I'm trying to write loops in db.py:
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
for i in range(len(letters)):
for j in range(len(letters)):
SQLField('smthng', db.???letters[i]))
What should I use instead
I want to generate a table like this:
...with a code similar to this :
I would like to link a table to its own model like this:
Field('child', db.person))
I understand that I should first initiate the table and then link it
to itself. But how to do that?
Thanks in advance for help
Let's say that there are a number of forms on the same page. There
would be no problem to put a submit button after each of them, but how
to submit all forms at the same time with one single submit button?
Thanks in advance for help!
Let's say that in a controller file there are three variables (a, b
and c) each of them contains a string. In a model file there is a
table called 'Table' that has three fields (a_id, b_id and c_id).
My question is how to:
1. Check in the database if there already is a 'Table'-object with an
How to generate multiple forms with a loop?
In my controller file there are forms generated with this loop:
thing=[one, two, three]
def theFunction():
for thing1 in varibale1:
#x27;:', INPUT(_name="name"))
> listf.append(form)
> return dict(listf=listf)
> Yet I usually use SQLFORM and add a submit button
> As this is my firts answer to a coding question, do not hesitate to
> tell if I'm wrong
> On 12 juil, 22:26, Rick
This gives no error:
dict()[x] = [x]
..but my web page is still not shown in the browser, it's just printed
"None". Maybe the controller-file-code is correct but something should
be added to the view file?
On Jul 13, 12:19 am, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2010, at 3
1:56 PM, Rick wrote:
> > This gives no error:
> > dict()[x] = [x]
> > ..but my web page is still not shown in the browser, it's just printed
> > "None". Maybe the controller-file-code is correct but something should
> > be added to the view file?
Can anyone share his experience installing and working with web2py on
Which if the best install approach? fastcgi?
Any hints will be appreciated,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
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Hi Ahmed,
Can you share with us how you got web2py running on nginx with
On Feb 23, 2:12 pm, Ahmed Sameh wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have configured web2py to work with NGINX through FCGI, and
> everything works fine except for routes.py.
> I am using routes.py to redirect various s
Thanks ;)
On Feb 23, 11:43 pm, Ahmed Sameh wrote:
> Hi rick,
> I have installed it but there is a problem using routes.py with NGINX
> +FCGI , I have posted about that earlier.
> But using NGINX + CherrPy + web2py works fine and you can find many
> other posts discussing that
I'm having trouble figuring out the syntax for this type of database
I have three tables:
1) stores, which has a name
2) regions, which has a 2-letter abbreviation
3) store-region, which puts stores in certain regions.
I want to pass in a 2-letter region abbreviation,
and receive bac
I'd like to make a button that generates a sound when clicking on it.
This JQuery plugin was the best way I could found:
and I wrote this code:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
in a div, you should use , or
> another element, and the file URL should be build with URL helper:
> views/default/index.html:
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> onclick="jQuery(this).sound.play({{=URL('static',args
> If you're serious about using jQuery properly, it'll be the best 30$
> you ever spent. Sure learned a lot from it.
> On Sep 24, 4:13 pm, Rick wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'd like to make a button that generates a sound when c
When I upload my app with GAE the address will be myapp.appspot.com/
myapp . On the site myapp.appspot.com there is the administrative
interface that doesn't work with GAE. My question is: how to put my
app on myapp.appspot.com ?
Thanks in advance for help!
I've put this into a viewer file named layout.html but it doesn't
{{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}}
...some code
ierro wrote:
> everything I see here appears correct. Can we see the generated html?
> Can you try load the page with firebug and see if you get any error?
> On Sep 28, 11:50 pm, Rick wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've put this into a viewer file
On Sep 28, 5:46 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> You have to upload it in your local copy and then doply it again.
> On Sep 28, 11:20 am, Rick wrote:
> > Hi,
> > When I upload my app with GAE the address will be myapp.appspot.com/
> > myapp . On the site myapp
> or appcfg.py
> This may also help:
> http://gluonframework.wordpress.com/2010/03/02/shell-only-web2py/
> Massimo
> On Sep 30, 12:06 pm, Rick wrote:
> > But how to upload it in my local copy? I understand that I'd somehow
> > get the
linked (many-to-one)
to the products table, but I really don't know how I would even
begin to do that in web2py..
Thanks for reading!
- rick
I have also come across this with web2py 1.67.2, using stock MySQL on
Ubuntu 8.10, when I add unique=True to a string column in a table
On Sep 22, 11:13 am, Yannick wrote:
> Hello mate,
> Below you can find the error message that I received from Database
> (MySQL) when using the lat
I'm trying to make a data base for storing names and addresses, but
since I'm a n00b then I can't get it working. I've no idea what's
wrong. The problem is that the input function doesn't redirect to the
show function and that the show function doesn't show any data. Here's
the code:
the cont
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately this code idea gives the same
result as mine.
On Dec 14, 2:51 am, pbreit wrote:
> I would envision something more like this (not tested):
> == db.py ==
> db.define_table('address',
> Field('person'),
> Field('address'))
> == default.py ==
> def inde
s, session):
> redirect(URL(r=request,
> f='show',vars={'rid':form.vars.id}))
> return dict(form=form)
> On Dec 13, 10:48 pm, DenesL wrote:
> > Hi Rick,
> > On Dec 13, 6:55 pm, Rick wro
I'm trying to make a very simple todo application for many users. The
passwords and usernames would be given from a administrator, so hence
there wouldn't be any registration through e-mail. My problem is that
I don't know how to properly write the model/db.py file. I tried with
this, where th
Thanks for the advice. This code seems to work:
from gluon.settings import settings
from gluon.tools import *
# if running on Google App Engine
if settings.web2py_runtime_gae:
from gluon.contrib.gql import *
# connect to Google BigTable
db = DAL('gae')
# and sto
On Dec 15, 9:55 pm, Rick wrote:
> Thanks for the advice. This code seems to work:
> **
> from gluon.settings import settings
> from gluon.tools import *
> # if running on G
In the database there are value records for 31 days. Now I'm trying to
make a html file where a value is presented for each day of a week.
The code below presents all the recorded values, and I don't know how
to make it printing the 7 first records only, or the last 3 records.
Thanks in advan
may work:
> for row in db().select(db.table.ALL, limitby=(0, 7)):
> print row.record
> for row in db().select(db.table.ALL, limitby=(0, 3).
> orderby=~db.table.id):
> print row.record
> On Dec 18, 7:30 am, Rick wrote:
Sorry for spamming, but I want to be exact. Here is the final code,
where n is the week number:
{{for record in db().select(db.table.ALL, orderby=db.table.day,
limitby=(n*0, n*7)):}}
On Dec 18, 1:24 am, Rick wrote:
> Thanks a lot! The final code looks like this:
> {{for record in db().
Oh no, the code above failed. Here is the final code where n is the
week number:
{{for record in db().select(db.table.ALL, orderby=db.table.day,
limitby=((n-1)*7, n*7)):}}
On Dec 18, 1:30 am, Rick wrote:
> Sorry for spamming, but I want to be exact. Here is the final code,
> where n is th
I want to change the value of a variable by clicking on an tag,
but can't find any information about the topic. I suppose the code
would look something like this:
{{=A('<', request n=n-1) }}
Thanks in advance for help
I want to change the value of a variable by clicking on an tag,
but can't find any information about the topic. I suppose the code
would look something like this:
{{=A('<', request n=n-1) }}
Thanks in advance for help
Thanks for the replies! The variable that I'm operating with is python
type, not javascript. Mdipierro, your solution looks nice, but i can't
get it working. The value of the variable doesn't seem to change. Here
is my code:
from views/default/index.html:
def plu
; this:
> ==javascript==
> $('#some_id).click(function()
> {
> $('#target").val( ($('#target").val()+1) );
> }
> )
> ==html==
> Click me
> 2
> This should more or less work.
> On Dec 18, 10:02 am, Rick wrote:
If "n" would be a global variable in a controller file, can I use
something like this then?
On Dec 18, 4:23 pm, Rick wrote:
> Perhaps there is a way to get different variable values depending on
> what address you load??? For example:
> http:...default/ind
How to reload/update a div tag as that below with AJAX?
update the div
Thanks in advance for replies.
I don't know if the way I add users is proper, but it works. Now I try
to write a tag for deleting users, and it doesn't work. Here is
the code:
==in a controller file==
def admin():
records = db().select(custom_auth_table.ALL,
#records = S
= Auth(globals(), db)
Field('registration_key', default=''))
custom_auth_table = db[auth.settings.table_user_name] # get the
return 'the record has been deleted'
...but I don't know how to reload the page automatically after
deleting a user. Any ideas?
On Jan 2, 5:13 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Rick wrote:
> > I changed t
Thanks a lot!
I find this being a good solution:
==in admin.html==
{{=A(("Delete this user"), _href=URL('deleteusr'))}}
==in the controller file==
def deleteusr():
On Jan 2, 8:19 pm, Jonathan Lundell
In addition to the records that are submitted with a SQLFORM, I want
to give each record a specific "identification" number, so that the
first record has number=1 and so on:
==from model/db.py==
Field('number', 'integer'),
Field('value', 'integer'))
Thanks for the advice. I changed my code, but I don't know if I'm on
the right track. Anyhow it doesn't work.
==in a model file==
Field('value', 'integer'))
class MyVirtualFields(object):
def input_number(self):
return self.input.value
> db.input.virtualfields.append(MyVirtualFields())
> 2. In controller use the setvirtualfields method of Rows
> ==in a controller file==
> records = db(db.input.id>0).select() # or any other query
> records.setvirtualfields(virtual=MyVirtualFields())
nd of loop in the controller file?
On Jan 3, 7:39 pm, Rick wrote:
> Thanks for the replies. Now I try to add the ability to delete
> records, but it doesn't seem to work:
> db(db.input.virtualfields==session.virtualfields).delete()
> >On Jan 3,
Unfortunately the code bellow seems to be errors-prone:
==in a model file==
class MyVirtualFields(object):
def input_number(self):
return some_variable
>On Jan 3, 8:03 pm, Rick wrote:
> Perhaps this would be a goo
I suppose that this is a very elementary question, but I can't find
the solution. My question is -- how to make a account for each user?
I've tried with this code, but it gives just one account for all user:
==on the model file==
Thanks for the suggestion! The 'id' field looks like a smart solution.
But there seem to be a problem -- This line creates an error when I
add the 'id' field and 'migrate=False' to the day table:
records = db().select(db.day.ALL, orderby=db.day.thedate)
Any ideas?
On Jan 4, 4:03 am, Fabiano wrot
So the problem was that the controller file line creates an error when
add the 'id' field and 'migrate=False' to the day table. Here is some
more code:
===in the model file===
import datetime
now = datetime.date.today()
Field('the_id', 'id'),
; email = email,
> password = crypt_pass
> )
> return id_user
> iduser = new_user('Chris','Mills','ch...@nobody.com','somepasswordhere')
Perhaps I should reformulate the problem -- I want to make one table
for each auth-user, so that an auth-user can't see the records of
ohters auth-users.
On Jan 15, 11:52 pm, pbreit wrote:
> I may not understand either. The user authentication functionality is
> automatically provided by web2py
session.flash = 'saved.'
return dict(form=form, records=records)
On Jan 16, 1:08 am, Rick wrote:
> Perhaps I should reformulate the problem -- I want to make one table
> for each auth-user, so that an auth-user can't s
{{=request.args(0).replace('_',' ').capitalize()}}
{{if request.args(0)=='login':}}
>On Jan 16, 3:24 am, Rick wrote:
> ...or maybe the problem lies int this function in the controller file:
> def admin():
> rec
ate', default=request.now),
Field('value', 'integer'),
Field('theauth', auth.settings.table_user))
On Jan 16, 4:58 am, Rick wrote:
> Hurray, I'm getting somewhere now! Thanks pbreit, now I try to do what
> I want to do without modifying
do differently to make that happen?
Thank you,
Ah! Thank you, that works great.
- rick
On Jan 16, 3:10 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> Try: theAnimals = request.vars.getlist("animals")
Ah! Thank you, that works great.
- rick
On Jan 16, 3:10 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> Try: theAnimals = request.vars.getlist("animals")
Ah! Thank you, that works great.
- rick
On Jan 16, 3:10 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> Try: theAnimals = request.vars.getlist("animals")
thanks for the comments. I deleted the #. At the beginning of
create.html there is this code:
{{import datetime}}
{{import uuid}}
...but the error remains :(
On Jan 16, 2:13 pm, "Martin.Mulone" wrote:
> in create.html
> #if recording!=record.thedate:}
Yes, {{=form}} works without the other code.
On Jan 16, 6:35 pm, Martín Mulone wrote:
> to test, put only {{=form}} in create.html remove all the other. Now the
> error continue?
> 2011/1/16 Rick
> > thanks for the c
Perhaps the previous post was a bit vague. I meant that create.html
works when it only contains {{=form}}.
On Jan 16, 8:35 pm, Rick wrote:
> Yes, {{=form}} works without the other code.
> On Jan 16, 6:35 pm, Martín Mulone wrote:
> > to test
Hmmm... strange... the error disappeared, but it was replaced by
another one:
KeyError: 'thedate'
...and this error arises from the html-table in the create.html -- the
code works when i delete the table.
On Jan 16, 8:40 pm, Rick wrote:
> Perhaps the previous post was a bit vague.
I suppose that the problem is that the "records" list isn't completely
returned from the controller file to create.html and that the
"thedate" field is lost in that process.
On Jan 16, 9:32 pm, Rick wrote:
> Hmmm... strange... the error disappeared, but it w
...The last version worked, but it doesn't fulfill the function I want
it to have, namely to select records that are associated with the user
that is logged in:
records = db().select(db.day.ALL, orderby=db.day.thedate)
Any ideas?
>On Jan 16, 9:54 pm, Rick wrote:
> I suppose that
My problem is that I want to make a {{=A...}} tag that also changes
the value of the variable session.variable, and I don't know how to do
this. I tried with:
{{=A(("[ < ]"), session.variable=-1, _href=URL('function'))}}
...but it didn't work.
/22/2011 02:53 PM, b0j3 wrote:
> > On 22 jan., 11:47, Rick wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> My problem is that I want to make a {{=A...}} tag that also changes
> >> the value of the variable session.variable, and I don't know how to
bit cleaner.
> BR,
> JB
> On 01/23/2011 01:04 AM, Rick wrote:
> > Thanks for the replies. I wrote a special def for the operation:
> > def minorvar():
> > variable-=1
> > redirect(URL('index'))
> > ...bu
> Best Regards,
> Jason Brower
> On 01/23/2011 05:15 AM, Rick wrote:
> > Here is some code from the controller file:
> >
> > variable = 0
> > def index()
> > some operations with the vari
I try to make a function that puts periods of time into a database. The
function should only add periods that doesn't overlap any of the already
registered ones.
But the function does not work, and I can't see what's wrong. Any idea?
Thanks in advance for help!
code from the controller
Thanks for the replies. Pbreit, you pointed the real issue -- what should I
call the arguments (addperiodform.vars.id), that are passed from the goal
function to the addingperiod function?
from the controller file:
def goal():
...some code...
addperiodform = SQLFORM(db.period, field
I want to draw a graph with jqplot, where the x-axis is a date-
timeline, but I get this message:
TypeError: datetime.date(2011, 10, 2) is not JSON serializable
Does anyone know an easy way to pass date variable to json?
Thanks in advance for help. Here is some code from the files:
On Oct 8, 7:09 pm, DenesL wrote:
> try
> points=[[point.thedate.strftime('%Y%m%d'), point.value] for point in
> pointlist]
> or some other format that suits your needs.
> On Oct 8, 10:29 am, Rick wrote:
How to change the text on the submit button in fields? Here'sthe code:
Field('thedate', 'date', label=T(''),
I tried with this, but i didn't work:
Field('thedate', 'date', label=T(''),
submit=INPUT(_type='submit'('Some text')),
s, they are added as an input element to an
> entire form. Where is that Field definition -- in a table definition or
> SQLFORM.factory? Anyway, SQLFORM takes a 'submit_button' argument, which is
> the text for the submit button.
> Anthony
Field('thedate', 'date', label=T(''),
submit_button='Some text')
Thanks in advance for help
On Dec 1, 10:37 pm, Rick wrote:
> Thanks! This is the final code:
> dayform = SQLFORM.factory(
How to use a local font? I put a library with ttf-files inte the
static/css directory and write this code in the css file:
@font-face {
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal
font-family: "myfont";
src: url(ttf/DejaVuSans.ttf);
html, body {
But it doesn't work.
I've a stack of records where records with the same date has different
values, eg:
record.date[0] = 2011-12-01
record.value[0] = 10
record.date[1] = 2011-12-01
record.value[1] = 20
record.date[3] = 2011-12-02
record.value[3] = 10
And now I want to summarize the values that are recorded for
> for row in rows: print row.table.date, row(db.table.value.sum())
> mind that 'date' and 'value' are not good field names. Will work with
> sqlite but will break with other engines.
> On
t() all by itself (not as a method of a Set object) -- doesn't that
> raise an error (there's no function called 'select' in web2py)? The sum
> should be applied in the initial query, not on the returned rows after the
> query.
> Anthony
>From my controller file:
def create():
def somethingelse():
When the user isn't logged in but tries to open the site
"create.html", then he's redirected to the logging-in-site. My problem
is that I'd like the user to be redirected to "somethingelse.ht
I'd like to do something quite challenging (in my view) with web2py.
I have a table (products), where each product has one or more codes.
The list of possible codes are stored in a separate table (codes), and
a third table (product_codes) stores the relationship(s) between the
product and the code
I want to print a linked list and add a "delete this item" button next
to each item:
[item 1][delete this item]
[item 2][delete this item]
[item 3][delete this item]
...but I've no clue how to write the code. The problem is to direct
the second delete button to the se
I'd like to print the list in a html file.
On Mar 10, 6:16 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> where do you want to output this?
> in to pure HTML or in a SQLTABLE?
> 2011/3/10 Rick
> > Hi,
> > I want to print a linked list a
I meant that I'd like to print on a html _page_.
On Mar 10, 6:34 pm, Rick wrote:
> I'd like to print the list in a html file.
> On Mar 10, 6:16 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> > where do you want to output this?
> > in to pure
I'm trying to make a setting-site for the logged in user, but it doesn't
work. I try to use the membership_panel, but desipte of searching, I
haven't found any tutorial or similar about the panel. Thanks in advance
for help! Here is the code:
def user_settings():
Sorry for the thread. I read this link and thought that *membership_panel*was a
part of web2py:
but now I've fixed the problem by studying *virtual fields*.
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py
Thanks a lot!
- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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"web2py-users" gr
How to insert rows from a view-file? The site doesn't produce any error,
but an empty row is added to the database.:
>From the model file
db.define_table('next_list', Field('node'), Field('next_node'))
>From the view file:
{{nextrows = db(db.next_list)}}
quot; ,
> "next_node":"test2" }))}}
> Il giorno gio 6 lug 2023 alle ore 13:47 Rick ha
> scritto:
>> How to insert rows from a view-file? The site doesn't produce any error,
>> but an empty row is added to the database.:
>> From the mo
ist._filter_fields({ "node" : "test1" ,
> "next_node":"test2" }))
> print(db(db.next_list).select())
> next_list.id,next_list.node,next_list.next_node
> 1,test1,test2
> 2,test1,test2
> Il giorno gio 6 lug 20
Thank you for pointing out that there was an issue with the database. After
deleting the content of the database folder everything works. Tanks for the
On Friday, 7 July 2023 at 16:16:06 UTC+2 Rick wrote:
> Thanks Massimiliano for the answering quickly. The suggested code produ
How to call a def with request.vars arguments from an onclick-event in a
view file? What is wrong with the code?
Thanks in advance for help!
def insnext():
Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> The online book has a fairly useful search;
> For your question, see:
> http://web2py.com/book/default/section/6/13
> Regards,
> - Yarko
> On Jul 3, 8:45 am, Rick wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to link a table to it
db.define_table( 'locus',
Field( 'substance', db.substance),
Field( 'process', db.process),
Field( 'condition', db.condition),
Field( 'locus', db.locus),
Field( 'name'),
Field( 'main_name'))
On 7/4/10, mdipierro wrote:
perhaps the table names will be changed, so please don't bother about
"before" and "after"...the point is -- how to refer/link to the table
name "locus", when that table is not yet created/declared/made?
On 7/4/10, Rick Hultgren wrote:
> Thanks for the answ
...with other words -- how to add fields to a table that is already
declared? Is it possible?
On 7/4/10, Rick Hultgren wrote:
> perhaps the table names will be changed, so please don't bother about
> "before" and "after"...the point is -- how to refer/link to the
(item) for item in letters]
Thanks a lot for the help!
On 7/4/10, mdipierro wrote:
> No.
> Given db.define_table('sometable',*fields), you cannot add fields
> outside this statement but you can call the statement in a separate
> http request and add fields to the *fi
ooops... this should be the correct code:
letters=['A', 'B', 'C']
for letter in letters:
db.define_table(letter, *fields)
fields=[Field(item+'_id', db[item]) for item in letters]
...sorry for the bad code int the previous message.
On 7/6
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