[web2py] Re: web2py 2.0.2 is out

2012-08-30 Thread chinakr
Thanks a lot, Massimo! 在 2012年8月30日星期四UTC+8上午11时41分34秒,Massimo Di Pierro写道: > > After 5 months. It is done. This is the most waited and the most > feature-packed release. > > I am sure we'll find some corners that need to be ironed but it is > considerably better than 1.99.7. It adds lot of new

[web2py] Re: routes.py

2012-05-27 Thread chinakr
I tried ('.*http://yueche.haijia.org.* /', '/yueche/default/index'), but nothing I expected happened. Why? 在 2011年2月14日星期一UTC+8下午10时29分00秒,Wikus van de Merwe写道: > > The syntax for url with domains is a bit more complex than what you've > tried. > It's "[remote address]:[protocol]://[host]:[me

[web2py] GAE supports SSL for custom domains now

2012-07-01 Thread chinakr
GAE supports SSL for custom domains now. We can choose Server Name Indication (SNI) with 5 certificates for $9/month, or Virtual IP (VIP) with multi domain certificate for $99/month. Is there anything that web2py can do with it? Reference: (Google App Engine 1.7.0 Released at Google I/O](http

[web2py] Re: web2py book now free in PDF

2012-07-01 Thread chinakr
Excellent work, thanks a lot, Massimo! 在 2012年6月12日星期二UTC+8下午9时17分46秒,Massimo Di Pierro写道: > > The official web2py book is now free for everybody: > > https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18065445/web2py/web2py_manual_4th.1.pdf > > Massimo >

[web2py] How to optimize the output typography of blocks in web2py views?

2012-02-21 Thread chinakr
The block instructions in web2py will cause extra blank lines in final HTML, which are useless and ugly in HTML source code. e.g. with {{block head}} {{end}} we will get two extra blank lines in final HTML. Demo: http://www.haijia.org/ In the source code of the page, Line 13 and line 15 are the us

[web2py] Re: How to optimize the output typography of blocks in web2py views?

2012-02-21 Thread chinakr
Sorry, but I am puzzled with your suggestion @_@ On 2月21日, 下午7时09分, Wikus van de Merwe wrote: > You can do tricks like that, but it does not have the best readability: > {{ for i in range(10):}} text {{=i}} text {{ > > pass }}

[web2py] Re: How to optimize the output typography of blocks in web2py views?

2012-02-21 Thread chinakr
ock markup]{{end}} > > Anthony > > > > > > > > On Tuesday, February 21, 2012 8:13:11 AM UTC-5, chinakr wrote: > > > Sorry, but I am puzzled with your suggestion @_@ > > > On 2月21日, 下午7时09分, Wikus van de Merwe > > wrote: > > > You can do tricks li

[web2py] Using web2py and deck.js to make HTML5 presentation

2011-09-08 Thread chinakr
web2py is one of the most popular Web Frameworks. web2py has MVC architecture, offering us excellent development efficiency and extensibility. web2py is very suitable for Web application development. deck.js is a JavaScript library for making HTML5 presentation. It supports keyboard navigation, th

[web2py] VCMS 1.1 Released - a simple CMS developed with web2py

2011-09-21 Thread chinakr
! GTalk: chinakr#gmail.com == VCMS Introduction == VCMS is a simple CMS developed with web2py. It is suitable for information publication for personal use and small business. Project Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/vcms/ Demo: http://vcms.vstudy.cn/ Front End

[web2py] web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-06 Thread chinakr
SAE means Sina App Engine, which is a public cloud computing platform like GAE. It's the most mature and famous public cloud in China, where people can't access GAE freely. SAE only supports PHP in the last 3 years. Recently, SAE started internal testing with Python support, with code name SAE Pyt

[web2py] Re: web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-08 Thread chinakr
ssimo Di Pierro wrote: > Try this: > > import sae > import gluon.main > from gluon.settings import global_settings > global_settings.web2py_runtime_gae = True > application = gluon.main.wsgibase > > On Nov 7, 1:57 am, chinakr wrote: > > > > > > > >

[web2py] Re: web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-08 Thread chinakr
ersion_info = open(version_path) Now the problem is still the 'invalid request' without python error. How can I find the log? http://web2py.sinaapp.com/welcome/default/index http://web2py.sinaapp.com/debug thx! On Nov 8, 10:53 pm, chinakr wrote: > My new index.wsgi is as fo

[web2py] Re: web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-11 Thread chinakr
Any replay? On Nov 9, 8:49 am, chinakr wrote: > With the hint from SAE Python maintainer, I use __file__ to solve the > path problem. > > $ pwd > ~/src/web2py_sae/3 > $ gvim config.py & > import os > app_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) > $ gvim gluon/main.py

[web2py] Re: web2py with SAE Python

2011-11-17 Thread chinakr
Thanks , cfh! Sorry for late reply. I'll ask the administrator of SAE Python and get necessary information. btw, I would like to suggest and help SAE Python to release English version of official docs. On 11月12日, 下午1时05分, howesc wrote: > i can't read Chinese, so i can't read the docs. :(  but i

[web2py] Re: VCMS 1.1 Released - a simple CMS developed with web2py

2011-11-19 Thread chinakr
New committer Scateu has joined. A new English version by default will coming soon! Thanks for you all guys's encouragement. On Sep 22, 12:03 am, juanduke wrote: > +1 for fully english demo. > Will be appreciated :)

[web2py] Why using 'statusbar' for menu zone?

2011-07-05 Thread chinakr
Why not using 'menu' or some others? Is there any reason?

[web2py] A Chinese website developed with web2py and Blueprint

2011-08-21 Thread chinakr
I recently rebuilt a website about Car Driving School with web2py and Blueprint. The url of the website is as follow: http://www.haijia.org/ I thought the default layout of web2py web development framework is a little too complicated and less flexible, and the compatible problem of IE 6 also anno