[web2py] Re: help desk app

2010-12-20 Thread Plumo
hi Massimo, if I understand correctly what you created is for managing web2py tickets, while a helpdesk app is for managing client inquiries. So perhaps rename it to avoid confusion. Noticed an error: File "/home/web2py/devel/applications/helpdesk/views/plugin_wiki/page_edit.html", line 99

[web2py] Re: country / state / city of the current visitor?

2010-12-20 Thread Plumo
Or you could use this service and cache the values: http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&template=json.txt&ipaddress=

[web2py] customizing registration layout

2010-12-20 Thread Plumo
I want to change the layout of the registration form. I saw a few threads about this topic from a half year back. The main problem was dealing with the password2 field. Is there a better way to do this now, rather than recreating auth.register?

[web2py] Re: customizing registration layout

2010-12-21 Thread Plumo
what about the password2 field?

Re: [web2py] Re: The stability of web2py releases

2010-12-22 Thread Plumo
agreed. Less overhead to releases means new features get added faster.

[web2py] Re: customizing registration layout

2010-12-23 Thread Plumo
OK, so there isn't a better way than half a year back.

[web2py] Re: experts4solution: please update your profile

2010-12-30 Thread Plumo
I tried using the contact form on experts4solution and never received a response. Where do the messages go?

[web2py] 3rd party library import error

2010-12-31 Thread Plumo
My app uses Google's gdata client library: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/ modules/ gdata/ atom/ test.py test.py imports gdata, which in turn imports atom. Running test.py directly works fine. But within a web2py app I get *ImportError: No module named atom* * * How can I im

Re: [web2py] 3rd party library import error

2010-12-31 Thread Plumo
yes. The error is gdata trying to import atom.

Re: [web2py] recaptcha customizations

2011-01-01 Thread Plumo
nice - this should be added to trunk.

[web2py] Re: two alternatives for running background processes

2011-01-03 Thread Plumo
If you are on GAE you could use Task Queues. Else how about have a table with the URL and a boolean for whether it has been scraped. Then use a cron job to periodically process outstanding scrapes.

[web2py] Re: jQuery - need help !

2011-01-03 Thread Plumo
use a more descriptive subject line!

[web2py] Re: Janrain Basic limited to 2500 users

2011-01-18 Thread Plumo
I find that after a webpage loads the Janrain login takes up to 5 seconds to display, which is confusing. That is a deal breaker for me.

[web2py] Re: web2pyslices migration

2011-01-19 Thread Plumo
wow - sounds fantastic!

[web2py] Re: web2py and external editors

2011-01-19 Thread Plumo
I use Komodo Edit, and to deal with the imports I made a plugin that executed this implicitly in every Python file: if 0: from gluon.globals import * from gluon.html import * from gluon.http import * from gluon.sqlhtml import SQLFORM, SQLTABLE, form_factory session = Session()

[web2py] using plugin_wiki for a blog

2011-01-22 Thread Plumo
http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/13#plugin_wiki The welcome app plus the plugin_wiki can be thought of as a development environment in itself that is suitable for building simple web applications such as a blog. Is there an example that uses plugin_wiki to make a blog?

Re: [web2py] using plugin_wiki for a blog

2011-01-23 Thread Plumo
is the source code available?

[web2py] Re: Using pyGravatar to get user avatar for profile pages

2011-01-25 Thread Plumo
try this: try: import json except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: # can load Django's json on GAE from django.utils import simplejson as json

[web2py] Re: CMS idea

2011-12-13 Thread Plumo
keep in mind that CSS can import other CSS sheets and define background-image's. And other resources may be loaded dynamically with JavaScript. So will take some effort to work for non-trivial cases.

[web2py] Re: Webfaction: app memory quota upgraded to 256MB for everyone

2011-12-16 Thread Plumo
excellent news - 80 MB wasn't enough for web2py + Apache on webfaction.

[web2py] Re: new book now available in HTML (english, japanese, italian)

2011-12-19 Thread Plumo
seems to be a problem with the link parser: transparently for SQLite[sqlite ], MySQL[mysql ]

[web2py] appadmin when routing domains

2011-12-30 Thread Plumo
I am using routers for multiple domains like this: routers = dict( BASE = dict( domains = { 'domain1' : 'init', 'domain2' : 'admin', }, ), ) Problem is when accessing domain1/appadmin it redirects me to domain1/admin to login, which does not exist. That app

[web2py] migrating to postgres error

2011-12-31 Thread Plumo
I have an app working with sqlite. I tried changing to postgres and get this error: (syntax error at or near "user" LINE 3: user INTEGER REFERENCES auth_user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, ^ ) This is the relevant table: db.define_table('purchase', Field

[web2py] compute field error

2011-12-31 Thread Plumo
I found when I use the compute field I get this error when inserting via appadmin: ProgrammingError: column "update" specified more than once def now(record): return datetime.datetime.now() db.define_table('upload', Field('data', 'upload', required=True), Field('created', 'datetime

[web2py] csv conflict in model

2012-01-02 Thread Plumo
I get an error when trying to parse CSV data in my model: for row in csv.reader(open(sample_file)): AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'reader' It seems the problem is that appadmin.py has a csv() function that overrides the csv import in my model. I tried renaming this function

[web2py] Re: compute field error

2012-01-02 Thread Plumo
thanks - problem solved

[web2py] how to integrate web2py with existing static website

2012-01-02 Thread Plumo
hello, I have an existing static website (generated by jekyll): domain.com domain.com/blog and then I have some web2py apps served under sub-domains: sales.domain.com contact.domain.com For various reasons I want the web2py apps served alongside the static part under sub-directories: domain.

[web2py] Re: Python for Android (any takers to run web2py)

2012-01-09 Thread Plumo
what is the use case for running a web framework on your Android phone?

[web2py] error when upgraded to v1.99

2011-11-01 Thread Plumo
I had a GAE app running on Version 1.94.6 (2011-03-27 17:35:27) I tried upgrading to: Version 1.99.2 (2011-09-26 06:55:33) stable But then get an error with this line: db(cls.db.user_profile.user==google_user).select().first() File "/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 5786, in select return self.d

[web2py] Re: error when upgraded to v1.99

2011-11-03 Thread Plumo
db.define_table('user_profile', Field('name'), Field('user', gae.UserProperty()), Field('email'), Field('active', 'boolean'), Field('role_worker', 'boolean'), Field('role_facilitator', 'boolean'), Field('role_admin', 'boolean'), )

[web2py] excessive memory usage on webfaction

2011-11-10 Thread Plumo
I used the automatic script to setup web2py on webfaction: https://wiki.webfaction.com/wiki/Web2py-LatestSource But then within a few hours my processes were terminated because of excessive memory use: baron - 1MB - 3:56:53 - 10201 - /home2/baron/webapps/web2py/apache2/bin/httpd.worker -f /ho

[web2py] book ch7 upload

2011-11-14 Thread Plumo
I wanted to make a comment on the book but a single line input box is used instead of a textarea. Should this be changed? Anyway, need to post here for now. I tried following the upload example in ch7. The docs specify: form.validate(...) is a shortcut for: form.process(...,dbio=False).accepted

[web2py] routers only exposing default controller

2011-11-15 Thread Plumo
I am mapping apps to different domains using this snippet from the book: routers = dict( BASE = dict( domains = { 'domain1.com' : 'app1', 'domain2.com' : 'app2', } ), ) I found this only exposes the default controller for each app - how to access the others?

[web2py] Re: Webfaction: Memory usage way over your limit ; again.

2011-11-22 Thread Plumo
very useful information - thanks Robert. I got compile errors for nginx - tried multiple versions and only built, which doesn't support --http-socket. I am on web9 which I understand is one of the older servers: http://community.webfaction.com/questions/3042/uwsgi-installation Which serv

[web2py] admin app session expiring

2011-11-26 Thread Plumo
I find the admin app logs out after every action (clicking a link, submitting a form, etc). Sessions work fine with my own app. Using web2py v1.99.2 with uwsgi. Any ideas? Richard

[web2py] Re: starting web2py with uwsgi problem.

2011-11-26 Thread Plumo
do you know of any web2py websites with reasonable traffic using rocket?

Re: [web2py] Re: Webfaction: Memory usage way over your limit ; again.

2011-11-26 Thread Plumo
I was migrated to a newer webfaction server and now uwsgi compiles. I first tried limiting to 64 MB of memory and 1 process: uwsgi --http= --pythonpath /user/web2py --module wsgihandler -d /user/uwsgi.log -t 20 --async 24 --ugreen --limit-as 64 -r --no-orphans -M -p 1 --touch-relo

[web2py] Re: web2py hosting

2011-11-30 Thread Plumo
their install script setup needs to be changed to use less memory by default. Seems quite a few people have contacted their support about this.

[web2py] Re: Say hello to i-Track

2011-12-01 Thread Plumo
Another fine app from Julio! What do you plan to use it for? Is anyone else interested in a helpdesk style app? An issue tracker is a good base.

[web2py] Re: Do you compile app ?

2011-12-02 Thread Plumo
would be neat if the app auto-recompiled when changes were detected. I also often forget.

Re: [web2py] jQuery 1.5 released

2011-02-02 Thread Plumo
For a while now I have been running my apps off the latest version on Google's CDN and haven't noticed any problems. http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js

[web2py] Re: web2py promoted at Google App Engine Montreal Hackathon Sat Jan 22

2011-02-03 Thread Plumo
that's fantastic you get early access to the SDK, and hopefully that lets you support new features faster.

[web2py] plugin_wiki routes.py

2011-02-03 Thread Plumo
The default URL's when using plugin_wiki are ugly: /welcome/plugin_wiki/page/about Does anyone have a good routes.py for this?

Re: [web2py] Re: plugin_wiki suggestions

2011-02-06 Thread Plumo
I also made this change to set the page title. How can I access the page title from within a wiki page? response.title is empty

[web2py] Re: Can anyone recommend a good python forum in google groups or elsewhere?

2011-02-07 Thread Plumo
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python If you are after a forum written in Python: http://pyforum.org/

[web2py] Re: plugin_wiki suggestions

2011-02-07 Thread Plumo
yes mode 3, but as mentioned response.title is empty (None). Where do I need to define response.title for the plugin to use it? I tried models/menu.py and controllers/plugin_wiki.py without success. views/layout.html is able to use response.title.

Re: [web2py] Re: plugin_wiki suggestions

2011-02-07 Thread Plumo
that would require an additional database request and replicating the logic from controllers/plugin_wiki.py - is there no way to reuse the data from the controller?

Re: [web2py] Re: plugin_wiki suggestions

2011-02-08 Thread Plumo
OK I assume there is not. I placed the following in meta-code: heading = 'abc' But the wiki pages throw an error that heading is undefined. I also tried: {{ heading = 'abc' }} and: `` {{ heading = 'abc' }} ``:template but heading is still undefined. The editor level is set to 3.

[web2py] Re: plugin_wiki suggestions

2011-02-09 Thread Plumo
yes of course. Unfortunately that throws an error that heading is undefined. What is defined in meta-code or other models is not available.

[web2py] URL anchor breaks routes

2011-02-09 Thread Plumo
I use routes to remap URL(controller, function) I found this fails when an anchor is added: URL(controller, function, anchor=anchor) To keep the routes working my temporary solution is URL(controller, function) + '#' + anchor Is there a better way?

Re: [web2py] URL anchor breaks routes

2011-02-10 Thread Plumo
so let's say I have mapped /init/default/about to /about Then: URL(r=request, c='default', f='about', anchor='company') will produce: /init/default/about#company instead of: /about#company

[web2py] Re: new support platform for web2py - make money

2011-02-12 Thread Plumo
I got this error when trying to login with facebook: An error occurred with tymr. Please try again later. Twitter login works. But then when I click on most links I get an error: The page you are looking doesn't exist. The error image with code showing through is neat!

[web2py] Re: Problem with import of Site-Packages

2011-02-13 Thread Plumo
what does web2py say the sys.path is?

Re: [web2py] URL anchor breaks routes

2011-02-13 Thread Plumo
In the main routes.py I have: routes_app = ((r'/(?Pcms|admin)\b.*', r'\g'), (r'(.*)', r'cms'), (r'/?(.*)', r'cms')) And in my application specific routes.py I have: routes_in = ( ('/', '/cms/plugin_wiki/page/index'), ('/about', '/cms/plugin_wiki/page/about'),

[web2py] Re: GAE and sending email

2011-02-13 Thread Plumo
I have also experienced problems with the reply to field. Some info here: http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=2802 Also there are the restrictions on who you can set as the sender which you probably already know about: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/mail/sendin

[web2py] Re: Amazon EC2, How does it... um... how does it work?

2011-02-16 Thread Plumo
Try using memcache to cache your queries. I host my static content on GAE for free. > If you are in the USA (and possibly elsewhere) you can try out Amazon's smallest instance for free for 1 year. Yes this deal is available outside the US.

Re: [web2py] [off] Terrific Mac Mercurial client

2011-02-17 Thread Plumo
any recommendations for Linux?

[web2py] Re: Sharing knowledge in this group. What is the point ?

2011-02-21 Thread Plumo
There is this one: http://wiki.web2py.com but I had difficulty last time I tried to edit it.

Re: [web2py] Re: One last thing

2011-02-21 Thread Plumo
What Python version are you using? The json module was introduced in 2.5. simplejson can be downloaded here: https://github.com/simplejson/simplejson try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json

Re: [web2py] Re: Status of Python 2.4 support

2011-02-27 Thread Plumo
sometimes I have to support whatever server the client uses

[web2py] Re: Python fourth on the list

2011-02-27 Thread Plumo
wow, more popular than PHP? I find that hard to believe.

[web2py] Re: new feature that could be very cool

2011-02-28 Thread Plumo
setting keepvalues=True would maintain that text box content http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07#keepvalues

[web2py] Re: should this be in the scaffolding app?

2011-03-01 Thread Plumo
-1 I would prefer scaffold app to be simple so easier to modify. If we want it to look good we need a designer. web2py is an awesome framework but the designs always look amateur.

Re: [web2py] Re: new feature that could be very cool

2011-03-01 Thread Plumo
my understanding is when there is an error in the submitted form then the form is displayed again with the previous values embedded. (Unfortunately this won't work for file uploads.) So no, it won't work if the user browses another page and then comes back to the form. Storing in session would

[web2py] plugin_wiki editor automatic formatting

2011-03-03 Thread Plumo
I want to embed some JavaScript in my plugin_wiki page but when I click "Submit" the script tags are removed. The Rich Text Editor often tries to "help" like this - changing tags, adding quotes, etc. For now I am using a plain text box. Is there a way to disable this automatic formatting?

[web2py] Re: plugin_wiki editor automatic formatting

2011-03-03 Thread Plumo
I am at level 2 and when I disable the Rich Text Editor and use a plain textarea it works fine. Just the Rich Text Editor is removing the script and other tags on submission.

[web2py] Re: How to accept credit card payments (video)

2011-03-06 Thread Plumo
haha - TTS and Civ 4 soundtrack!

[web2py] Re: web2py recommended web hosting

2011-03-07 Thread Plumo
Unless you need special features I recommend Google App Engine because there is no upfront costs and easy to deploy.

[web2py] routes on GAE

2011-03-07 Thread Plumo
I have the following listing in routes: ('/robots.txt', '/cms/static/robots.txt') This lets me access /robots.txt on my local computer, but returns "invalid request" when I upload this to GAE. Are there meant to be any differences when using routes on GAE? I can access /cms/static/robots.txt on

[web2py] Re: custom registration form problem

2011-03-08 Thread Plumo
awesome - previously I had to hack some custom HTML together to support this

Re: [web2py] routes on GAE

2011-03-08 Thread Plumo
thanks John, that makes sense.

[web2py] Re: web2py is too slow to respond to pages

2011-03-29 Thread Plumo
I find that web hosting effects speed more that framework. What web hosting are you using?

[web2py] Re: DB may not be updating fast enough...

2011-04-16 Thread Plumo
on that page are you querying for the items before handling the form submission?

[web2py] error feed

2011-04-18 Thread Plumo
I want to be notified via RSS whenever my app produces an error ticket. Would prefer a solution that works on GAE too, where tickets are not stored on file system. What do you suggest? Use routes_onerror to log the error?

[web2py] rss feed escaping html

2011-05-01 Thread Plumo
How can I include HTML in an RSS feed? By default HTML tags are escaped, even though generic.rss has escape=False.

[web2py] Re: more layout plugins

2011-05-01 Thread Plumo
Nice work. "You can try it by clicking the [zengarden] button on the top-right corner of the page" Top-left

[web2py] compressed field

2011-05-02 Thread Plumo
I am storing large amounts of XML in my database and it would be useful to have a field type that automatically compresses when saving and decompresses when loading. Does such a field already exist?

[web2py] Re: compressed field

2011-05-03 Thread Plumo
excellent! I found I needed to use a blob to avoid errors: import zlib from gluon.dal import SQLCustomType compressed = SQLCustomType( type='text', native='blob', encoder=(lambda x: zlib.compress(x or '')), decoder=(lambda x: zlib.decompress(x)) )

[web2py] Re: Confusion using experts4solutions

2011-05-03 Thread Plumo
$0.02 ... Be wary of taking a percentage of profit as payment. This can mean the other guy doesn't need to invest anything - neither time nor money. Ideas are cheap. So there is no risk for them, but there is a high risk that you will never get paid since most web apps go no where. If they reall

[web2py] Re: some new cool stuff in trunk under testing

2011-05-05 Thread Plumo
fantastic news! This should let me move a lot of code from models in to modules.

[web2py] Re: How do i redirect to a different view

2011-05-07 Thread Plumo
Will depend on your use case whether you should redirect or just change view. You can change the view with: response.view = 'default/other.html'

[web2py] Re: a new html editor

2011-05-07 Thread Plumo
http://8plus2.org/init/static/bolteditor/index.html currently throws a 502 error.

[web2py] appengine 1.5

2011-05-11 Thread Plumo
http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2011/05/app-engine-150-release.html Massimo, if I remember correctly you had access to an early release of appengine so you could prepare web2y. Any developments?

[web2py] GAE caching

2011-05-17 Thread Plumo
I just noticed the flag KEEP_CACHED in gaehandler to keep the app warm: http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11#Configuring-the-Handler Can this be set from a model? Or need to modify in file?

[web2py] blog app

2011-05-17 Thread Plumo
I like this wordpress blog: http://blog.alwaysdata.com Is there an existing web2py app I could use to replicate it?

[web2py] alias field names

2011-05-24 Thread Plumo
the database I use (GAE) has a big overhead for long field names. So I want to change Field('my_descriptive_field_name') to Field('a') and use an alias to keep accessing with 'my_descriptive_field_name'. Can this be done?

[web2py] Re: Google app engine

2011-05-28 Thread Plumo
I use 2.6 and it still works. Occasionally I get that error, but works again later. Must be a temporary problem with upload service.

[web2py] Re: web2py 1.96.1 is OUT

2011-06-03 Thread Plumo
some really nice features there that make web2py more like typical python scripts. Fantastic!

[web2py] Re: Web2Py & RoR performances

2011-06-09 Thread Plumo
how is Python 3-10x faster than Ruby?

[web2py] Re: Discussion: Thoughts about including jQuery UI in core web2py?

2011-06-14 Thread Plumo
I use JQuery UI via Google's CDN http://code.google.com/apis/libraries/devguide.html#jqueryUI so would not want it included.

[web2py] how to pass flag to database backend

2011-06-22 Thread Plumo
Can I use the DAL to pass a flag through to the database backend? Specifically I want to set indexed=False for some attributes on GAE: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/propertyclass.html#Property

[web2py] Re: how to pass flag to database backend

2011-06-30 Thread Plumo
I added an unindexed string type like this: from google.appengine.ext import db as gae db._adapter.types['noindex'] = (lambda: gae.StringProperty(multiline=True, indexed=False)) Is there a better way?

[web2py] Janrain alternative: Google Identity Toolkit

2011-07-01 Thread Plumo
Google is launching their own login service: https://sites.google.com/site/gitooldocs/home Has anyone been granted an account for testing yet?

[web2py] Re: mapreduce.appspot.com

2011-07-19 Thread Plumo
You can add new types to the DAL that use GAE entities. Here is what I used to create an unindexed string type: from google.appengine.ext import db as gae db._adapter.types['noindex'] = (lambda: gae.StringProperty(multiline=True, indexed=False))

[web2py] Re: Relationship help

2011-07-28 Thread Plumo
haha, the subject line could be misunderstood as something more personal...