I would like to have multiline labels for fields in input forms. Is
it possible to use SQLForm to produce that or should I do by hand
using FORM?
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are p
On 14 June 2010 14:17, mdipierro wrote:
> label=SPAN('line1',BR(),'line2')
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good repor
How do I get radio buttons (and check boxes) to show up horizontally
in stead of vertically?
Yes {}No {}
in stead of
Yes {}
No {}
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pu
On 16 June 2010 16:44, weheh wrote:
> Find out the id or class of the radio buttons. Use firebug to see, or
> look at the "CSS Conventions" section of the doc. You may need to
> resort to a custom form, but I doubt it. Then set the css attribute:
> display: inline; should probably do it. You may n
Thanks MrFreeze and Hywang!
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if
there be any virtue, and if there be any pra
I suppose I will have to find a way to combine SQLTable and SQLForm :)
Table A:
Surname | Name | School | someotherdata...
a | b|c| ...
d | e |f | ...
These people attend courses. Another table (say B) contai
I am a javascipt and jquery novice and would appreciate some
information to help me understand how to use a jqgrid-plugin.
My questions are overlapping in some cases.
1. How does jqgrid communicate with the backend database?
2. Do I have to put special mechanisms in place to make sure that
On 6 July 2010 00:56, mdipierro wrote:
> At this time jqgrid only communicates (via ajax) when you change page.
> The web2py plugin does not support in-place edit even if jqgrid does.
> You can find lots of examples in this app. This is a nice app
> developed by the book with the plugin.
> htt
On 1 July 2010 14:08, mdipierro wrote:
> There isn't. Look at the code for the widget in
> gluon.sqlhtml.RadioWidget it should not be too difficult to allow
> multicolumn. It has been done for gluon.sqlhtml.CheckboxWidget
I found a solution after a similar question in this thread
I have a related query.
> On Jul 9, 12:35 am, David Marko wrote:
>> You can use full DAL query in IS_IN_DB validator e.g.
>> IS_IN_DB(db(db.children.sex=='M'),'children.id','%(name)s' )
I want the result of IS_IN_DB to be part of my access control measures
and dependent on who is logged in and w
> You only use ajax if the option of field2 depend o selection for
> field1 and you always end up with usability problems when field1 and 2
> are in the same form (because of the ajax delay).
> If the options depend on the logged in user it can be done without
> ajax. How depends on details.
I would appreciate help to get csv-download to work please.
The following in my controller:
def search_filled_in_forms():
sp = request.vars.sp
form_id = request.vars.form_id.lower()
title = request.vars.title.lower()
date = request.vars.date
query = (db.evaluation_form.service
On 11 July 2010 00:32, mdipierro wrote:
> I think
> Download as csv-
> file
I still get "NameError: name 'rows' is not defined"
I have also tried adding ",args=request.vars" to the above url, but
it made no difference.
So how do I tell the csv-view about 'rows'?
I could after several months not advance further than the "animals"
example in the manual in using csv for downloads. Several questions
and help from members on this list did not help me to achieve a single
csv download in the following scenario:
* user uses a form to define a selection
On 12 July 2010 21:36, mdipierro wrote:
> ...evaluation_data.csv... calls evaluation_data action does not
> define "rows" but the view evaluation_data.csv contains:
> rows.export_to_csv_file(stream)
So why does it complain the name 'row' does was not defined?
I am sorry but I do not understa
Thanks Massimo,
I think I am beginning understanding a bit better.
Please take your example further and show the result on the screen in
a normal html-view on which there is a link to download the stuff to
csv-file like in the appadmin-interface.
Say rows = db(query).select()) normally I would r
Thanks! This helped me a lot!
>> link =
>> A('download',_href=URL(r=request,f='animals.html',vars=request.vars))
>> return dict(table=SQLTABLE(rows),link=link)
I have changed the 'html' in the link above to .csv and have it working now.
More important, some of what was mysteries in the
On 13 July 2010 00:07, mdipierro wrote:
> This your actions
> def evaluation_data():
> if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
> redirect(URL(r=request,
> f='search_filled_in_forms',vars=request.vars))
Correct, it was defined in the redirected funct
I am not an experienced web developer but I have always valued the
output from validator.w3.org.
After being disappointed with the output I received when validating a
web2py app I built, I checked out http://www.web2py.com and it
reported even more errors:
I am not an experienced web developer but I have always valued the
output from validator.w3.org.
After being disappointed with the output I received when validating a
web2py app I built, I checked out http://www.web2py.com and it
reported even more errors:
Massimo wrote in another thread:
The jqGrid widget has a button in bottom-left corner that opens a
popup search box. It is less user-friendly than datatable but allows
more precise construction of search criteria and works via ajax, i.e.
with arbitrary large amount of data.
I have played with
Enough information for total javascript beginners to understand and
use jqgrid and friends please.
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are
On 25 July 2010 00:54, Garrafa Pet 2 Litros wrote:
> I think it's good to review the section 3.9 that discusses the wiki
> and add documentation of new features found in the plugin wiki.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall
Is there a way to do the "keepvalues" thing per field? I have forms
which have up to 40 fields. Datacapturers will have to enter of forms
of which the first 5-7 fields will be identical for the batch.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth,
Fantastic. Thanks.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
How do I setup web2py to use https for all authentications and user
registration but normal http for the rest of the url's?
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
On 26 July 2010 13:44, mdipierro wrote:
> You can use
> db.table.field.default=previous_form.vars.field
> to propagate the values forward..
Where do I do this? I suppose the controller is the correct place,
but do I do it in the same environment where I would use keepvalues?
I don't want th
I am using Web2py Version 1.81.5 (2010-07-22 23:56:21).
In user_auth I use "username". I am trying to setup access control
measures. When I try to add a record to the auth_membership table
using appadmin, I get the following ticket:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/js/Programm
On 1 August 2010 04:21, mdipierro wrote:
> Can I see your model
from gluon.tools import *
auth=Auth(globals(),db) # authentication/authorization
crud=Crud(globals(),db) # for CRUD helpers using auth
service=Service(globals()) # for json, xml, jsonrpc, xmlrpc, a
I see Cube2py does it but I can' t figure out how.
I have the following in my menu:
[T('Login'), False,
URL(request.application,'default','user'), []],
[T('Logout'), False,
URL(request.application,'default','user/logout'), []],
I want only 'Login' or ' Logout' to be visible de
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
Thanks. That is useful.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
I want to use a form to build a query for a search function and do not
understand the communication between the different functions. I have:
def index():
form = FORM(TABLE(TR('Field:','',
OPTION('title', _field = 1),
> You have a few problems, fixed below hopefully
Thanks Massimo!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
Your corrections helped me to understand the handling or the request
vars better but I still have the original problem:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/js/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 173, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/js/web2py/applications/nuwesa
I have a website where some documents require login to be accessed.
Some of the visitors to the site complained of having to login
multiple times and today, when I did not access the site as
administrator, I experienced the same:
Log in at first and then when I access the document, I was again ask
On 9 February 2010 21:14, Dmitri Zagidulin wrote:
> Several questions. Are you storing sessions on disk, or in a database?
I do not clearly understand what you mean by "storing sessions". I
use sqlite as database.
> What's the decorator you're using, to require login? (is it
> @auth.requires_
I think I found the problem: it only happened when I accessed a
html-page that was in /private/static. I want to have login access to
that file but putting it in private/static caused this problem of
double login. Somehow the session seems to disappear.
Moving it to /static made the problem (an
When I use the "default/data/update" on an unchanged existing record I
get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 173, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/www-data/web2py/applications/nuwesarua/controll
On 12 February 2010 08:06, mdipierro wrote:
> what's the table definition? Your table seems to have a primary key
> field set to ' '.
Field("title", "text"),
Field("affiliation", "text"),
On 15 April 2009 18:30, Mark Larsen wrote:
> I did figure out a hack if anyone comes up against this problem:
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule ^/[NAMEOFAPP](.*)$ /web2py/[NAMEOFAPP]$1 [PT,L]
> WSGIScriptAlias /web2py /opt/web2py/wsgihandler.py
> This essentially allows you to place web2py ou
I am becoming desperate about this problem. I could so far not
succeed to get web2py working behind apache where web2py is not root
(e.g. the setup of the ubuntu-setup script).
Is there somewhere an working example of a setup where web2py is
working with wsgi alongside a php site behind apache2?
Thanks to everybody who replied. I was in a situation where I
urgently had to make an app available to a customer. In this case I
had access to dns-entries so I just created a virtual IP on the server
interface and created a separate domain name for that IP. I suppose I
could just have used a CN
How do I use crud.read() without gettting the
admin request session response
buttons at the bottom?
Or should I use SQLFORM with readonly fields?
I have
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"web2py-users" group.
To post to this group,
> You get "admin request session response " because you did not
> define a view so you have a generic one. You need a view
Thanks. I could not understand that my view was ignored by web2py.
After your email I checked again and found that I left out the
'default/' when I created it.
I have a form where the customer can type one keyword on each of the
five fields (the first field may not be empty). From these keywords I
have to build a query that would use .like('%' keyword'%') search in
at least two fields in the database.
I am trying something like this:
k1 = reque
On 11 March 2010 06:11, villas wrote:
> Obviously if anyone else thinks they have an idea to move towards a
> well-tested div layout using a good naming scheme (preferably borrowed
> from a mainstream project which already has some templates) then do
> please mention it.
I am only starting on we
On 5 March 2010 23:03, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> Does this seem "dense" to you?...
> If so, maybe this will make it readable:
Thanks to both of you. I only started working recently in Python
after a about 10 years of inactivity. This usage of 'reduce' is
something new to me. From your explana
I am struggling to find out exactly how the default web2py menu system
uses the css.
I want to change the background colour and the text colour of the
menu. A pointer will be very helpful please.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven..
On 16 March 2010 21:43, mr.freeze wrote:
> Look in base.css . Specifically:
> for background color, change the background property on: 'ul.web2py-
> menu'
> for menu items, set a color on: 'ul.web2py-menu li a'
Thank you, mr Freeze. That helped me immediately.
I have a model like this:
Field("country") ,
Field("policy_strategy_type") ,
Field("name_of_policy_strategy") ,
Field("brief_description_of_policy_strategy","text") ,
"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven...Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be
filled...Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall
see God." Matthe
My client wants to be able to select from a list of records (SQLTABLE)
which records to output in a csv-file (or pdf).
Is this possible to do that using SQLTABLE?
"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven...Blessed are they which do hunger
The ticket:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/js/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 173, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/js/web2py/applications/sadec/controllers/appadmin.py",
line 418, in
File "/home/js/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 96, in
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom
is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17
You received this message because you are subscribed to th
I have this in my modules-file:
def howmanyPages(total_found, items_per_page):
if (total_found % items_per_page):
pages = total_found / items_per_page
pages = total_found / items_per_page -1
def is_empty(u):
if not u or u == "":
On 3 April 2010 17:10, mdipierro wrote:
> Because in the lambda is call somewhere inside web2py whete is_empty
> is not in the scope.
> db.policies_and_strategies.url.represent = lambda value:
> local.is_empty(value) == None or A('url',_href=value)
> it is a python weirdness. You can fix it l
> On 3 April 2010 17:10, mdipierro wrote:
>> Because in the lambda is call somewhere inside web2py whete is_empty
>> is not in the scope.
>> db.policies_and_strategies.url.represent = lambda value:
>> local.is_empty(value) == None or A('url',_href=value)
>> it is a python weirdness. You can
Using this form:
veld = ['affiliation', 'country','year','journal','author']
form = SQLFORM.factory(
Field('k', label='Type in up to 5 keywords separated by '
Field('how', label='Search all or any of the
keywords',default='all', requires
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom
is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17
You received this message because you are subscribed to t
query =
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'builtin_function_or_method' objects
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father
Thanks. I see this error was caused by my original typo.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom
is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17
You rec
I have exactly the same problem on Debian after I upgraded several
packages this morning.
I suppose Debian installed an uncompatible simplejson.
Any solution yet?
if not path in sys.path:
did not help for me either.
"Every goo
Removing Debian's python-simplejson helped me to start web2py again -
and broke some other stuff on Debian.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom
is no variableness, neither shadow of turnin
> def csv():
> import StringIO
> s=StringIO.StringIO()
> db(db.mytable.id.belongs(session.records)).select().export_to_csv_field(s)
> return s.getvalue()
Thanks for your help. I could get the tickboxes working but not the
csv-download. Only the headers were downloaded.
In the end I a
I do not understand the code in the manual and what I have seen on
this list about csv-downloads.
I don't have a problem to do csv-export from the commandline in a
shell. I just cannot figure out how the examples I referred to work
in a MVC -environment.
Take for example this export function (ta
Thanks for the explanation Yarko and Vasile.
I will try it out and ask more if I don't succeed.
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever thingsare lovely, whatsoev
I have this in my view:
Download as csv-file
And this controller:
def csv():
import cStringIO
return s.getvalu
On 11 April 2010 00:38, mdipierro wrote:
> One thing I see is that
> db(request.vars.query).select(db.sarua.All,limitby(1,250)).export_to_csv_file(s)
> should be
> db(request.vars.query).select(db.sarua.ALL,limitby=(0,250)).export_to_csv_file(s)
Thanks. That was careless typing from
Thanks Thaddeus. I am not winning (yet)!
I have now:
def csv():
import cStringIO
import gluon.conttenttype
query = request.vars.query
if not query:
return None
With the help of firebug I determined that the problem was the link.
I have changed the Controller to export the following:
link=A('Download as csv',_href=URL(r=request,f='csv',args=query))
And that resulted in a " Invalid request" error. The url was:
Can somebody explain to me why the following does not cause the
copyright notice to be centered?
Copyright © 2009 -
Powered by http://www.web2py.com";>web2py
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things
Thanks Tim,
> You shouldn't need the tags. They only confuse the matter since you're
> doing direct formatting.
That was actually the line in the default web2py layout.html. I
removed the and the text was centering ...
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, what
On 22 April 2010 08:07, NoNoNo wrote:
> I want to change the interface language to English. According to some
> post, I change the language of Chrome browser to En, relaunched web2py
> and it didn't work. Can anyone help me out?
I just added Afrikaans to a page. The name af-af.py did not work for
I have two questions: one related to GAE and the other to Postgresql
Coming from a Linux background I will in the next year or two use a
Macbook Pro to develop web2py-stuff.
I want to try out GAE but do not know how to get it going. According
to the book the following should do it, but I get nowh
On 24 April 2010 16:06, mdipierro wrote:
> I use a Mac and I am not the only one on the list. All video tutorials
> on Vimeo are made with Mac. Including the one that explains how to
> deploy on GAE.
Thanks. I will watch it and try again.
> To use postgresql you must install it and must install
On 24 April 2010 19:02, annet wrote:
> I have read this blog entry:
>> >http://blog.jonypawks.net/2008/06/20/installing-psycopg2-on-os-x/
> I manually installed psycopg2 in Python's site-packages folder and
> that works without problem, unless of course I overlooked some risk.
At this stage
On 24 April 2010 18:54, Julio wrote:
> Quick Question Johann, does it have to be all on the Mac?
> I mean, for instance, in my setup, I have a VM (Fusion) running ubuntu
> with a mere 512Mb RAM running on my iMac, I run web2py, psycopg2 and
> MySQL flawlessly and I use the Mac to code and deploy
On 24 April 2010 16:06, mdipierro wrote:
> I use a Mac and I am not the only one on the list. All video tutorials
> on Vimeo are made with Mac. Including the one that explains how to
> deploy on GAE.
I have watched the video and made some progress but both on Linux and
on my Macbook I get a ticke
The definition:
Field("begindatum", "date", default=None),
Field("einddatum", "date", default=None),
Field("gebruiker", "string", length=8, notnull=True, default='NULL'),
Field("ipadres", "string", length=15, notnull=True, default='NULL'),
Thanks Yarko,
> Hope this makes some sense now:
At least that some darkness about what is happening in the background
was cleared up - but I still do not understand enough to solve my
> After you have digested this some, have a look at
> http://web2py.com/book/default/section/7/2?search
On 28 April 2010 13:42, Yarko Tymciurak wrote:
> try using a debugger, and step thru to see what your values are, what
> you logic is doing... you should find that helpful.
> You can use winpdb; or you can grab an evaluation copy of WindIDE (I
> find Wing easier to use) - but either will work.
>> You can use winpdb; or you can grab an evaluation copy of WindIDE (I
>> find Wing easier to use) - but either will work.
> Debugging normal python is not a problem to me, but I don't know how
> to debug Web2Py. I don't use Windows and I don't know how to see the
> process you describ
Working with winpdb was a good learning exercise which helped me to
understand more about the way web2py does things. However, it did not
help me to get an answer to my question about custom validators. I
could not determine where and how the builtin validators come into
play and how to add to th
The model:
Field("service_provider", db.service_provider,
requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.service_provider.id, '%(name)s')),
Field("trainer",'list:reference db.trainer',
requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.trainer.id, '
On 19 August 2010 21:47, Rob wrote:
> just a guess, but:
> requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.service_provider.id, '%(name)s')
> should be:
> requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.service_provider, '%(name)s')
Thanks, but that is not what caused this specific probem. The problem
was that I left out "multiple=True" which
On 19 August 2010 22:17, mdipierro wrote:
> This is fixed in trunk. Which version of web2py are you using?
Version 1.83.2 (2010-08-15 08:16:30)
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
> Version 1.83.2 (2010-08-15 08:16:30)
I think the problem was that I left out "multiple=True"
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
I followed the example in the radiolog-example of using jqgrid but I
am doing something wrong I suppose.
Given the following model
> Are you using plugin_jqgrid. If so please use widget jqgrid from
> plugin_wiki.
I don't know how to do it. All the documentation refers to that usage
within wiki pages. I am not using a wiki in this case.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man sow
On 25 August 2010 22:51, mdipierro wrote:
> {{=plugin_wiki.widget('jqgrid',table='tablename')}}
> the first argument is the widget name, the other named arguments are
> the widgets attributes.
Thanks. My first try did not work. I will have to read up on what
"the other named arguments" are s
On 26 August 2010 03:30, mdipierro wrote:
> look into the plugin code modes/plugin_wiki.py
Thanks. That helped to see what is going on but:
When I use
With the datatable plugin I can use
which works but is to wide and with column headers that looks ugly.
db.teacher.id.represent = lambda id:
On 26 August 2010 21:08, mdipierro wrote:
> datatable and jqgrid are different.
> datatable fetches all records at once (without ajax) that allows
> arbitrary queries but does not work with large datasets.
> jqgrid fetches records via ajax. that allows only simple queries
> (because they have
Thanks. I am making progress.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Galatians 6:7
A question about the example in the book (Authorization and CRUD:
def give_create_permission(form):
group_id = auth.id_group('user_%s' % auth.user.id)
auth.add_permission(group_id, 'read', db.comment)
auth.settings.register_onaccept = give_create_permission
crud.settings.auth = au
While busy setting up permissions to forms and tables, suddenly I
cannot access any of the forms neither as user who are member of the
group with access rights to the form/table nor as administrator.
I just get the message
Not authorized
This happens even after removing the decorat
The problem was the setting:
which I have uncommented in the model.
I am not sure why this made that all access to crud functions was
blocked - even when a valid user was logged in.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man sow
When trying http://localhost:8000/myapp/plugin_wiki I get an error message:
Not authorized
Insufficient privileges.
I see in the model for plugin_wiki:
'editor' : auth.user and auth.has_membership(role='editor') or
auth.user_id==1, # if current user a editor?
> can you check the value plugin_wiki_editor in the controller?
Thanks. Changing the group 'editor' to 'plugin_wiki_editor' helped.
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap."
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