[web2py] Re: Web2Py compute fields not working on update

2012-08-09 Thread Deidre
If you look at issue 822 you will see an example of a thumb that works on update. As the comments say, you have to not set writeable to false for the thumb. If you do set writeable to false then compute only works on add not edit or update. So my experience is that compute for images to create a

[web2py] Re: Routing help

2012-05-18 Thread Deidre
" but /myapp/somefunction does not map to /myapp/default/somefunction because somefunction is interpreted as a controller in that URL (instead, it maps to /myapp/somefunction/index, and you get an error because such a controller doesn't exist). " so what does one do if one wants myapp/somestu

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-20 Thread Deidre
Can I just say thank you to Gour for his suggestion of setting up a virtual machine and then the same linux as on my VPS. This approach had not occurred to me, but is such a good solution to allowing me to experiment. Peter On Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:06:12 AM UTC+1, Lewis wrote: > > Guys, I

[web2py] Response.stream problem with zip files

2011-09-15 Thread Deidre
I am using response.stream to download zip files, chunk size 4096. The files appear to download fine but refuse to unzip. The response.header content type is set for zip files. Is there a bug? Peter