[web2py] Re: Do you use web2py in your company?

2010-05-17 Thread JmiXIII
ed on external files like word, excel), but without breaking the existing structure. Best regards JmiXIII PS : sorry dor my english

[web2py] cube2py

2010-07-11 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I've just tried to import plugin_wiki in my app. It seems to work nice and I think it will help me a lot. Yet I've tried Crud via ``create. and list via ``jqgrid... * Would it be possible to have a full Crud interface with the jqgrid (I've noticed that create, del are set to false in p

[web2py] Re: cube2py

2010-07-11 Thread JmiXIII
Ok I was wondering if I missed something. Sorry I'm not a good hacker, but I'll try to patch it On 11 juil, 20:21, mdipierro wrote: > On 11 Lug, 09:29, JmiXIII wrote: > > > Hello, > > > I've just tried to import plugin_wiki in my app. > > It seems

[web2py] Re: loop generated forms

2010-07-12 Thread JmiXIII
Hello , I've used something like this : def listform(): listf=[] thing = [one two three] for x in thing: form=FORM(':', INPUT(_name="name")) listf.append(form) return dict(listf=listf) Yet I usually use SQLFORM and add a submit button As this is my firts answer to a coding quest

[web2py] Re: loop generated forms

2010-07-13 Thread JmiXIII
ble". > > Don't use the word 'dict'. > > > Though I think this code is nearer the > > solution. > > > On Jul 12, 10:44 pm, JmiXIII wrote: > >> Hello , > > >> I've used something like this : > >> def listform(): > &g

[web2py] Re: openwysiwyg?

2010-07-14 Thread JmiXIII
I've tried it but I left it , not usefull

[web2py] load_action information

2010-07-19 Thread JmiXIII
Hello , I'm trying to understand how load_action works in plugin_wiki. I thought I had to put something like : `` name: load_action action: index controller: grille ajax: True ``:widget Yet it renders a template of URL(a,c,f) over a first template... would have been so nice ... Is there any chanc

[web2py] Re: css of welcome app not adapted for Chrome??

2010-07-20 Thread JmiXIII
Hi , Just a word to say that I've faced the same problem. I just hit refresh and it works fine. But I've faced this pb also with other site with chrome. It's stupid but to my mind it seems the template render before the css is refreshed. Each time I just had to refresh and things got wright. Yet I

[web2py] Re: load_action information

2010-07-21 Thread JmiXIII
view saisie.html rendered in my wiki page ? On 19 juil, 21:58, JmiXIII wrote: > Hello , > > I'm trying to understand how load_action works in plugin_wiki. > I thought I had to put something like : > `` > name: load_action > action: index > controller: grille > ajax:

[web2py] Re: load_action information

2010-07-21 Thread JmiXIII
Sorry I have just find what I wanted: Let's say I have: `` name: load_action action: saisie controller: default ajax: True ``:widget where : def saisie(): return dict(stuff=stuff) saisie.html is : {{extend 'layout.html'}} {{=Selection}} {{=CArt}}{{=ArtOF}}. I just needed to do this in

[web2py] Re: LOAD... and jquerytools

2010-08-08 Thread JmiXIII
mean by does not work. Did you try firebug? is > the ajax call executed? Do you get a response? If so, it is a JS > problem. > > On Aug 8, 7:19 am, JmiXIII wrote: > > > Hello ! > > > Here is a view in which I am using LOAD helper > > I have put {{=LOAD('defau

[web2py] Re: LOAD... and jquerytools

2010-08-08 Thread JmiXIII
Change cdn.jquerytools.org to jqueryui , it works fine. On 8 août, 22:04, JmiXIII wrote: > Well in fact it does not render for N°1=>N°3 in my code > Yet I'm not used to using javascript and ajax and does not know > firebug enough. > But here

[web2py] Form working on create not on update ....

2010-03-12 Thread JmiXIII
esn't work (no error message) but no response.flash neither Could you help me understant what's wrong Thanks JmiXIII -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "web2py-users" group. To post to this group, send email to web...@googlegroups

[web2py] Re: Form working on create not on update ....

2010-03-12 Thread JmiXIII
re but try replace > >     CodeOF=request.vars.OF > > with > >     CodeOF=request.vars.OF or request.vars.META_OF > > The problem that when the second form is submitted vars.OF is None so > there no record to edit. > > On Mar 12, 2:03 pm,JmiXIII wrote: > > &

[web2py] Re: Form working on create not on update ....

2010-03-12 Thread JmiXIII
Sorry for my last message , it works Ok (I did not routed to my test controler) Thanks a lot JmiXIII On 12 mar, 22:10, mdipierro wrote: > Need to see the model to make sure but try replace > >     CodeOF=request.vars.OF > > with > >     CodeOF=request.vars.OF or request

[web2py] texarea in SQLFORM formatting

2010-03-15 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I'd like to format a string field in my view of a SQLFORM. I manage to do it via : form.element(_name='field')['_attribute']=x Whereas it works fine for a datetime and an integer field, it doesn't work for a string field, which I suppose is render with a textarea widget. Here is an exemple

[web2py] Re: texarea in SQLFORM formatting

2010-03-15 Thread JmiXIII
You're right this a string field , but when I tried to use first [_size] to format it like the other fields... but it does not work, the field is always the same length. I have the same pb with another string field. I am rendering them in a table with no attrivutes, so I do not think that matter. I

[web2py] Re: texarea in SQLFORM formatting

2010-03-16 Thread JmiXIII
0px; > > } > > That is why the _size is ignored. You can remove the code in base.css > or use css, instead of _size. > > On Mar 15, 10:18 am, JmiXIII wrote: > > > You're right this a string field , but when I tried to use first > > [_size] to format it lik

[web2py] passing vars ....

2010-03-17 Thread JmiXIII
Here I am once again. I've tried to find the explanation of the following fact but did not manage. I Have the following code in my controller: def saisie(): ... CodeOF=request.vars.OF or request.vars.META_OF Selection=FORM('Code OF:', INPUT(_name='OF',_value=CodeOF,requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '

[web2py] SQLFORM update with a custom html form

2010-04-08 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I'm using a SQLFORM with a html custom (as described in book/7.2 => SQLFORM in HTML) My fonction inside my controller is : def ncmodif(): ### Formulaire de saisie des NC de production rec=db(db.NC.id==269).select()[0] form=SQLFORM(db.NC,record=rec) if form.accepts(request.vars,

[web2py] multiple select contains

2010-10-31 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I'm juste trying to use contains with a custom FORM, but it does not work with FORM(SELECT,_multiple=True Here is a piece of my controller: def rebuts(): #Formulaire de saisie des rebust ListeArticle=db(db.Article.id>0).select(orderby=db.Article.CodeArticle) Selection=FORM(T

[web2py] Re: new demo appliance for gmap and fullcalendar

2010-11-10 Thread JmiXIII
Nice example... Just a note : Line 25 of mycal.html stop: new Date('{{=row.f_end_time.strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')}}'), should be: end: new Date('{{=row.f_end_time.strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')}}'), So events longer than a day render correctly. On 10 nov, 16:35, mdipierro wrote: > http://web

[web2py] Re: problem whith admin

2010-11-15 Thread JmiXIII
Hello , I had the same pb : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sylvain/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/home/sylvain/web2py/applications/admin/views/default/ design.html", line 290, in IndexError: list index out of range

[web2py] Re: Unable to edit language files

2010-11-16 Thread JmiXIII
Salut ! :) What about having a look there :) https://groups.google.com/group/web2py-users-france?hl=fr On 17 nov, 06:06, pierreth wrote: > On Nov 16, 6:23 pm, mdipierro wrote: > > > I am still trying to understand why this is a problem. > > > web2py loads the langauge in ram, and uses. It finds

[web2py] Jqgrid via plugin_wiki and reference

2010-11-23 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I'm happy with the plugin_wiki jqgrid widget. Yet consider(genrated from wizard): db.define_table('t_piece', Field('id','id', represent=lambda id:SPAN(id,' ',A('view',_href=URL('piece_read',args=id, Field('f_code', type='string', unique=True, label=T('Code')

[web2py] Not really a web2py issue, but need help

2010-11-28 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I'm facing I guess a well known programming problem. It is not really related to web2by, but since I'm using web2py I hope somebody here can help. Here is my controller : def global_view(): parents = db(~(db.t_article.id==db.t_list.f_article)).select() tree={} for parent in p

[web2py] Re: Not really a web2py issue, but need help

2010-11-29 Thread JmiXIII
>         else: rows[row.f_parent].append(row) >     def tree(row): >         return DIV(H1(row.title),UL(*[LI(tree(child)) for child in > row.children]))) >     return tree(root) > > On Nov 28, 5:00 pm, JmiXIII wrote: > > > Hello, > > > I'm facing

[web2py] Re: Not really a web2py issue, but need help

2010-11-29 Thread JmiXIII
x27;append' T tried to modify : else: rows[row.f_parent].append(row) with else: rows[row.children].append(row) as it seems we're trying to build a list of children. Yet i get another error : TypeError: list objects are unhashable Can anybody help me ? On 29 nov, 12:27

[web2py] Re: Not really a web2py issue, but need help

2010-11-29 Thread JmiXIII
    for id,row in rows.items(): >         if row.f_parent==1: root=row >         else: rows[row.f_parent].children.append(row) >     def tree(row): >         return DIV(H1(row.title),UL(*[LI(tree(child)) for child in > row.children])) >     return tree(root) > > On Nov 29, 11:06 a

Re: [web2py] grid

2010-12-13 Thread JmiXIII
Hello Bruno! Seems very fantastic ! I like the in-line editing so much ! I was trying to include most of your features in my own view. Not enough skills to make in-line editing... To my ming your plugin seems much more functionnal to the jquery widget provided with plugin_wiki Looking forward to

[web2py] Re: Creating database tables tutorial?

2010-12-15 Thread JmiXIII
I suggest you to have a look there : http://web2py.com/examples/default/examples => go to example 29 Your first try is a bit 'curious' and I don"t think it this what you want to do. Another easy way to experiment web2py is using the wizard: _ Launch the wizard _ Create tables (read the comments) _

[web2py] Re: grid

2010-12-15 Thread JmiXIII
I'm just discovering it ... Just a remark : here => http://powertable.blouweb.com/products , shouldn't category field render a represent (category.name) instead of category.id ? Not enough time to test a local instance but seems promising... On 15 déc, 23:52, Bruno Rocha wrote: > Live demo and do

[web2py] Re: Web2py Application Exhibition ( Version 2.0 )

2010-12-15 Thread JmiXIII
Hello , I've tried to install your tlc2 on 1.89.5, here is the error I get : url : Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/sylvain/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/home/sylvain/web2py/appl

[web2py] Re: Great summary of web2py

2010-12-23 Thread JmiXIII
Just to give a pleased newbie feed-back : _I'm newbie to web2py (well a couple of month) _I've never studied informatics nor did I have an informatic job BUT I needed something to handle database easely + human interface + network for my job I tried a crack access => beurk => begin to learn pytho

[web2py] SQLFORM.grid and query

2011-12-16 Thread JmiXIII
pass form=SQLFORM.grid(query=query,user_signature=False,searchable=True,paginate=True) And the return dict (form=form) The query works well and the grid also when I fill Selection and validate. Yet when I paginate, sort or query inside teh grid I lost every my grid data (empty grid). Does somebody knows what's wrong with my controller ? Thanks a lot to web2py fantastic community JmiXIII

Re: [web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid and query

2011-12-16 Thread JmiXIII
I agree with Jim S. The grid is completely blank because it has lost the data. Just discover it; I think a nice way would be to use smartgrid: form=SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.Rebuts, details=False, csv=False, search_widget=selection,

Re: [web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid and query

2011-12-16 Thread JmiXIII
Thank you for your support. I'm working on my side to adapt my controller, but I'm not so good to provide a general solution. JmiXIII

[web2py] Re: table, grid, smartgrid, getting better

2011-09-26 Thread JmiXIII
+1 so do I

[web2py] Re: table, grid, smartgrid, getting better

2011-09-26 Thread JmiXIII
+1 Powertable intant search for each column is really powerfull

[web2py] Windows7 python2.7 SQLite web2py

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I'm facing a pb with windows 7/SQLite (current)/python2.7 I'm working on local and just lunch web2py.py with python2.7 nearly 50% of my request have the folloowing issue : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\user11\Desktop\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 194, in restrict

[web2py] Re: Windows7 python2.7 SQLite web2py

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
Yep I have my own python installation and are running from source Not I do not have pywin32 installed But I do not remember to have it installed on my previous computer. Anyway I'll try it thanks

[web2py] Re: Windows7 python2.7 SQLite web2py

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I have installed pywin32 ofr python27 Seems to work a little better but if I stress my computer on a web page (form for example), I still have the pb. JmiXIII

[web2py] Re: Windows7 python2.7 SQLite web2py

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I confirm that pywin32 doesn't help in this issue. I've searched on the web but did not find any peaple facing this pb with sqlite and windows7. Yet I nearly bet that if i use win xp evferything is all right and i cannot figure nobody has already faced this pb ... sic JmiXIII

[web2py] Re: Windows7 python2.7 SQLite web2py

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
May I send someone my app to check on a windows7 + python2.7 + sqlite to check if this is an os/computer pb or linked to my app/database ? What i cannot understand is why after 2 or more attemps it suddenly works it really seems a randomly pb

Re: [web2py] Re: Confused about hidden fields

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, For hidden field I usually used

[web2py] Re: Windows7 python2.7 SQLite web2py

2011-11-02 Thread JmiXIII
Ok willoughby => seems you are right =>good to see it working good again Thanks to the whole web2py community

[web2py] sqlform.grid

2011-11-08 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I have something like: selection=FORM(TABLE(TR( TD('Début',INPUT(_name='Deb'),_class="date", requires = IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit être de la forme -MM-JJ !'))), TD('Fin',INPUT(_name='Fin',_class="date", requires = IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit

[web2py] Re: sqlform.grid

2011-11-08 Thread JmiXIII
Sorry I open a new discussion

[web2py] SQLFORM.grid and query

2011-11-08 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I have something like: selection=FORM(TABLE(TR( TD('Début',INPUT(_name='Deb'), _class="date", requires = IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit être de la forme -MM-JJ !'))), TD('Fin',INPUT(_name='Fin',_class="date", requires = IS_DATE(error_message=T('Doit

Re: [web2py] Re: new web site

2011-11-08 Thread JmiXIII
Looks great, Nevertheless http://web2py.com/new_examples/default/what After The best way => too much to read and to compact, a more visual,structured presentation would be easier to read

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid and query

2011-11-17 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, Sorry for the delay. The accepts is just here to process the Selection form check of field (date,...). Might it be because I hace 2 forms in my page (FORM and SQLFORM) ? for the sum it has been transformed to : if selection.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True): pass for

[web2py] Date intervals split

2011-02-21 Thread JmiXIII
I need to split a date range into shorter intervalle : Selection=FORM(TABLE(TR( (TD("De l'article",SELECT(_name='DebArt', *[OPTION(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle, _value=str(ListeArticle[i].CodeArticle)) for i in range(len(ListeArticle))]))), TD("A l'article",SELECT(_name='FinArt',*[OPTI

[web2py] Re: Date intervals split

2011-02-21 Thread JmiXIII
simpler : Does somebody know how I could transform a field passed via FORM in a datetime dal compliant field ? Thanks a lot ... On 21 fév, 21:56, JmiXIII wrote: > I need to split a date range into shorter intervalle : > >     Selection=FORM(TABLE(TR( >     (TD("De l'

[web2py] Re: Date intervals split

2011-02-21 Thread JmiXIII
Ooops sorry I did not see the answers On 22 fév, 00:29, JmiXIII wrote: > simpler : > > Does somebody know how I could transform a field passed via FORM in a > datetime dal compliant field ? > Thanks a lot ... > > On 21 fév, 21:56, JmiXIII wrote: > > > I need to s

[web2py] Re: Date intervals split

2011-02-21 Thread JmiXIII
2010-12-31 Interval : 6 month #(= -06-00 ?) Then I will make a kind of loop : Debut(1) : 2010-01-01 Fin(1) :2010-06-01 Debut(2) :2010-06-02 Fin(2) :2010-12-31 something like: while debut(x) wrote: > Ooops sorry I did not see the answers > > On 22 fév, 00:29, JmiXIII wrote: > &g

[web2py] Re: Date intervals split

2011-02-22 Thread JmiXIII
Understood, and I suppose i have to pass a date type through my form (not an SQLFORM) according to html5 (_type="date") so that form.vars guess it is a date type. On 22 fév, 01:41, Brian M wrote: > You may want to look at the python-dateutil module > fromhttp://niemeyer.net/python-dateutilit mak

[web2py] Re: Date intervals split

2011-02-22 Thread JmiXIII
Ok works fine thanks to your help ! On 22 fév, 15:27, Brian M wrote: > I don't think that web2py will recognize the HTML5 _type="date" yet though > you could certainly leave it there for your users with an HTML5 compliant > browser. Web2py knows which from.vars should be a python date object beca

[web2py] Re: should this be in the scaffolding app?

2011-03-01 Thread JmiXIII
+1 -- On 28 fév, 21:45, "Lucas D'Avila" wrote: > +1 > > -- > > Lucas D'Avilahttp://flavors.me/lucasdavila > > Sent from my phone > Em 28/02/2011 17:26, "Anthony" escreveu: > > > +1 > >

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM factory field name problem

2011-03-01 Thread JmiXIII
I'm facing the pb I suppose : Here is my models : db.define_table("Poste", Field("Poste", "string", notnull=False, default=None)) db.define_table("Article", Field("CodeArticle","string", notnull=True, default=None), Field("Designation","string", notnull=True, default=None)) db.def

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM factory field name problem

2011-03-01 Thread JmiXIII
Does not work on 1.92.1 but works with trunk. Thanks On 1 mar, 15:56, Massimo Di Pierro wrote: > I am using trunk and I cannot reproduce this problem. > > On Feb 28, 4:11 pm, rāma wrote: > > > SQLFORM factory field name with underscore doesn't submit properly in > > the below case: > > > SQLFORM

[web2py] Re: What's the best way to backup/restore a web2py app

2011-03-14 Thread JmiXIII
I would use the pack tool in appadmin, it works well and pack the database and the app in a single file. By the way the database is included in the app so if you compress the whole database you will have the database included in the compressed file. On 13 mar, 23:57, VP wrote: > What I have done

[web2py] Re: What's the best way to backup/restore a web2py app

2011-03-14 Thread JmiXIII
/database, but if you use Postgres, > MySQL, etc., they keep their own copy of the database somewhere else. > Or does web2py instruct Postgres to store the particular database in > its own app directory?   It would be nice that way. > > On Mar 14, 9:20 am, JmiXIII wrote: > >

[web2py] tabular form

2011-03-15 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I need to key around 30 value for a single field at regular times. Using a loop form in a view doesn't fit this purpose as I will have to submit every form. I'd prefer a kind a tabular and a single submit button that would save the 30 values in the database. Can somebody give me a clue on

[web2py] Re: tabular form

2011-03-16 Thread JmiXIII
pend(nn) >   form=SQLFORM.factory(*ff) >   if form.accepts(request.vars, session, dbio=False): >     for v in form.vars.values(): >       if v: # db insert goes here >         db.person.insert(name=v) >   elif form.errors: >      response.flash='oops' >   return dict(form

[web2py] Re: LAMP like frameworks are dying. Time for the javascript age

2011-04-12 Thread JmiXIII
"Expect the growth of more full-blown desktop-like apps hosted in the browser (like the Ext JS desktop demo). Expect people to begin to hate refreshing the page. " => +1 I really agree with this and I wish so much webbrowser could use python as javascript On 12 avr, 00:46, cjrh wrote: > O

Re : Re: [web2py] Re: Web2py Powertables plugin : in-line editing problem.

2011-07-22 Thread JmiXIII
Hello , PowerGrid seems pretty nice and usefull, yet powertable fits better my needs. I've used the details to render other view containing forms and it's Ok for me. Yet is Powergrid intended to replace PowerTable or will you work on both project? That's just to know which plugin to choose for

[web2py] Re : Edit record vs View record

2011-07-27 Thread JmiXIII
You should maybe use CRUD : http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07?search=crud#CRUD crud.read(db.tablename, id) returns a readonly form for tablename and record id.

[web2py] web2py.com/poweredby / Quality Systems

2011-07-29 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, I was just having a look at web2py.com/poweredby and in particular Quality Systems Tool: http://www.qualitysystems.com It seems to me this tool is made with Plone instead of web2py did I miss something ?

[web2py] Re : Re: web2py.com/poweredby / Quality Systems

2011-07-29 Thread JmiXIII
In fact I'm speaking about this http://www.qualitysystems.com/qs/toolbox/index.html, the tool they promote, not directly the frontend of the site (I agree with the code source) You can see that the tool they sell looks really really really like the CMS Plone2.xxx. I'm pretty sure that if someone

[web2py] Re : Re: web2py.com/poweredby / Quality Systems

2011-07-29 Thread JmiXIII
Here are some links that show plone2.5 in action http://plone.org/documentation/manual/plone-2.5-user-manual/introduction/visual-design-of-plone-web-sites http://plone.org/documentation/manual/plone-2.5-user-manual/managing-content/editing-content http://plone.org/documentation/manual/plone-2.5-us

Re : Re: [web2py] Re: fluxflex

2011-08-24 Thread JmiXIII
Hello Seems fantastic, yet I cannot access the admin page 1- create a project "projecttest" 2- Setup => github import 3- Url : https://github.com/nus/web2py-for-fluxflex.git 4- Branche : get_new_stable 5- Run intialize script and import ... import starded project avaliable Web2py welco

Re : Re: [web2py] Re: table, grid, smartgrid, getting better

2011-08-24 Thread JmiXIII
Nice Look, I would appreciate sortable function and why not column specific search as you have in PowerTable but I think it might be a bit heavy for minimalist app.

Re : Re: Re : Re: [web2py] Re: fluxflex

2011-08-24 Thread JmiXIII
Good thanks a lot. I thought I've tried it but my browser confused me with (I must have made a mistake) Anyway thanks to you and to this community.

[web2py] Re : Re: fluxflex

2011-08-24 Thread JmiXIII
Hello, Does'nt it work with the upgrade button of the admin page ?

Re : Re: [web2py] web2py on fluxflex (free hosting) VIDEO/HOWTO

2011-08-24 Thread JmiXIII
great thanks

Re : Re: [web2py] Re: fluxflex

2011-08-25 Thread JmiXIII
As far as I understand : get_new_stable is a git branch of the git web2py-for-fluxflex which allow to import the last stable vesrion of web2py. Yet if you do so you will lost your previously installed app. I think you should prefer the builtin upgrade button of the admin web2py, but I haven't tr