:
>> Thanks Ales,
>> Basically, you're confi
>> (i.e., we can describe it as a way to "export" and "import" an entire db,
>> but not recommend it as a primary backup strategy and instead recommend
>> native db functionality for that purpose).
>> Anthony
>> On Thursda
I think there is a typo at
Just before the next section,
"except that it calls the validators for the fields before performing the
update. Notice that it only works if query involves a single table. The
I'd like to have an application folder on dropbox, so I've replaced the
application folder with a link on the folder in dropbox -- but it doesn't
work. The problem is not dropbox related I think -- it's more an issue of
the shortcut link in windows. Any workaround?
If I define a table with
Then in the controller, I have:
count = db.test.id.count()
data = db().select(db.test.ALL,
> count = db.test.id.count()
> data = db().select(db.test.ALL,
> for row in data:
> row.test.newName = row(count)
> del row._extra
NB : however, the standard function doesn' work anymore (e.g. without the
'.json' extension). I get a invalid function (default/handle_error). Why?
Le lundi 12 novembre 2012 09:19:50 UTC+1, dederocks a écrit :
> This is great, thank you! And I don't know why but this i
Update: this works however if I don't delete the _extra field, but then
newName is not available!
Le lundi 12 novembre 2012 09:24:12 UTC+1, dederocks a écrit :
> NB : however, the standard function doesn' work anymore (e.g. without the
> '.json' extension). I ge
Say I have the following tables:
db.define_table('person', Field('name', unique=True))
db.define_table('dog', Field('name'), Field('owner', db.person)
Now on the dog table, I want to add a validator to ensure that all the dogs
that belong to one person have a unique name. In other words, if Bill
Regarding the error 426 mentionned, I don't know if you tried to use
chromium instead of chrome. At least I has the 426 error in chromium, but
NOT with chrome. Hope this helps.
Le jeudi 19 janvier 2012 17:23:53 UTC+1, Phyo Arkar a écrit :
> Websocket is not ready , it is just a draft protocol.
If you have two datetime fields dta and dtb, a db().select(dta-dtb) will
return zero using the sqlite db, but a correct value if you use postgresql
for example.
The trick to make it work is to replace dta by julianday(dta) in the
select, e.g. db().select(julianday(dta)-julianday(dtb)).
he same way in all engines (e.g., need to develop
> on sqlite and in production use postgresql) and its functionality is
> supported on practically every db.
> On Thursday, November 22, 2012 9:55:04 PM UTC+1, dederocks wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If you have two datetime
jeudi 22 novembre 2012 21:55:04 UTC+1, dederocks a écrit :
> Hi,
> If you have two datetime fields dta and dtb, a db().select(dta-dtb) will
> return zero using the sqlite db, but a correct value if you use postgresql
> for example.
> The trick to make it work is to replace
Another one:
Le jeudi 29 novembre 2012 22:52:08 UTC+1, Paolo Caruccio a écrit :
> other alternatives:
> https://github.com/HumbleSoftware/Flotr2
> http://canvasxpress.org/
> http://jsxgraph.uni-bayreuth.de/wp/
> I like and use, in combination with web2py, Flot
> h
It's great -- but doesn't work for folders named with a spacebar, such as
'My documents'. Is there an easy fix for this?
Hi Johann,
Just use "|":
On 3 fév, 13:56, Johann Spies wrote:
> According to the book the syntax to create an 'order by' query is
> db(query).select(ALL,orderby=field).
> What if I want to use more than one field in the 'order by' ?
> Regards
> Johann
Check this thread:
In summary, you want to create a computed combined field, and require
that it is unique. A bit odd, but that's what you need to be able
On 29 mar, 19:12, luifran wrote:
> I have not explained very well, I will not prevent the value of a and
> b are equal, I want to avoid the insertion of
Hi Charles,
Great application!
Some bugs, though -- or I haven't understood how to use Grafpad properly:
- Using FF, I tried to fill a form with color -- but it doesn't work. Right
click on the form, select properties & choose a color -- nothing happens.
- Also, I can't send you a feedback! Is i
I have encountered a weird bug using Redis. I understand it would be too
complicated to get detailed help (software is running to supervise a
machine), but I'm looking for cues on where to look.
Here is the problem:
I use redis to share variables between processes. After a while, I get t
uot;issue" : something is going on strangely on your server and it doesn't
> resolve properly what "localhost" is.
> Shameless trial to fix the problem (read: it may work, but I can't test it
> cause I can't reproduce the error): try replacing localhost
> let's see if @roberto (the developer behind uwsgi) passes by with some
> useful tips too.
> On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:30:51 PM UTC+2, dederocks wrote:
>> I'm running web2py on nginx /uwsgi.
>> And in a sequence implying frequent serveur calls,
13 08:28:08 UTC+2, Paolo Valleri a écrit :
> dederocks, I've just tried to run lsof -p on a ubuntu server
> running web2py
> In my case, it returns 138 opened files among libraries, sockets and so
> on; the most opened file is /dev/zero, opened 55 times.
> Paolo
either you instantiate one or more new
> connections for request or 'expired' connections are not closed.
> I am for the former case, could you post few lines where redis is
> instantiated?
> Paolo
> On Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:48:37 AM UTC+2, dederocks wrote
Same for me.
Le jeudi 25 juillet 2013 20:55:31 UTC+2, Ben A a écrit :
> Is it just me, or is everyone getting errors when they try to access the
> demos for web2py found here: http://web2py.com/demo_admin/default/site
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog
I've done (I think) something similar to what you are trying to achieve.
The way we've done it is as follows:
1. Have a separate thread with a python script that pulls the values from
your USB instrument (in my case it was a serial port, don't know how to
deal with a USB port) into a redis
I don't know if this could have solved your issue, but I had the same
problem using Chromium on Ubuntu. This dissapeared when using Chrome on the
same platform -- I have no idea why!
Le samedi 5 octobre 2013 00:42:17 UTC+2, Junior Phanter a écrit :
> greetings ,
> sorry my bad english , I
Thanks for the feedback -- I'm still using 2.5.1.
Le mercredi 6 novembre 2013 15:49:11 UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro a écrit :
> This should be fixed in trunk, no?
> On Wednesday, 6 November 2013 06:48:58 UTC-6, dederocks wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know i
I have a weird auth bug: in an app that used to run just fine, all of a
sudden login (and user creation) is impossible: I get a 'Bad Request - HTTP
body is incomplete' message for the corresponding actions.
What is weird is that login works just fine for the other apps I have! I
also che
My mistake: I was trying to connect to a non-existent postgresql db without
Sorry for the noise.
Le mercredi 11 décembre 2013 12:22:20 UTC+1, dederocks a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have a weird auth bug: in an app that used to run just fine, all of a
> sudden login (and us
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