Hi ,
I would like to execute a statement only the first time the database
is create by inserting a fake record and never anymore then . Where
should i put that code ?
Hi ,
I would like to know if it would make sense to have a initial setup
controller to run initialisation scripts , adjust few parameters , ...
to a web2pyapp. Something like first time you try to access the app
you are redirected to this controller and never anymore ? Does someone
already implem
Hi ,
I have a file body.html that extend layout.html , is it possible to
add a new javascript reference inside the body.html ?
many thanks
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:50 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> before {{extends...}}
> {{response.files.append(URL())}}
> On Sep 16, 4:31 am, Manu wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> I have a file body.html that extend layout.html , is it possible to
>> add a ne
Instead of changing the value of a field i would like to dynamically
add a class to an item from an ajax request if the request succeeded.
Is it possible to that with the ajax function provided by the web2py
framework. It seems that we can only specify a target and not a
function to call ? Ho
I need some help with a simple thing ,
My DB is defined this way :
I would like to ensure that when the form is created with form =
crud.create('test') , that when i submit my form the timestamp is
updated with the in
> Field('message'),
> Field('saved_on','datetime',default=request.now,writable=False,readable=False),
> )
> and then you can use
> form = crud.create(db.test)
> On Sep 30, 12:00 pm, Manu wrote:
>> Hi
>> I need
Let me be more acurate , this is a stripped down version of my app:
in my model i have defined the test table,
Field('saved_on','datetime', default = datetime.now()),
if if my action i have something like
def create():
form = crud.create('test')
What is the reason to not have these functions into a dedicated
external file. By including it in the html page we can't use the
browser cache and we need to transfer it again and again , sounds me a
waste of time transfer and bandwidth. As i am not a web expert ( i am
actually learning with
dinamicaly by 'web2py_ajax.html' which builds the
>> JS script at runtime, as this uses string interpolation to build scripts,
>> this could not be stored in a separate file.
>> I guess thats the reason.
>> 2010/9/30 Manu
>>> Hi,
> I think putting that 17 lines in 'layout.html' is not a good idea, because
> 'layout.html' are there for you to replace or customize, putting more JS out
> there, users will need to implement that by their own.
I totally agree with that just in case people doesn't want to have
many small files ar
Hi ,
I have tried this release and have some issues with the Windows
release . Here is the log generated when i start the
web2py_no_console.exe .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "web2py.py", line 17, in
File "gluon/widget.py", line 25, in
File "gluon/main.py", line 44, in
Thx Massimo , It works perfectly on windows now!
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:16 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> Fixed in 1.86.2
> incidentally I discovered the win binary was missing login_methods and
> both osx and win binaries were missing pyfpdf.
> I am surprised nobody noticed. This was an error in t
Hi ,
I was looking at the db.py file and in the section regarding the
table definition , there is a note advertising the possibility to
split the model accross multiple model files. It sounds interesting
but i was wondering how can we enforce the order these files will be
loaded/executed into th
Hi ,
Not playing in the same league as everyone here , but definitely
think that providing better unit tests + ui tests will definitely
serve many purposes . First will ensure that release goes smoother and
also will be a distinctive advantage over concurrence ( not sure if
anyone else has some
This is an amazing app !
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 12:48 AM, mikech wrote:
> Just in case you didn't see this impressive piece of software, here is
> the link: http://code.google.com/p/google-refine/
> The videos are well worth watching, and the app is a desktop program
> so you don't have to sha
It s absolutely beautiful on windows.
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 4:46 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Congratulations to all those how contributed (whose names are in the
> hg logs) because this is a beautiful version.
> If your name is not mentioned in the who.html page and you think it
> should be please
e process ( i have started the web2py_no_console exe ) . I guess
that this is the process locking the dll
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 8:04 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Please check it.
> It is almost minor bug fixes.
Hi ,
Here is my 2cents tip to earn few seconds when i lauch web2py !!!
I usually add these lines to the widget.py file to ensure that i get
the focus as soon as i start the application to enter my password and
have also bound the RETURN key to the start method
self.password = Tkinter.Ent
> On Dec 20, 4:26 pm, Manu wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> Here is my 2cents tip to earn few seconds when i lauch web2py !!!
>> I usually add these lines to the widget.py file to ensure that i get
>> the focus as soon as i start the application to enter my password a
Many thx
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:58 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Since clicking not automatically starts the server, I changed
> the order of the entry widgets. I hope this ok.
> On Dec 20, 5:57 pm, mdipierro wrote:
>> Uploading to trunk, thanks
>> O
I have noticed few small issues with the current CSS file .
When you create a SQLFORM , the style is not uniform accross the
different part of your form
for ex:
the id, upload field and submit button don't have the same style as
the other field
Hi ,
I have a database which contains a list:string field type and a
requirement to be in a set of value ( with IS_IN_SET AND multiple=True
) . My question is how would you dynamically generate this set( my
categories are stored in another table ) ? What i am trying to do is
to allow user to sel
Any idea how properly doing it , should i try to create a new
validator ( mixing IS_IN_SET and IS_IN_DB ) ?
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:04 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> this is not currently supported.
> On Dec 30, 1:20 pm, Manu wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> I have a database w
It is awesome, like it .
Just looking at the video i have learn a lot of new tools( websocket,
processing.js, html5 canvas ) . Even if i understood that web2py was
the main tool here , would it be possible to have the websocket part
of rocket so that we can play with this kind of tool too ( i am
already in the code or should I write mine ?
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:03 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> I was mistaken. I misunderstood. I am still not sure I understand. Can
> you make an example?
> On Dec 30, 2:04 pm, mdipierro wrote:
>> this is not currentl
I would like to know if it would be possible to pass a internal
stylesheet to a resonse object ?
for inst ;
hr {color:sienna;}
p {margin-left:20px;}
body {background-image:url("images/back40.gif");}
Can i pass this to the reponse.header dictionary ?
I would like to have some hints about building a small app where i
have two types of users ( different roles ). The first role can only
post task requests and see the accepted request . The second role can
receive tasks and accepts them. Do you recomend me to create two
controllers ( one for e
I will follow this advice and Jonathan one. Is there some appliance
you would be aware of that have the similar features ?
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Anthony wrote:
> Have you looked at the web2py authorization functionality:
> http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/08#Authorization
> I
would like to know if someone would suggest me a sound design for
the db so that my users can exchange messages that can be organised in
threads like Gmail .
Any help or pointer to some appliance that would help me starting the
db will be appreciated
Hi Massimo;
I was interested to know what is the tool you are using to script
your presentation ( open web page; text2voice ...)
Hello! I have a problem with DAL.
I have this table:
*cdb.define_table('laptops', *
I have a problem with code and decode chars. This is my code:
# coding: utf8
result = cdb.executesql("SELECT * FROM laptops")
for reg in result:
text = ("Número de serie: "+reg[0]).decode("utf8").encode("latin1")
And this is the error: *("N\xc3\xbamero de serie:
I'm planning a project using web2py. That project needs full text search
using something like Solr or Sphinx Search or one of the other specalized
search programs. How do we do this in web2py? I'm specifically looking for
an equivalent of django-haystack.
Another one. I know this is not th
I want to do a SELECT/OPTION field in a form:
Field('type','reference cows_types'),
db.cows.type.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.cows_types.id, '%(type)s')
But I want this field be optional and not mandatory
- http://web2py.com
s in some way. I
mean, doing:
form.vars.file_ = urllib2.urlopen(form.vars.url).read() # Assign a string
instead of:
form.vars.file_ = urllib2.urlopen(form.vars.url) # Assign a file-like object
web2py creates a text file named 'file.txt' and stores the content of the
string in
In websocket_messaging.py there are the following code:
class DistributeHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def open(self, params):
group, token, name = params.split('/') + [None, None]
self.group = group or 'default'
self.token = token or 'none'
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