Hello I have been trying to set up web2py on debian etch using
mod_wsgi with no luck
Has anyone got this working if so can they write a tutorial. As I
understand I need to compile Python25 or Python26 and mod wsgi from
I am doing a fresh install and hope to get this going as my last
Hello thank you for replying to my message
I have not seen that, but it looks like exactly what I need
thank you
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:47 AM, mr.freeze wrote:
> Have you seen this?:
> http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/29
> On May 10, 1
Hello I am using web2py on my server and would like to set up a new
domain to add to it
right now it sits at http://serv.cyber-samurai.de
I am running apache + wsgi I have my additional domain pointed to the
server but I am unsure how to configure web2py how to use it.
Do I create a new applicat
Hello I have a problem. I have code written for web2py that has two
functions, the problem is in the looping of the second function. it
only executes the loop once. Is there anyway I can continue looping
def check():
for target_keyword in session.keywords.split(','):
gs = GoogleSearch(
ty this is exactly what I need ty very much
hello I have a form I would like to use multiple check boxes to select
data to use. I am not using any sql
an example of how I am generating the check boxes
TR(INPUT(_type="checkbox", name="browser"), "Browser"),
TR(INPUT(_type="checkbox", name="pageDepth"), "Page Depth"),
this is not t
Hello I have been doing research and still trying to figure how to check if
a check box is checked
This is what I have but it doesn't work.. I think the values are not passed
myDimensions = []
if session.browser and session.browser == "on":
Hi I just started using web2py
But I am hoping to integrate it in to my company. I own a web dev company
currently we are using PHP but I hope to fully integrate web2py on our two
dedicated, two vservers and our web sites
I must say I love this Framework :-P
Ok I figured it out for reference I will post here
to check if a checkbox has been checked do this
if session.the_checkbox_name == "on":
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I have been doing research and still trying
I am trying to make another table that uses those values from the
add_product table
ty for the fast reply :-)
here is my sql layout
Sorry that title is the error I would see when trying to access the default
value of first_name
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 9:26 PM, ukolo wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to access this and other fields
> db.define_table(
>Field('first_name', length=128, defa
I have a custom auth table
I set a variable to something like this: custom_auth_table =
db[auth.settings.table_user_name] # get the custom_auth_table
I then define a product table
Field('user',custom_auth_table, readable=False,
is it possible to have web2py use a FileMaker database? Can I use the
PyFilemaker module if no, I don't see why not but any suggestions before
hand would be great
ty :-)
Hello I am trying to create some pagination for my site I am building.
However this pagination is a bit messed up, (I forget exactly where I found
it) when I click next it doesn't display anything else in the database.
Also a few other things are rather odd about it.
Does anyone have some good so
7;next', _href=URL(r=request,args=[page+1])) if len(rows) else
return dict(rows=rows,backward=backward,forward=forward)
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 3:19 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> Try this:
> http://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/63
> On Oct
(rows) else
in the example they weren't anyway ty
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Ok that pagination works better.
> But for some reason the last entry in the db is always cut any ideas?
> probably something I am doing but would appreciat
Hello all
I am facing a challenge in my code for some reason the logic to generate a
group of div tags in a 3 by 3 column is eluding me
here is my code I am missing something can anyone help
if you can help by showing me a way to avoid using tables that would be
great if not and end up using tab
hey ty that gives me a good start
I am trying to use two database values returned in my function
If I use two loops (one inside another) it repeats itself for a single item
for how many items are in the database, I think its cause of the two loops
So I am trying to combine the loops into one
{{for (stuff, products) in (userstuff
hey ty worked great
Hello I am having problems integrating my query in to my paginate code using
query = db(db.product.id > 0).select(db.product.ALL,
orderby = db.product.product_name
pcache = (cache.ram, 15)
paginate = Pagination(db, query, orderby,
What can I do to help?
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 10:19 AM, mdipierro wrote:
> Please help me update
> http://www.appliedstacks.com/NewestFirst/web2py
> Massimo
How can I make these two queries into one cause when I use them in my view
(htmll) it doesn't work as expected
product=db(db.product.id == this_page).select(db.product.ALL)
userstuff=db(db.user_extended.userinfo ==
this is what I am doing
AM, mdipierro wrote:
> I think you want this:
> product= db.product(this_page)
> userstuff=db(db.user_extended.userinfo==product.userinfo).select()
> But I am not sure. Can you explain us more?
> On Oct 13, 11:13 am, Andrew Evans wrote:
> > How can I make t
Hi yes the zip was used as a way to loop through both sets of data as was
recommended to me
this is the db structure for product
Field('product_name',length=32,comment='Name of your product'),
Field('userinfo', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id, readable=False,
Hi ty for replying to my problem but I am a bit confused. I tried doing the
query you suggested and tried doing it another way
it seems my loop is never executed cause what appears there is a blank page.
Not sure what I am doing wrong
Those are the two I tried
def indv_product():
put a {{pass}} line at the point where the {{for row in
> user_products:}} iteration loop should end? Indentation follows HTML
> not Python rules in the {{}} code segments so pass is used to signal
> the end of a block in this case "for".
> http://web2py.com/book/default/c
s blank it is a controller problem.
> >
> > > Did you put a {{pass}} line at the point where the {{for row in
> > > user_products:}} iteration loop should end? Indentation follows HTML
> > > not Python rules in the {{}} code segments so pass is used to signal
> > >
having problems using the cache feature in my code and can't figure out how
to import it
File "applications/Working/modules/logging.py", line 20, in
NameError: name 'cache' is not defined
this is in a Module file I created any ideas how to import it?
Hi ty for all your help ron and sorry I couldn't explain myself better
Ron if you could attach that file that would be great just so I can see what
your getting at.. maybe I am to tired to understand it right now haha anyway
if you get a chance attach the file
and ty for your
I was following some information trying to figure out this logging system
please explain how to do it with this code
import logging
from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler
def _init_log():
logger = logging.getLogger(request.application)
handler = Sys
is there already a logging system in place I can use form the looks of it
there is...
Forgive my noobishness
Hello! I am working on a project that requires a Digital Download where the
download is provided after the payment has been sent to paypal.
The documentation on Paypal in web2py is very confusing and I don't know if
its for the purpose of what I need. I am generating a paypal/button for
express ch
How can I implement my own html template for the authentication/login to use
throughout my site. I thought about redirecting it but that doesn't make
sense... any ideas
hey ty very much :-)
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 6:23 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> errata
> views/default/user.html
> On Nov 3, 6:51 pm, Andrew Evans wrote:
> > How can I implement my own html template for the authentication/login to
> use
> > throughout my site. I th
I was wondering if anyone could recommend a method for creating an image
from a web site using web2py.
For example say someone enters a url in a form the script executes and grabs
an image/screen shot of the web site entered in the form.
Any ideas
Hello I am trying to create some pagination on my comments page everything
seems to be working, however when I click the next link it goes to a page
that all it says is None
Anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it
There are entries in the db.
Thanks in Advance
below is my code
I think it may have to do with response value. Any ideas?
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I am trying to create some pagination on my comments page everything
> seems to be working, however when I click the next link it goes to a page
> that all it say
ov 10, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Its losing the args when it creates a new URL. It will require a patch on
> set_links so you can pass custom args and vars to URL.
> --
> Thadeus
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
hey thanks for the tips
I have it working now
ay I attached the paginate.py *cheers
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:
> Mind sending me a patch?
> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
>> hey thanks for the tips
>> I have it working now
>> *cheers
>> Andrew
Description: Binary data
Hello I just set up Janrain using the following
from gluon.contrib.login_methods.rpx_account import RPXAccount
auth.settings.login_form = RPXAccount(request,
url = "h
Ok I have gotten a bit further. I think form what I can tell I still need to
define my auth table
now I am getting an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/www-data/web2py/ap
Ok I have gone full circle now
How can I get values from janrain into my code? This does not work!
Field('userinfo', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id, readable=False,
I need to change the db.auth_user value but to what? I have r
Hello ty for the reply I created the auth_user table
but now I get this error when I try to access my login area
any ideas
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/www-data/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
File "/home/www-data/
Hello I solved my error by adding auth.define_tables() to the mix
Janrain loads as expected except when I try to login. Any idea how to solve
this issue, I get the following error
Invalid argument: token_url domain not in whitelist
Figured I would start a different post for this :-)
Don't know if there is a problem in my Janrain account or if it exists in
but I get the following error
token_url domain not in whitelist
my domains are set in janrain to www.em-ecommerce.com and www.suck-o.de
and my code is like this
hello ty for your help
I had mistyped the url in my code. But now I am faced with a new problem
when I log in it seems to work but then returns an "invalid request"
Any ideas whats up
would this have to with routes?
Hello just wondering if there is anyone out there willing to help out with
Paypal integration in a new system I am building. Its a subscription based
service that allows (should allow) users to sell digital goods by paypal.
The subscription part will also be handled by paypal :D
If some one is wi
Hey ty Bruno
my project isn't quite ready to use paypal yet anyway, getting closer
though.. let me know your success
Branko do you mean is it usable on my site for setting up I see no
reason why not :D
Thanks for the replies
but we started to receive international donations, so I am
> > working on PayPal integrations right now.
> >
> > If I got success on integration, I'll contact you latter.
> >
> > 2010/11/25 Andrew Evans
> >
> > > Hello just wondering if there is an
s receiving donations by PagSeguro (the bigger pay
> gateway
> > > of Brazil), but we started to receive international donations, so I am
> > > working on PayPal integrations right now.
> >
> > > If I got success on integration, I'll contact you latter.
I am interested in your code :D
Let me know when you are able to pull it out :D
How can I add a youtube video in web2py... Say a user in my blog submits a
form containing youtube video code how can I embed that code in the post?
hey great ty very much this should work really well :D
I am trying to display some XML that has been screen scraped I want to
display it as HTML in my code but for some reason its not working. It
appears in the HTML source code but not being displayed any ideas
def guildRoster():
url = 'http://www.wowarmory.com/guild-
it does contain something that's the thing it displays the XML in my HTML
when I check the page source code just not displaying on the page *shrugs
thats the page
Any ideas *cheers :D
hello I am trying to do a few things apply a css class and some javascript
code to a form generated by DAL ( I believe DAL is the right terminology)
Basically I want to apply a CSS class to a form generated by web2pys SQLFORM
Any ideas
hmm ty that applied the class to the form I guess thats what I wrote But
I mean applying it to an element of the form like an input text tag
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 6:49 PM, mr.freeze wrote:
> Like this?:
> form = SQLFORM(db.thing, _class='myclass')
> On Dec
^ you can use jQuery notation to select elements
> (serverside)
> On Dec 5, 9:02 pm, Andrew Evans wrote:
> > hmm ty that applied the class to the form I guess thats what I wrote
> But
> > I mean applying it to an element of the form like an input text tag
> &g
Hello I am wondering if there is a way to limit the File type and upload
size in web2py
I have my db field named images and I want to specify just gif, jpg, png for
example :D
As well as a File Size any ideas
PS Sorry if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find any info
Nvm I found what I needed :-)
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I am wondering if there is a way to limit the File type and upload
> size in web2py
> I have my db field named images and I want to specify just gif, jpg, png
> for example :D
> A
Hello I am wondering if there is a way to limit the posts on my blog main
page to say 500 Characters and have a continue reading link from there on
each post.
This is my query it uses pagination :D
*def index():
#Collect all posts in the db and use pagination
query = db.posts.id > 0
Hi Bruno ty for the reply.
I am just trying to figure out that code but for some reason it isn't
displaying the post_body when I view the page
Any ideas in how to fix this?
def index():
posts = db(db.posts.id > 0).select(orderby=~db.posts.id, limitby=(0,
for post in posts:
Never mind found it I guess my nicedit wasn't adding tags but
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hi Bruno ty for the reply.
> I am just trying to figure out that code but for some reason it isn't
> displaying the post_body when I view the page
How can I pass the width and height values as arguments from my image to my
download controller cause I want to resize images based on those values on
the fly and can't figure that part out
Hi I don't think that's what I need.. perhaps it is
I have my download controller for example it takes in arguments for width
and height.
def download():
if len(request.args) == 1:
return response.download(request, db)
myImage = request.args[0]
myImage = os.p
I think I got it need to pass the args as a tuple
thanks for the help :-)
I have been looking into how to resize images on the fly. For some reason my
code isn't working
my controller consists of the following code
def myImage():
if len(request.args) == 1:
return response.download(request, db)
im = request.args(0)
im = os.path.join
How can I add Recaptcha to an email form?
I am defining my mail settings here
def email_user(sender,message,subject="Web Request from [NamiYama]"):
from gluon.tools import Mail
mail.settings.login=None or 'user:pass'
How can I add recaptcha to an email form using Mail()? I am using a modified
version of the Email form appliance
any ideas
hello I have just updated my web2py to the latest version. I have not
changed any code in my website referencing my form
def contact():
use_recaptcha = True
recaptcha_public = "6LeER8ASAI_koQRPAr3YBuk9v76YOOrEANx-"
recaptcha_private = "6LeER8ASAGc0VonegXpSzo1R1-THzKqyerfb"
nvm I just found the fix to my issue *cheers
self.options = options
to the init function right after line 614 in gluon/tools.py
anyway *cheers
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> hello I have just updated my web2py to the latest version. I have not
> c
How can I query the database so it pulls the most viewed pages for the
current day. I have a counter that calculates views on each page in total,
I am just not sure how to implement it based on a time frame :-)
*cheers and ty
Maybe this is pretty simple, I was wondering how I can get the most popular
pages for the current day I have a counter set that checks how many times a
page gets viewed
here is a query for the most viewed: *popular_original =
db(db.episodes.id>0).select(orderby=~db.episodes.views, limitby=(0,5
I am trying to work in Web2py's union method and am wondering a few things
if I have a query
*db( (db.sample.id>0) and (db.example.id>0) and (db.random.id>0)).select()*
I would like to know how to orderby the latest ids
as well when I am displaying a page link *
Hello I am trying to figure out a problem I am having in a mobile site I am
Given that I can find my location on a Google Map using jquery I want to
pass those (lat and long) values as well as how much range to search to my
query I am confused how to pass the values and do the query
I was able to figure out the jquery side of things and found a query that
suggests a way to do this. How can I do this below query in DAL using
SQLite ;-)
SELECT id, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(37) ) * cos( radians( lat ) ) *
cos( radians( lng ) - radians(-122) ) + sin( radians(37) ) * s
nvm just found acos cos and such are not available in Dal or sqlite and I
will need to use mysql
ty :D
On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:43 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> I was able to figure out the jquery side of things and found a query that
> suggests a way to do this. How can I do this
How can I escape the data submitted by my form to prevent SQL Injection. I
read using request.post_vars does not escape the data, I am using a form
built in HTML and submitting the data passing request.post_vars as
variables to my SQL Query.
Any ideas
I am trying to figure out why executesql is not returning any results in
this query. I am using mysql, any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. There are no errors just an empty view
Code Below
def location():
current_lat = request.post_vars["lat"]
Nvm I got it to work my latitude and longitude were in the wrong entries :D
On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:12 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> I am trying to figure out why executesql is not returning any results in
> this query. I am using mysql, any suggestions would be greatly
> appreciated.
in polygon, polygon
> contains point etc.
> On Sunday, August 26, 2012 8:54:40 PM UTC-7, Andrew Evans wrote:
>> nvm just found acos cos and such are not available in Dal or sqlite and I
>> will need to use mysql
>> *cheers
>> ty :D
ust 27, 2012 4:32:09 PM UTC-4, Andrew Evans wrote:
>> How can I escape the data submitted by my form to prevent SQL Injection.
>> I read using request.post_vars does not escape the data, I am using a form
>> built in HTML and submitting the data passing request.post_vars a
I have a flash file that requires that the files associated with it be in
the same directory as views/default/index.html
I did a bit of research and read that I can have the view look like it is
in static or the static files look like they are in the views by using
routes.py although I am
, Sep 3, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Anthony wrote:
> On Monday, September 3, 2012 12:08:20 PM UTC-4, Andrew Evans wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have a flash file that requires that the files associated with it be in
>> the same directory as views/default/index.html
I think because there are some hard coded values in the flash file but
since I can't change the file (cause of my version of flash)
its causing a problem
But I don't know what the hard coded values could be. The only values in
the flash file were references to the xml and images folder
Would app
Flash player"
here is a link to the online site so you can see
I can attach the flash src file if you like *cheers
and ty once again for the help
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Anthony wrote:
> Ca
.25.242.165/turtlebaychemists/default/piecemakerXML.xml and not
> finding it. How is the URL to that file configured?
> Anthony
> On Monday, September 3, 2012 3:11:45 PM UTC-4, Andrew Evans wrote:
>> Thank you for your help Anthony
>> the
run it all that appears is a blank screen and a
bunch of errors in the output window :-P
Any ideas?
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> its linked in the flash file I believe from what I saw it is looking in
> the same directory as the Flash Document
> I wil
Thanks for your help I solved my problem by modifying the tutorial given
Thanks for the help
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> ya its lin
Hello I am running into issues updating records in my MySQL database after
adding multiple=True like so
Field('region', db.region, label='Region *',
requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.region.id,'%(title)s', multiple=True)),
Any ideas how to fix this I am using web2py 1.99.7
and ty ;-)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list'
Error snapshot [image: help]
(int() argument must be a string or a number,
not 'list')
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I am running into issues updating records in my M
Will do I saw it was fixed in Trunk
Does Trunk mean the not released version?
t; wrote:
> You should always consider the nightly built. It usually contains most of
> the fixes as trunk but is a snapshot that we think relatively stable.
> On Monday, 17 September 2012 22:13:48 UTC-5, Andrew Evans wrote:
>> Will do I saw it was fixed in Trunk
>> Does Trunk mean the not released version?
>> *cheers
>> Andrew
> --
yea I just tried trunk and does not work for me either...
Maybe I am writing my code wrong?
Any ideas?
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> I upgraded to the nightly build and it still doesn't fix my issue :-(
> Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-18 20:11:26) stable
Also the Python Version I am using is 2.6.6
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> yea I just tried trunk and does not work for me either...
> Maybe I am writing my code wrong?
> Any ideas?
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Andrew E
Also updating web2py to Nightly seems to have caused a serious load on SSL
caused 100% CPU load and raised up to 40% RAM usage until I reverted back
to 1.99.7
and 1.99.7 didn't cause any load.
My Report
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Also th
Hello I have a field in my table defined like so
Field('region', 'list:reference region'),
The data entered is multiple regions in the form, Gibsons, Sechelt
I am wondering since it is not an id how I can pass the name of the town as
an argument, so it only selects entries from that town
this i
and ty
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 7:53 AM, Andrew Evans wrote:
> Hello I have a field in my table defined like so
> Field('region', 'list:reference region'),
> The data entered is multiple regions in the form, Gibsons, Sechelt
> I am wond
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