[web2py] The Links to http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu don't seem to work ...

2011-02-23 Thread Norbert Klamann
Hello all, I am new to web2py and like what I see. On a lot of places in web2py.com are links to http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu . They don't work for me and the error messages seem to indicate a server problem . Is there a major problem ? All the best, Norbert

[web2py] Is Lulu down ?

2011-03-01 Thread Norbert Klamann
Hello all, I would like to buy the book, if possible as a pdf because the delivery time to germany is measured in weeks. I tried the lulu link http://stores.lulu.com/web2py from http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/04 , but it seems to be down. Norbert

[web2py] Re: use plugin_wiki for comments

2011-03-01 Thread Norbert Klamann
I tried to use this. But what is myrecord in the context of a form which is generated by SQLFORM. I tried this : {{=plugin_wiki.widget('comments',table='foreign_website',record_id=form.vars.id)}} But the coments contain the Id 0 and show up on all records.

[web2py] How can I create users in batch ?

2011-03-02 Thread Norbert Klamann
Hello all, for testing purposes I want to create a bunch of users with a script. How can I do this ? I found nothing in the book, but maybe I searched for the wrong keywords ... Thanks Norbert

[web2py] Re: from php to web2py

2011-03-02 Thread Norbert Klamann
I am a newbie wrt web2py , but I think it is just the other way round. You place the loop.html in the views/default directory and the controll calls it automagically.

[web2py] No login possible in Firefox, but in chrome

2011-03-09 Thread Norbert Klamann
Hello all, i cannot log in or register to my web2py applications in firefox but in chrome it works fine. In Firefox I get noe feedback whatever about failed or successful login. I have the webdevolper extensions installed, but javascript is not disabled, cookies are allowed too and they are vi

[web2py] Re: No login possible in Firefox, but in chrome

2011-03-09 Thread Norbert Klamann
Javascript works in the firefox in principle . I tried this one http://www.javascripter.net/faq/alert.htm and it shows the alert box.

[web2py] Show in select list a field of another table

2011-03-10 Thread Norbert Klamann
Hello all, I want to shoe in the select list a field from another table and don't know how to do it. I want to show a select list for persons with their name and the name of the company to which they belong Consider the following model db.define_table('document', Field('name'), Field('f

[web2py] Is a UNION query possible with DAL ?

2011-03-10 Thread Norbert Klamann
I look for something like select a,b,c from table1 union select a,b,c from table2 I also tried to combine 2 distinct 'Rows' objects and dal.Sets (with the same structure) , but both don't support this operation. Norbert

Re: [web2py] Show in select list a field of another table

2011-03-10 Thread Norbert Klamann
Hello Richard, many thanks for your work. When I think about it : The table 'person_company' could be a view, couldn't it ? But i have not understood : a) how to define a view in DAL ? b) How to use it as the 'label' Parameter for the IS_IN_DB Validator. If this would be possible the redundant

[web2py] Re: Is a UNION query possible with DAL ?

2011-03-10 Thread Norbert Klamann
For the time being the following seems(!) to work: I want to show the socument with a direct relation to a company and those documents, which belong to a person, which belongs to the company company_id is the key. r1=db((db.document.person==db.person.id) & (db.person.company == company_id

Re: [web2py] Lacking nginx deployment guide

2011-03-10 Thread Norbert Klamann
However, don't you have to run nginx behind apache or another server? No, ngingx is a fine fromtend

Re: [web2py] Show in select list a field of another table

2011-03-10 Thread Norbert Klamann
""" a) I don't think DAL has SQL view... If someone can correct me on this affirmation... """ I speculate that the query Object comes close, but I do not knwo how to reference it in a validator. """ c) I Think that your table company is not necessary if there is always only one person for one